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Kasus Rujukan

1. Anemia tanpa gejala dengan kadar Hb < 8 g/dl

2. Anemia dengan gejala tanpa melihat kadar HB, segera
3. Anemia berat dengan indikasi transfusi (Hb < 5,8 g/dl)
4. Anemia karena penyebab yang tidak termasuk
kompetensi dokter layanan primer, misalnya anemia
aplastik, anemia hemolitik, dan anemia megaloblastik
5. Jika didapatkan kegawatan (misalnya perdarahan aktif
atau distres pernafasan) pasien segera dirujuk
Referral Case
1. Anemia without symptoms with Hb <8 g / dl
2. Anemia with symptoms without looking to the Hb
level, immediately referred
3. Severe anemia with transfusion indication (Hb <5.8 g /
4. Anemia due to causes not including the competence
of primary care doctors, such as aplastic anemia,
haemolytic anemia, and megaloblastic anemia
5. If there is any emergences situation found (eg. active
bleeding or respiratory distress) the patient should be
referred immediately

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