Bars Classification Anode Load Week 36: El Salvador

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Bars classification

Anode load

El Salvador
Project Purpose
• Set the bars to be use as tooling and
anode dimensions.

• Detect bars in poor condition and get them

out of production.
Powder Mixing
• To prepare the tantalum powder to be
• To increase the flow of tantalum powder
• Check the Mechanical properties of the

• Relative humidity: 40% - 55%
• Air extraction
Why The powder need a Binder?
Because this helps the flow of powder
Aid to lubricate the tooling

• The mixing process consist in add a Binder to the Virgin powder,

the first mixing is done manually on a stainless steel pot.

• The binder used:

1. Stearic acid ( Tantalum powder)

2. PEG (Niobium powder)
3. PX (Niobium powder)
4. PX + Syntamin ( Tantalum powder)
• Why we put the powder into a blender ?
• Because The V-Blender provide
homogeneity to the powder mixture.

• Mesh: Particles Size distribution inside the


• Scott Density: Determines the ability that has

the powder to fill a cavity.

• Flow : Measure the velocity that has the

powder to flow by the action of the gravity .

• CRUSH STRENGHT: This test determines the

breakage force (kg-F).

• To Press the Tantalum powder in to anode of defined

shape using a HABERER press.
• Give a pressing density to the anode

• Temperature room: 20ºC to 25ºC
• Relative humidity: 40% to 55%

Pressing Process
• Mechanism powered
by an electric Motor.
• Tooling can give 3
anodes per cycle.
• The Haberer gives 156
anodes per minute.
• The low pressure line indicates the zone where the anode
is structurally weak.

• how we can decrease the effects of low

pressure line?

• It must be between (50% -75%) of the length of the anode.

• To minimize the effects of low-

pressure line is necessary to
ensure that the wire crosses the
Pressing AQL

• Visual test with a microscope: search surface defects

and wire damage.
• Anode weight Control
• Verification of dimensions of anodes with Shadowgraph:
• Low pressure line using Ultrasound: Check the Location
of line.

• Remove the stearic acid.

• The process of WASH de -LUBE consist in seven
• The water must be at 85ºC +/- 5ºC, the temperature aids
to dilute the binder.

Wash Solution
First and Second Caustic soda 32%
Third and Fourth Des-ionized water
Fifth Nitric acid 17%
Sixth and Seventh Des-ionized water
Why is necessary to remove the binder?
Because the binder isn't a raw material, is an impurity to
the process.

Why are the anodes treated with care after washing?

Because the anodes are extremely fragile after washing.
Drying oven
• Remove the moisture of the anodes from WASH DE-

Why is it important to remove moisture from the anodes?

Because water has oxygen and it would be extremely

dangerous by temperatures inside the sinter, could be
in flames.

• This process bring to the anodes 120ºC of temperature

during six and half hours if we use static oven and 3
hours and 15 minutes if we use vacuum oven.
Drying oven AQL

• The stearic acid has carbon in his internal composition,

this is why it should make evidence of carbon to
determine if the levels are in the range of permissible.
• This test shows us the effectiveness of our wash.

• Create a micro structure sponge inside the anode.
• Provide a thin oxide surface to anodes to protect
against the environment.

Machinery required
Linear Sinter (Pyramid Engineer, Centorr)
• Inside the sinter they a are transported by a metal band
made of Tungsten that enters the oven that has
temperatures ranging between 1600ºC and 2100ºC.
• Why the sinter need a vacuum chamber?
• to remove all the oxygen from the anodes

• What is the function of the Argon gas inside the

Linear Sinter?
• create an inert atmosphere inside the furnace, and move
impurities before the sinter.

• Prevent flames burn in the anodes by the high

• Why is critical the temperature in the sintering?

• Because a very high temperature shrink too the anode

and lose CV

• A low-temperature will give me Weak sinter- necks and

does not hold high-voltage

• Why is important the passivation?

• Because it provides a layer of oxide that protects the

anodes of an uncontrolled oxidation

• Review anode dimensions( for

determinate the Sinter density)

• Oxygen test for Sinter effectiveness.

• Wetscan to determine CV .
• Weld anodes to a stainless steel strip.

Machinery required
Anodos Load AQL

• To end the process of anode load, it is necessary to

pass welding test, which consists of an anode bend 90
degrees and return to its original position.

• Verification of height and spacing of anodes, this test is

done by measuring the distance between anode and
steel strip, this test is vital for the following processes,
since these measures depend on the proper handling
the anode.

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