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My Personal

Carla N. Rico Vera
Susie Huerta
Thrashed (v)

Context: I found this word while I was reading The Cellar, by Natasha Preston. “I thrashed
around, frantically trying to get out of his grip. Oh God he was going to kill me! The tears
poured from my eyes.” (8)

Guess: I think this word might mean “turn” or moving quickly.

Definition: Beat (a person or animal) repeatedly and violently with a stick or whip.

Why it matters: I chose this word because I didn’t know what it meant and I was very
curious to find out what the definition was and/ or what the word meant.
Family (n)

Context: The word “family” comes out a lot throughout the novel, The Cellar, by Natasha
Preston. I thought it’d be right for me to apply this to my dictionary because it has a really
strong meaning in this book.

Guess: Being related; a group of people sharing a close bond.

Definition: A group consisting of parents and children living together in a household.

Why it matters: This word in specific means a lot to one of the main characters, Clover, now
that he is mentally ill and kidnaps girls to then change their names to flower names and keep
them locked up in a cellar. To him, they are his family and is planning to stay with them
forever. A family is what he is looking for, which is why he decides to kidnap teenage girls
and keep them locked up. This is the point of the whole book.
Role (n)

Context: I found this word a couple times throughout the same book by Natasha Preston.
While the three girls are kidnapped, he goves them a certain role that they have to follow to
survive. “We have to make sure the house is clean and tidy at all times, and we have to
shower twice a day. He comes down to have breakfast with us at eight o’clock, we need to
be showered and have our hair and makeup done ready.” (26)

Guess: “A chore”

Definition: The function assumed or part played by a person or thing in a particular


Why it matters: Throughout the book, the girls are given certain roles that they must follow.
It is known that if these certain roles are not being followed, the will be killed by Clover, the
Determination (n)

Context: Clover does all of his dirty work with determination. In the second novel, You’ll
Always be Mine, by Natasha Preston, Clover gets arrested but is extremely determined to go
look for the ‘flowers’ he lost.

Guess: Need/ want to do something.

Definition: The process of establishing something exactly, typically by calculation or

research; firmness of purpose; resoluteness.

Why it matters: I feel like if clover didn't have the determination, he wouldn't go through all
the trouble he finds worth it and fool the cops in order to get what he wants.
Census (n)

Context: “Mass Deportations..” article by Robert Warren. “The median household income
was $41,000 about $12,700 lower than the national figure of $53,700 (U.S. census bureau

Guess: A count of people or estimate of population.

Definition: An official count or survey of a population, typically recording various details of


Why it's important: This helps understand data better!

Scheme (n)

Context: “Let America be America Again” article by Langston Hughes. “Where never kings
connive nor tyrants scheme.” (line 8)

Guess: Rise; come to power; victorious

Definition: a large-scale systematic plan or arrangement for attaining some particular object
or putting a particular idea into effect

Why it's important: I saw this word on the “Let America be America Again” handout and
was tempted to look up the definition for this particular word. I like to look up words I don't
understand in order to read smoothly.
Connive (v)

Context: “Let America be America Again” by Langston Hughes. “Where never kings connive
nor tyrants scheme.”

Guess: To make evil plans; plot something.

Definition: Secretly allow (something considered immoral, illegal, wrong, or harmful) to

occur; conspire to do something considered immoral, illegal, or harmful.

Why it matters: I don't like reading books or articles and come across words I don't know
the meaning of. Therefore, I Chose this word and figured out what the definition was.
Bureaucracy (n)

Context: “Mass Deportations..” article by Robert Warren. “The median household income
was $41,000 about $12,700 lower than the national figure of $53,700 (U.S. census bureau

Guess: Organization

Definition: A system of government in which most of the important decisions are made by
state officials rather than by elected representatives; a system of government in which most
of the important decisions are made by state officials rather than by elected representatives;
the officials in a bureaucracy, considered as a group or hierarchy.

Why it matters: This word helps me understand politics a little better as well as data.
Repercussions (n)

Context: Mass Deportations article by Robert Warren. “.. Policy makers and advocates
would be wise to consider the wide-reaching repercussions of enforcement for individuals
families and communities.” (Conclusions and recommendations section; last paragraph)

Guess: Standards

Definition: An unintended consequence occurring some time after an event or action,

especially an unwelcome one.

Why it matters: I chose this word because I didn’t know what it meant and I was very
curious to find out what the definition was and/ or what the word meant.
Namesake (n)

Context: “A letter to my Nephew” by James Baldwin. “Now, my dear namesake, these

innocent and well meaning people, your countrymen, have… years ago” (4th

Guess: A name that describes a name.

Definition: A person or thing that has the same name as another.

Why it matters: This word is important because there can comparisons between both
people with the same name; could be used to describe similarities and differences
between two individuals.
Genealogy (n)

Context: Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates. “And the process of naming
“the people” has never been a problem of genealogy and … hierarchy.”

Guess: Something that might have to do with genes or ancestry

Definition: a line of descent traced continuously from an ancestor.

Why it matters: This word matters to me because it shows what place in society you
were born in.
Redemptive (adj)
Context: Between the World and Me by Ta-
Nehisi Coates. “... not chapters in our
redemptive history.”

Guess: This word might be another word for

repetition maybe?

Definition: Acting to save someone from error

or evil

Why it matters: This word is important to me

because it ties in to the theme of the book. This
theme includes slavery and inequality rights.
Parlance (n)

Context: Tell me How it Ends: An essay in 40 Questions by Valeria Luiselli. “According

to the slightly offensive parlance of u.s. Immigration laws, for the… nonresident aliens.”

Guess: form of government or laws

Definition: a particular way of speaking or using words, especially a way common to

those with a particular job or interest.
Coercion (n)

Context: Tell me How it Ends: An essay in 40 Questions by Valeria Luiselli. “...

violence, persecution and coercion by gang, mental and…” (12)

Guess: Big groups coming together.

Definition: The practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or


Why it matters: This word is important because one of the many reasons of why most
people immigrate here, to the U.S., is because of violence and gangs in their
Embroider (v)

Context: Tell me How it Ends: An essay in 40 Questions by Valeria Luiselli. “... she
had decided to embroider it on their dresses and…” (57)

Guess: Something that has to do with sewing or clothing.

Definition: Add fictitious or exaggerated details to (an account) to make it more

interesting; decorate clothes by sewing patterns on it with thread.

Why it matters: This word just helps me expand my vocabulary since I did not know
what it meant.
Acquiesce (v)

Context: Tell me How it Ends: An essay in 40 Questions by Valeria Luiselli. “... gang
members after refusing to acquiesce to recruitment at school…” (61)

Guess: I’m not even sure I can guess. I don’t know what it means

Definition: Accept something reluctantly but without protest

Why it matters: This word just really stood out to me because I didn't even have a
clue as to what it might have meant. Good to know I learned a new word!
Context: Tell me How it Ends: An essay in 40 Questions by Valeria Luiselli. “...
violence, persecution and coercion by gang, mental and…” (12)

Guess: Big groups coming together.

Definition: The practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or


Why it matters: This word is important because one of the many reasons of why most
people immigrate here, to the U.S., is because of violence and gangs in their

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