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Outline of

Mid Semester Test

This document will be posted on Blackboard under
“Assessment > Assessment 2: Mid Semester Test”

Prepared by Wahseem
Prepared by Wahseem Soobratty 1
Mid Semester Test
 Saturday 14th April
 Commencing at 9:00 am
 Ensure to be at your venue latest by 08:30 am.
 Please ensure to refer to e-mail for venue allocation
 You must have your student ID with you to sit the test!
Mid Semester Test
 Mark out of 100 marks
 Scaled to worth 20% of final mark
 Mixture of theory, practical and calculation questions
 120 minutes duration + 10 minutes reading time
 Closed book (only non-programmable calculator allowed)
 Based on work covered in lectures and workshops in modules 1 to 4 inclusive
 For additional practice questions, please attempt the Management Accounting Practice Question
Pools on Wiley Plus (nearly 200 questions provided)
 All answers and workings are to be written in the answer booklet provided – including all workings
(ensure to show all workings)
 Formula sheet and discount table will be provided
Mid Semester Test
 All questions stated in the coming slides are your homework and
/ or tutorial questions.
 Homework solutions are provided on blackboard and
 Tutorial solutions have been provided in the tutorial and will
not be posted on blackboard or emailed to students.
 Ifyou don’t have the tutorial solutions, please attempt the
question and attend one of the consultation sessions and one of
the tutors will review your work.
Mid Semester Test
 Section A – 15 Marks
 15 Multiple Choice Questions
 Mixture of Theory and Practical questions
 Worth 1 mark each
 Covers materials learnt from Modules 1 to 4
Mid Semester Test
 Section B
 Question 1 – Module 1 – 31 Marks
 Practical / Calculation Question
 Worth 31 Marks
 Based on break-even, contribution margins, and CVP concepts
 Must do Questions: Chapter 2 Questions 10, and 14
*. Tutorial question was distributed in the tutorial and will not be emailed to students.
All questions stated are your homework and / or tutorial questions.

Homework solutions are provided on blackboard and

Tutorial solutions have been provided in the tutorial and will not be posted on blackboard or emailed to students.
Mid Semester Test
 Question 2 – Module 2 and 3 – 13 Marks
 Practical / Calculation Question
 Worth 13 Marks
 Based on special order concepts
 Must know opportunity cost concepts
 Must do Questions: Chapter 2 Questions 40 and 41.
*. Tutorial question was distributed in the tutorial and will not be emailed to students.
All questions stated are your homework and / or tutorial questions.

Homework solutions are provided on blackboard and

Tutorial solutions have been provided in the tutorial and will not be posted on blackboard or emailed to students.
Mid Semester Test
 Question 3 – Module 2 – 10 Marks
 Practical / Calculation
 Worth 10 Marks
 Based on Make or Buy Decisions
 Must know how to present answer in tabular format
 Must clearly identify which option to choose (to make or to outsource)
 Must include cost savings amount for the chosen option (over the rejected one)
 Must do Questions: Chapter 2 Question 35 and 36.
*. Tutorial question was distributed in the tutorial and will not be emailed to students.
All questions stated are your homework and / or tutorial questions.

Homework solutions are provided on blackboard and

Tutorial solutions have been provided in the tutorial and will not be posted on blackboard or emailed to students.
Mid Semester Test
 Question 4 – Module 3 – 13 Marks
 Practical / Calculation / Theory Question
 Worth 13 Marks
 Based on Capital Expenditure Decisions
 Must know Payback and NPV
 Must use the discount table provided
 Must do Questions: Chapter 3 Questions 13, 14, payback question in Homework Question pack provided on
blackboard and capital budgeting evaluations question (question completed in the tutorial).
*. Tutorial question was distributed in the tutorial and will not be emailed to students.
All questions stated are your homework and / or tutorial questions.

Homework solutions are provided on blackboard and

Tutorial solutions have been provided in the tutorial and will not be posted on blackboard or emailed to students.
Mid Semester Test
 Question 5 – Module 3 – 18 Marks
 Practical / Calculation Question
 Worth 18 Marks
 Based on cash budget concepts
 Ensure to prepare the cash budget in format taught in the lecture
 Must do Questions: lecture illustrative question, Chapter 4 Questions 17, 20, and 21.
*. Tutorial question was distributed in the tutorial and will not be emailed to students.
All questions stated are your homework and / or tutorial questions.

Homework solutions are provided on blackboard and

Tutorial solutions have been provided in the tutorial and will not be posted on blackboard or emailed to students.
Mid Semester Test

 Last note
 This is simply a revision lecture – we did not cover all concepts of all modules
taught. The purpose of this lecture is to refresh your memory (contents you have
learnt and understood but forgot about). If you are confused with any of the
content you should go back and review the ilecture.
 Additional consultation times will be made available the week of the Mid
Semester Test. An announcement will be posted on Blackboard providing further
details of this.
 For online students, please attend the collaborate sessions to be able to get
answers to any queries you may have.
Mid Semester Test

Good Luck !

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