CH 16 1st Hour

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CH 16

1st hour
1. Ming
❖ Lasted from 1368 to 1644
❖ Started because they overthrew the Mongol dynasty
❖ Ming Hong Wu was the founder (he only ruled from 1368 until 1398)
❖ Under Ming emperors, China expanded its rule into Mongolia and Central Asia and briefly
conquered Vietnam.
❖ Yong Le (Ming Hong Wu’s son) became emperor after his father died
❖ The MIng dynasty truly began a new era of greatness in Chinese history.
❖ Ming rulers also renovated the Grand Canal, making it possible to ship grain and other goods from
southern to northern China.
2 The Qing Dynasty
● Created by Manchus who conquered Beijing.
● Helped to restore peace and prosperity by correcting social and economic
● Brought Chinese in the the imperial administration which helped the problems
with the ethnicity in China.
● Kangxi helped to calm down the Northern and Western Frontiers by force.
● Qianlong helped expanded China to its greatest physical size.
3 Western Impacts on Asia
● Portuguese, Dutch, and European traders looking for spices brought along
● Over 300,000 converted to Christianity
● Europeans brought along inventions (clocks, scientific instruments,
eyeglasses, and european pottery)
● Europeans bought spices and traded with Japan.
4 Chinese Cultural Developments
● During the late Ming and the early Qing dynasties, traditional culture in China
reached new heights.
● Family members were expected to sacrifice their individual needs to benefit the
family as a whole.
○ The elderly were very respected
○ Women were inferior to men
● There was an increase in population of 1390-1700’s (80 million-300 million)
○ Peace and stability
○ Improvements in food supply
○ Less available land for families
○ Growth in manufacturing
● Growth of printing due to new innovations in paper manufacturing
● Art and architecture flourished
○ Imperial City built (Beijing)
○ Blue-and-white porcelain was popular
5 Tokugawa
Culture-- JAPAN
- Trade, Industry, and arts flourished under the Tokugawa, even while social
system became restrictive.
- New Social Hierarchy:
- Emperor > Shogun > Daimyo > Samurai/Warriors > Farmers > Artisans > Peasants
- The role of women was greatly restricted their parents held arranged
marriages for then and if their husband was not satisfied then they would be
- Banking thrived; paper money entered circulation
- Arts and Lit bloomed; Matsuo Basho was a great poet; Kabuki theater
arose (men played women roles)
6 Econ and Social changes in Japan
By 1750 Edo had a population of over a million.

● Banking flourished
● A japanese merchant class emerged
● Social changes marked the Tokugawa Era

Emperors and imperial court families were at the top of the political and social structure.

❖ Next came the warriors class; shogun, daimyo, Samurai, and ronin(warriors with no master.)
❖ Below warriors were farmers
❖ At the very bottom below all the classes were the Eta

The eta were the out cast, everything they did was enforced by Tokugawa such as there clothes,
hairstyle, homes...etc.
7 Daily Life in
The shortages on rural lands resulted in unrest and revolts from the people.
Despite the growth of trade and manufacturing China did not develop the
commercial capitaling that was merchaning Europe. The family was expected to
provide for its members’ needs, including the education of children, support of
unmarried daughters, and cave of the elderly.
8) Tokugawa Dynasty
- Influenced by confucianism
- Trade/Industry flourished, especially in Edo, Kyota, and Osaka.
- Peasants forced to become tenants for farming benefits.
- Many revolted. Almost 7,000 revolts against high taxes.
- Strict legal distinctions among classes; warriors, peasants, artisans, and merchants.
- Ronin: warriors who had no masters, traveled seeking jobs.
- Farmers produced rice, often poor. Artisans included craftspeople. Merchants distributed
essential goods and food.
- Eta; Japan’s outcasts.
- Paper money became a popular new medium.
- Women were restricted. Men were head of household. Women were valued for working in fields,
childbearing, and housemaking.
- Rise of popular literature, such as Five Women Who Loved.
- Matsuo Basho was greatest Japanese poet.
- Emphasized action, music, and dramatic gestures for entertainment.
Yi dynasty began in 1392, when Yi Songgye, a military strategist overthrew the
Koryo dynasty lasting five centuries, being the world's longest lasting monarchies.
They developed a unique alphabet that sounded much like the English. Japan and
China invaded Korea, even though the Japanese were defeated, Korean
farmlands were devastated, villages and towns were burned, and skilled workers
were either killed or kidnapped by the Japanese. Because of this, Korean rulers
kept isolated from the world and had limited contact with foreign countries. The
Manchus then attacked and Korea surrendered and the Yi dynasty became
subject to China.

Christina and Jared

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