Lines & Sub Station Construction

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Er. K.V.Surya Prakasa Rao
Construction Practice

 The basic parameters for selection of materials

and standards, once decided will help in adopting
sound construction practices. Estimation of
materials labour and transport facilities, having
been assessed the materials should be made
available at site, required working gangs
(equipped with tools & tackles) should be formed
as and when required.
 The voltages of concern are:
 a) 33 kV sub-transmission line,
 b) llkV Primary distribution line
 c) 415-240Volts Secondary distribution line
Survey of the Proposed Route of
The first step to be taken prior to the design or
construction of any line is to conduct reconnoitre
survey of the country over which the line is to pass.
Topo sheet map of the area which would indicate
towns roads, streams/river, hills, railway lines,
bridges, forest areas, telephones telegraph and
power lines may be taken and the approximate route
of the line marked on it. Before finalising the route,
the following parameters should be kept in mind:
1. The shortest route practicable.
2. As close as possible to the road for easy
maintenance and approach during the construction.
3. Route in direction of possible future load.
4. Angle points should be less.
The areas to be avoided as far as
possible are:
(a) Rough and difficult country side.
(b) Urban Development area.
(c) Restricted access for transport vehicles.
(d) Abrupt changes in line routes.
(e) Difficult crossing - river, railway.
(f) Proximity to aerodromes.
(g) Natural hazards like steep valleys, hills,
lakes, gardens, forests, playgrounds, etc.
 The route selected for a distribution line shall be
such that it will give the lowest cost
considered over a period of years, consistent with
accessibility for easy maintenance, etc. This
includes many considerations such as original
cost, tree trimming and compensation, freedom
from vehicular damages future development and
availability for services.
 The lines should be routed wherever possible to
avoid natural obstacle such as steep hills or
valleys', swamps, lakes, thick forests, rivers, etc.
Lines should be so located at a safe distance from
buildings and from possible fire, proximity to
traffic and other hazards. Line shall not cross
school play grounds, cemetery, except under
special circumstances. Lines should be away from
the buildings containing explosives.
 Transportation contributes a major portion of
construction cost. As such while finalising the route
alignment, it may be ensured that due to
transportation cost should be as low as possible.
 Transport of RCC/PCC poles pose greater problem
as they are generally heavier than other types of
supports for same duty. The RCC/PCC poles are
generally stronger on the longer axis than on
shorter axis. Care should be taken on this aspect
while handling, to prevent excessive stressing of the
pole at the time of transporting. The unloading of
poles from truck or trailer should also be done
carefully. Suitable skid boards must be used and on
no account, the poles be dropped. Several utilities
have special trucks made with side loading
arrangement for pole transportation or use trailers.
It is preferably to provide a chain pulley block with a
beam arrangement in the middle of the truck body
to facilitate unloading/loading of poles. The poles
should not be dragged on rough surface, but
transported in small hand-cart
Detailed Survey
(a) Preliminary Walk Over survey
(b) Detailed survey
 Having provisionally fixed the route, on the survey
map, a preliminary Walk Over1 survey is carried out,
before conducting the survey with ranging rods. As
far as possible, the line route is taken through areas
with minimum tree growth. If there are alternative
routes, all such routes are investigated for final
evaluation of the most economic route.
 It may be mentioned here that the detailed survey
can be carried out by theodolite and angle points can
be fixed and marked with survey stones. A route
map to a scale of 1 cm— 0.5 km can be prepared
showing the various angles approach roads, near the
line, routes detail of railways, communication lines,
EHT line crossing, river crossing,, etc. but this is not
necessary in case of small lines as the local staff
usually is conversant with the topography and
therefore marking of locations aligning the line with
ranging rods is found to be satisfactory.
Right of Way
(a) Once the route of the line is fixed approval has
to be obtained,
 From the railway authorities for Railway
 From the competent Forest Authorities for
routing of the line in Forest areas.
 From the State level Power Tele-communication
Coordination Committee (PTCC).
(b) In addition if there are urban development Air-
port and similar other areas falling in the route
of the line, permission has to be obtained.
© Sometimes private gardens/orchards may fall
on the route and require free cutting. The
details of trees are to be marked.
Compensation be got fixed from Revenue
Authorities and paid to the owner
Pole Locations :
In locating poles on lines, the following general principles are
to be kept in mind
1. Keep spans uniform in length as far as possible.

