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Business Add-In’s (BADIs)

Submitted by
Sylendra Prasad

• Business Objects

• BAdIs
– Defining BAdIs
– Implementing BAdIs

• Multiple Use BAdIs

• Filter dependent BAdIs

Business Add-in’s (BAdI)
• New SAP enhancements using SAP Objects.
• Users of BAdI can customize the logic according to the
specific requirements (User-defined) or use the standard
logic available.
• Each Business Add-In has
– At least one BAdI definition
– A BAdI interface
– A BAdI class that implements the interface
• For User-defined BAdI,
– developer creates an interface for the add-in.
– Enhancement management creates an adapter class that
implements the interface
– Developer creates an instance of the class in the application
program and calls the corresponding methods.
• For standard BAdI, interface and class will be predefined
by SAP.
• Adapter class performs these tasks
– Control ( the class calls all active implementations)
– Filtering (If the Add-in has to be executed under certain
conditions, the class ensures that only certain implementations
are executed)
• In BAdI, all the enhancement components are grouped
– Program Enhancements (interface methods)
– Menu Enhancements (function codes in interface definition)
– Screen Enhancements .
Defining BAdIs
• From SAP Easy Access goto Tools -> ABAP Workbench
-> Utilities -> Business Ad-Ins -> Definition or SE18.
BADI Implementation

• From Easy Access, goto Tools->ABAP Workbench ->

Utilities -> Business Add-Ins->Implementation or SE19.
• During implementation, the class for implementing the
interface is created automatically.
• Navigate to Class Builder by double-clicking the method.
• Implement the method of the class and activate it.
• In the main program, create a reference variable to the
BAdI definition (interface).
• Find out if any active implementation exists for the
• If it exists, perform the implementation by calling the
required method implemented in the adapter class.
Implementation for Standard BAdIs

• Find the required BAdI for the transaction

• Create custom implementation for the BAdI

• From the available methods, select the required one

• Enter the custom code in the method and activate

• Execute the transaction and check if the method with the

custom code is being invoked.
• Finding the BAdI
• Go to any transaction (say CV02N) and from the menu,
select System ->Status to get the program name.
• In the program, search for CL_EXITHANDLER=>GET_INSTANCE
with the radio button “In Main Program” selected.
• Select one program from the list of programs containing
calls to BAdIs.
• The changing parameter INSTANCE will have the interface
assigned to it.
• Find out the corresponding BAdI Interface and definition
– For eg: if the inteface name is IF_EX_DOCUMENT_MAIN02 is the
interface , the BAdI definition name will be DOCUMENT_MAIN02.
• Creating custom implementation
• In SE19, in the place of BAdI definition name, give the
obtained definition name.( say DOCUMENT_MAIN02)
• In the interfaces tab, select by double clicking, the
required method to be called to suit the requirement.

• Insert your own code in the method selected.

• Save the code and activate it.

• If it is not activated, previous active version of the

method will be called.
Multiple Use BAdIs

• Multiple implementations are possible for the same BAdI

• There is no sequence control for multiple implementation

since at the time of definition, it doesn’t know which
implementation will be active.

• All active implementations will be triggered by the

application program.

• To display the list of all implementations of a BAdI

definition, go to Implementation -> Display in SE18.
Filter dependent BAdIs

• BAdIs are implemented based on some filter values

• Filter type must specified while defining the


• It can be a single filter value or a set of values.

• All methods in the interface will have the filter value

FLT_VAL as their importing parameter.

• The method then selects the active implementation

based on the data provided in the filter value.
• Navigate to the Interface definition in SE24 for defining
the methods.

• For each of the methods defined, appropriate filter value

must be defined as an importing parameter.

• The method then selects the active implementation

based on the value.

• When implementation is done, select from the search

help or enter a valid value.
• Select the method of the adapter class to enter the
source code.

• The parameter FLT_VAL contains the filter value passed

to the implementation.

• Save and activate the method.

• In the application program, include the exporting

parameter FLT_VALUE in the method to be called.

• Different implementations can be made with different set

of filter values.

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