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©Abdul Majid bin Ismail

BSc(Arch), BArch, PhD.

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Paper or research paper:

 Term paper (technical report) – fulfills the
requirements of a course or an
undergraduate major.
 Dissertation or thesis – fulfills the
requirements of a graduate level course or
meets the specifications set for a master’s
 Thesis or dissertation – meets
requirements for a doctoral degree
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 Requires references to works cited within
the text
 Must be submitted as finished copy

 Must meet specifications set by the

degree-granting institutions.
Has three main parts:
 The front matter or preliminaries
 The text

 The reference or back matter

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 The front matter or preliminaries,
numbered with consecutive lower case
roman numerals centered at the bottom of
 The rest of the work, numbered with
consecutive Arabic numerals centered at
the bottom of pages
 All the pages of the text & reference matter
bearing titles centered at the top, or in the
upper right-hand corner

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Any part of the paper either in textual or
tabular form may be footnoted
In the event that the paper is later
published or specified by the
conventions of a department, the
organization should follow requirement
of the department or the publisher.

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Title Page:
 Should follow exactly the universities or
department requirement (content,
capitalization, centering & spacing)
 May include the name of the university or
college (usually centered at the top of the
sheet), the exact title of the paper, the
course (including its department &
number), the date, and the name of the
 Unnumbered.

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 The writer thanks mentors & colleagues,
list of individuals or institutions that
supported the research, & gives credit to
works cited in the text for which permission
to reproduced has been granted.
 The generic heading
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, which appears
only on the first page of the part, is in
uppercase & centered over the text.
 Each page is numbered in lowercase
roman numerals centered beneath the text.

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 The writer explains the motivation for
making the study, the background for the
project, the scope of research, & the
purpose of the paper.
 May include acknowledgments if an
acknowledgments section is omitted.
 If nothing significant, remarks on the
various sorts of assistance should be
 Similar format as an acknowledgments

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Table of contents:
 Headed by simply CONTENTS.
 Lists all parts of the paper except the title
page, blank page, dedication, & epigraph.
 No page number appear on any of the
above four & the last three (blank page,
dedication, & epigraph) are not included in
the counting of the pagination of the front
 If the chapters are grouped in parts, the
generic headings (e.g PART I) & titles of
the parts also appear in the contents
 Subheadings within chapters are frequently
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 Capitalization of titles in the table of
contents should be as follows: For the titles
of all major divisions (acknowledgments,
preface, contents, list of illustrations, lists of
tables, list of abbreviations, glossary,
editorial method, abstract, introduction,
parts, chapters, appendix, notes,
bibliography, or reference list) capitalize all
letters (e.g., PREFACE).
 In subheadings, use headline style –
capitalize the initial letter.
 Part numbers may be in uppercase (PART
I) or (PART ONE).

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 Page numbers in a table of contents are
always justified right
List of illustrations:
 The figure numbers are given in Arabic
numerals followed by a period;
List of tables:
 The table number (in Arabic, followed by a
List of abbreviations:
 Desirable only if the writer has devised

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 A paper that contains many foreign words
or technical terms & unfamiliar phrases
should include a list of of these words,
followed by translations or definitions.
 A glossary placed in the reference mater
rather in than in the front matter may
precede an appendix.
 An abstract, briefly summarizes the thesis
and contents of the paper.
 Check for the specific requirement by the
department or discipline.
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 Usually brief & need not include the word
dedicated. To is sufficient: To Herman
 An epigraph, a pertinent quotation, is not
underlined & does not appear in quotation
marks. The name of the author of the
epigraph appears below the epigraph, flush
right in uppercase & lowercase roman
often followed by the title of the work cited,
underlined .
 Not listed in the table of content, & the
page is not counted.

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The main body – separated into well

defined divisions, such as parts,
chapters, sections, and subsections.
Include parenthesis references,
footnotes, or superscript numbers keyed
to a reference list or list of endnotes.

