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Camila Alejandra Cuevas Martínez
Conventional wisdom and even some
psychological studies tell us that violent
videogames make people.
By rewarding mayhem and murder in a
virtual world, these escapist simulations of
reality make players more likely to behave
with reckless disregard for human life in
the actual world
Empathy Empathy is the
tendency to feel the
pain of others while
they are suffering.
When you hear that
someone is hurt, an
empathic reaction is
for you to be
Schadenfreude is the
Schadenfreude antisocial response of glee
that we feel when someone
else is writhing in physical
or emotional pain.

You are more likely to

experience schadenfreude
about people you don't like
or are jealous of, particularly
when that person's success or
good fortune makes you feel
worse about yourself.
Where do
videogames Researchers at the University of
fit into Innsbruck led by psychologist
this picture? Tobias Greitemeyer decided to
see if videogames could turn
schadenfreude into empathy.
They build on the knowledge
that violent videogames reinforce
violence and can engender
aggressiveness. The games they
used in their study rewarded the
opposite behaviors.
1. Some participants played a
Methodology version of "Lemmings" and
other participants in another
condition played "Tetris".
2. The participants spent 10
minutes playing the game in the
assigned condition.
3. Then they read a brief vignette
about the misfortunes of
billionaire heiress and actress
Paris Hilton in which she was
sent to jail after one of her many
parole violations.
Why do
videogames ▹According to the "General Aggression Model
hold such (GAM)," the aggressive material in violent media can
power over our affect our thoughts, emotions, and arousal. We
reactions? then act on this model to become more violently
inclined toward others.

▹ Media can either affect us in pro- or antisocial

ways. It's not only videogames, either, that can foster
empathy or violence. Songs that promote peaceful
themes can also heighten our awareness within us of
our peaceful tendencies.
How can use
You can feel better
knowledge 1. Recognize that schadenfreude
not by gaining
is normal, but not inevitable.
to your satisfaction at the
2. Balance your
benefit? exposure to
suffering of your
rivals, but instead
violent media by reaching out to
with prosocial help those who truly
media. are in need. Turn
3. Turn your your schadenfreude
prosocial into empathy, and
feelings to you'll boost your
action. own fulfillment.


Greitemeyer, T., Osswald, S., & Brauer, M. (2010). Playing prosocial video
games increases empathy and decreases schadenfreude. Emotion, 10(6), 796-
802. doi:10.1037/a0020194

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