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• 1.

METFORMIN causes hypoglycemia but not GI distress

• 2. Type I DM involves destruction of the insulin-secreting beta cells
whereas Type II DM involves resistance of insulin receptors to insulin.
• 3. Secretion of Adinopectin increases serum glucose level
• 4. Mr. Smith receives REGULAR INSULIN at 8:00 AM. The nurse would
expect that the onset of regular insulin will be between 8:30 AM and
9:30 AM.
• 5. Potassium-wasting diuretic should not be given with digoxin
because it can cause arrythmia.
• 6. Mrs. Smith’s average blood pressure reading is 170/110 upon 3
consecutive reading for the past 3 weeks. Mrs. Smith’s condition fall
under Stage III hyperstension.
• 7. LOSARTAN should be taken with empty stomach only.
• 8. In order for the heart to pump effectively, the electrical impulses
should be transmitted in the following order:
• SA node, AV node, Bundle of His, Bundle Branches, Purkinje fibers
• 9. The mechanism of action of BENAZEPRIL
• BENAZEPRIL prevents the angiotensin converting enzyme from
converting angiotensin I to angiotensin II

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