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Listening and
Speaking for

Ahmad Fachrozy
Itsna S. M.
Anggarda Paramitha
Laras Sri Wulandari
Teaching Listening

What is listening?

Listening is the consicous processing of

the auditory stimuli that have been
preceived through hearing.
Background to the teaching of listening

INPUTS: Songs, chants, poems, stories read aloud, environmental sounds(
rain, cars, trucks, animals, vacuum cleaners, computer’s printers,
people walking).

INPUTS: Pictures such as drawings, sketches, photograph, paintings,
posters, murals, diagrams

INPUTS: Real life objects that children can touch as well as toys and
puppets (it is important to make sure that the child can actually touch
the objects and not just look at them)Background to the Teaching of
The Development of Listening Skills

How important teaching children to listen:

 You need to hear a word before you can
say it
 You need to say a word before you can
read it
 You need to read a word before you write
 The Development of Listening Skills
Activity for Listening

◍Classroom techniques and activities

◍• Total Physical Response (TPR) activites
◍- TPR songs and finger plays
◍- TPR storytelling
◍- TPR Yes/No Cards
◍-TPR drawing
◍• Syllable Clapping
◍• Rhyming word activities
◍• Minimal Pairs

◍Listening in the classroom
◍Children’s course book
◍- Listen and do something
◍- Incorporate listening with reading
Teaching Speaking for Young Learners

What is speaking?
Speaking is the process of building and
sharing meaning through the use of verbal
and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of
contexts. Speaking is a crucial part of
second language learning and teaching.
Background to the teaching of speaking

Background to the teaching of speaking is

equally important in children’s overall
language development.
- Young learners are like sponges, they
soak up everything we say and how we say
- So, clear and correct pronunciation is
of vital importance, since young learners
repeat exactly what they hear.
Background to the teaching of speaking

Song is a wonderful way of making

students sing/talk and at the
Poem same time (unconsciously)
Rhyme Chant work at their grammar,
vocabulary, pronunciation
Role of Teaching Speaking for Young

 They practice conversations between one another

 They practice and adapt scripts that they have heard from
adults either in person or on TV.
 They would also be singing songs with their teachers.
 Teachers giving feedback to learners in speaking activities
 Introduce the topic of your sociodrama, present the new
vocabulary and structures you think will be helpful to your
students comprehension and ability to participate in the
role play
 Discuss the problem of speaking skills with your students
 Ask the selected students to act out the rest of the story.
Then discuss reactions with the audience.
Activity For Speaking

Activity for speaking can be designed by using these two

method :
◍ALM (Audio-lingual Method)
◍Substitution Drilling technique
◍Example :
◍T : This is a red dress
◍S : This is a red dress
◍T : This is a yellow dress
◍S : This is a yellow dress
◍T : This is a blue dress
◍S : This is a blue dress
◍Choral Response
◍Giving poem or song and students are asked to repeat
◍Dialouge using puppets or role play
Activity For Speaking

CLT (Communicative Language Learning)

Example : Memory games using cards, giving
tounge twister, knock-knock jokes
Sources :
Practical English Language Teaching Young
Learners Caroline T. Linse
Introducing English To Young Children
Spoken English Opal Dunn

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