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Central Region, Bhopal


The mediocre teacher tells.

The good teacher explains.
The superior teacher demonstrates.
The great teacher inspires.
- William Arthur Ward
• The original mentor was appointed by Odysseus to tutor and
guide his son Telemachus, while he was fighting at Troy.
• The idea of mentoring is that the more successful senior wishes
to pass on some of what they have learned to some one else who
will benefit from their experience.

• "Mentoring is to support and encourage people to

manage their own learning in order that they may
maximise their potential, develop their skills,
improve their performance and become the person
they want to be." Eric Parsloe, The Oxford School of
Coaching & Mentoring
• Mentoring is a powerful personal development and empowerment tool. It is
an effective way of helping people to progress in their careers and is
becoming increasing popular as its potential is realised.
• It is a partnership between two people (mentor and mentee) normally
working in a similar field or sharing similar experiences. It is a helpful
relationship based upon mutual trust and respect.
• Mentor is usually a successful senior
• A mentor is a guide who can help the mentee to find the right
direction and who can help them to develop solutions to career
issues. Mentors rely upon having had similar experiences to gain
an empathy with the mentee and an understanding of their issues.
Mentoring provides the mentee with an opportunity to think
about career options and progress.
• David Clutterbuck, in 2004, coined an acronym for Mentor, which is
• Manage the relationship
• Encourage
• Nurture
• Teach
• Offer mutual respect
• Respond to learners needs
• A mentor can take on several different roles:-
• Learning consultant
• Coach
• Counsellor
• Advisor on critical resources
• Role model
• Critical friend
• Benefits of mentoring:-
• Mentor
• Leave a indelible mark in the sands of time
• Give back to the society what we have got, everybody’s responsibility
• Satisfaction of bringing up those who are entrusted to you
• Every successful professional has some one who influenced and shaped their life
• Moral responsibility of every successful senior
• Adds to your own value and may be change the way one looks at life.
• Benefits of mentoring:-
• Learner
• Learn a different way of looking at the organisation
• May increase the ownership and also responsibility – a give back factor
• Shaping up the career and the organisation
• A happier and contributing employee
• How to be a successful mentor
• Know when to hit the pause button
• Be forthcoming of the mistakes you had made
• Understand the mentee
• Give more than you ask for
• Be aware of the long term perspective
• Lead by example ……….
• Benefits of mentoring:-
• On boarding
• Employee satisfaction leading to retention, quality, and satisfaction of mentees
• Succession planning
• Knowledge management and retention
• Synergy
• Coaching and mentoring
• Coaching and mentoring use the same skills and approach
• Coaching is a short term task: Mentoring is a longer term relationship

• Create a purpose in the lives of the people around you

• Help them dream
• Show them the path
• Help them climb

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