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Music Scores

What is Music scores?

 It is basically a digital version of sheet of written music notes

that is made from a software, people no longer require to
write down every musical note by hand.
 It manly has a format type of MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital
 It lets people to write and edit music notes on the computer.
 The user is able to create effects in the music, play thousands
of different musical instruments, add new ‘tracks’ of music
over the top, etc.
 It is possible to play music into a computer, the notes can be
recorded. User’s analogue music is converted into digital data
using an analogue-to-digital convertor (ADC).
What is Animations?
 Animation is a series of still pictures (called frames)
which is linked together as part of a timed sequence
(makes image to appear to move). When a set of
related images are shown rapidly one after another,
people see them as one continuous motion picture.
 In the past, people made animations by drawing
images frame by frame and then merging it together,
which took a lot of time. Thanks to development in
technology, time can be reduced since there are
many software lets users to recreate and edit the
pervious frames.
 These images (frames) can be hand drawn, computer
generated, or pictures of 3D objects. There are three
main types of animation: traditional, stop motion, and
computer generated.

 Needs software
 Needs devices
 Needs outputs
 Used for digital communications
 Lets users to edit, copy, create and display it
 Both work together most of the times, eg- movies

 Animations uses pictures while music scores uses

sounds (like instrumental sounds).
 They use different file formats.
 Some animated frames can be generated semi-
automatically by the computer( like
tweening)unlike music scores.
How are they used to
Animations Music Scores
Quick Quiz

 Describe in 1 sentence what you understand about

Music scores AND Animation
Music scores is digital musical notes
Animation is a series of still pictures which are linked
together that are shown rapidly one after another, people
see them as one continuous motion picture.
 What does MIDI stand for?

Musical Instrument Digital Interface

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