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 The text begins with an introduction, which
may be called chapter 1 (INTRODUCTION
 The first page of the introduction is page 1
(Arabic numeral) of the paper.
 A part-title page is a page containing only
the generic heading & title of a part.
 Required if the chapters are grouped under

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 The main body of the paper is divided into
chapters – each chapter begins on a new
 Each chapter has a generic heading & a
title, both centered in uppercase above the
 In short paper, the word CHAPTER is
replaced with numerals – roman or Arabic.
 The form in which the chapter number is
expressed should be different (e.g., PART

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Section and subsection
 In some papers the chapters are divided
into sections and subsections.
 Subheadings (first, second, third level
 A blank line should go beneath each
subhead that is not run in.
 If > 5 levels are required, the style of these
levels may be selected in any suitable
descending order.

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 A useful device to make available to the
reader material related to the text but not
suitable for inclusion in the paper.
 Is a group of related items.
 May contain tables too detailed for text
presentation, a large group of illustrations,
technical notes on method, scheduled &
forms used in collecting materials, copies
of documents not generally available to the
reader, case studies too long to be put into
the text & figures or other illustrative
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 If a writer gathers all of the paper’s
illustrations, do not go for appendix but
include in ILLUSTRATIONS placed just
before the reference matter.
 All appendixes go at the end of a paper,
never at the end of a chapter.
 Materials of different categories should be
placed in separate appendixes.
 Can be single or doubled-spaced.
 For photocopied documents, a page
number should be added to each
 The photocopied materials should be of
letter quality.
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 Commonly used in term papers not theses.
 Footnotes have been traditionally used in
theses & dissertations.
 Numbered consecutively within the text,
using subscript Arabic numerals.
 May have the same content as footnotes,
but they are arranged in the format that
appears simple.
Bibliography or reference list:
 The last part of the paper except index
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Tujuan akhir sesuatu penelitian ialah
mengemukakan generalisasi atau teori
daripada data yg dikutip & dianalisis –
mengemukakan satu penerangan baru &
lebih baik tentang perkara itu daripada
penelitian-penelitian yg telah dilakukan

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Sebelum penyelesaian atau teori
diperolehi menerusi penelitian, terdapat
satu atau lebih kemungkinan penyelesaian
kepada masalah yg diteliti
Penyelesaian atau kemungkinan ini
adalah teori sementara yg hanya benar
sehingga semua data diperolehi
Teori sementara ini dipanggil “Hipotesis”

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Mengandungi penjelasan teoretis tentang
data, mungkin betul atau tidak bergantung
kepada bukti yang bakal diperolehi
Ia merupakan satu telahan yang
munasabah berasaskan bukti yg ada pada
waktu telahan dibuat
Hipotesis ini boleh diuji setelah semua
bukti diperolehi untuk diterima atau ditolak
Hipotesis yg diterima – penyelesaian
masalah yg diteliti

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Ciri-ciri hipotesis:
1. Diutarakan dengan terang (diperolehi dari
definisi konsep & operasi) – contoh menguji
hipotesis secara empiris, semua difinasi
kepada variabel perlu dibuat
2. Bebas daripada nilai bias peneliti – tidk
melibatkan perasaan / bias peribadi (kalau
bias tidk boleh dielak, nyatakan pendirian)
3. Khusus – jelaskan dengan tepat hubungan
jangkaan variables dari segi arah (+ve / -ve)
& andaian yg berkaitan (pendapatan
berhubung secara positif dengan tahap
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Boleh diuji dengan metod yg ada
Hipotesis diguna dengan cara berikut:
1. Menggunakan bukti penelitian awal, hujah
induktif untuk memperoleh penyelesaian
2. Menggunakan hujah deduktif untuk
menentukan data yg akan diperoleh
sekiranya benar
3. Setelah ditentukan jenis data yg perlu,
penelitian diteruskan bagi memperoleh data
& fakta bagi menentukan bukti menyokong /
berlawanan dengan hipotesis

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4. Keputusan dibuat untuk menerima /
menolak berdasarkan bukti yg ada, jika
ditolak perlu membentuk hipotesis kedua &
mengujinya lagi. Sekiranya semua bukti
menunjukkan penerimaan, hipotesis adalah
penyelesaian kepada masalah yg diteliti
Hipotesis adalah panduan untuk
merencana penelitian
Hipotesis tidak perlu dalam penelitian yg
memerlukan mendapatkan fakta sahaja
– panduan berguna kepada penelitian
fakta & data.

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