2. Locate to have horizontal grade

3. By locating the poles on high places short poles can be

used and will maintain proper ground clearance at the
middle of the span. In extremely hilly or mountainous
country, poles are located on ridges thereby increasing the
spans without greatly increasing the poll on the conductor.
This is possible because the sag can be made very large
maintaining the required ground clearance.
4. Poles should not be placed along the edges of cuts or
embankment or along the banks of creeks of streams
5. Cut-point for a section could be at 1.6 km length (except in
special cases), where Double-pole structures are to be
provided to take tension of the conductors. It may have
been already estimated that 10 supports (locations) are
mostly required in one km. length of H.T. lines and 15
supports for L.T. line
The construction activity of H.T. lines may b& divided as follows
 (1) Pit marking, pit digging.
 (2) Erection of supports and concreting.
 (3) Providing of guys to supports.
 (4) Mounting cross-arms, phi and insulators, and pin binding.
 (5) Paying and stringing of the conductor. .
 (6) Jointing of conductors.
 (7) Sagging and tensioning of conductors.
 (8) Crossings.
 (9) Guardings.
 (10) Earthings.
 (11) Testing and commissioning

For low tension lines the activities could be followed, with

simplified procedure.
Pit Marking and Digging
 After surveying, the pole location should be
marked with the peg. The pits should not be too
large than necessary, as otherwise, after erection
of the 'pole and filing there remains a possibility
of tilting of pole. For marking the pits, the
dimensions of the pit and the centre to centre
distance of pits are required. Pits having a
dimension of about 1.2 m x 0.6 m should be
excavated with its longer axis in the direction of
the line. The planting depth should be about
 1/6 length of the support (1500 mm). Excavation
is generally done by using pickaxe crow bars,
and shovel, very hard or rocky soil may require
blasting of rock by small charges of gun
power, etc.
Erection of Poles and Concreting
 After excavation of pits is completed, the supports/ poles to
be erected may be brought to the pit location by manual
labour or by cart. Then the pole may be erected inside the pit.
 Erection of poles can be done by using Bipod/ wooden horse
made of 15 cm G.I pipe and 6 m long. The spread of the legs
should be 10m. The tie wire for attachment of bipod to the
pole is about 6 m long and is made of 7/10 SWG. (3.15 mm)
Stay wire and this wire should be attached to the pole at 8 m.
The pole is slid along the line route. The pole is tied with 3
ropes.The rope at the bottom prevents the pole from being
dragged in the direction of the pull. To prevent the support
from moving side in raising, two guy ropes are fixed on both
sides and attached to temporary anchor. -
 For smooth sliding and prefect placement of pole in the pit, an
inclined trench having15.2 cm (6 in.) width and 10.2 cm (4
in.) length may be dug adjacent to the pit as shown below.
A piece of M.S. channel may be placed in the inclined position
at the other end of the pit for enabling the pole to slip smooth
inside the pit. The following figure shows the procedure for
erection of pole.
The trench would facilitate the pole to skid smoothly into
the pit with jerks.


V3 from top of bipod

' ' -- "' ;f»f y.|"V"J'.""'
The bipod is placed in position and attached to the pole
by means of tie wire. The pull for lifting the poles is
provided by rope pulley. When the pole has reached at
an angle of (35° to 40°) the bottom holding rope is
slowly released. When the pole assumes the vertical
position, the holding ropes should be tightened.
It should be ensured that the time of erection, four
men are at the ropes and the supervisor should be at a
distance for guiding correct position so that hi the
event of breaking of rope, if pole falls, it will not result
into an accident.
Before the pole is put into RCC padding or alternatively
suitable base plate may be . given below the pole to
increase the surface contact between the poles and the
soil. The padding will distribute the density of the
pressure due to weight of the pole on the soil.
Having lifted the pole the same should be kept in
vertical position with the help of manila rope of 20/25
mm dia., using the rope as a temporary anchor. As the
poles are being erected say from an anchor point to the
next angle point, the alignment of the poles should De
checked and set right by visual check. The vertical ties
of the poles are to be checked with a spirit level. After
the pole erection has been completed, and having
satisfied that the verticality and alignments are all
right, earth filling and ramming is to be done.
In swamp and special locations, before earth filling, the
poles are to be concreted up to the ground level of the
After poles have been set, the temporary anchors are
to be removed.
Erection of DP Structure for
Angle Locations
 For angles of deviations more than 10°, DP
structure may be erected. The pit digging should
be done along the bisection of angle of deviation.
 After the poles are erected, the horizontal/cross
bracing should be fitted and the supports held hi a
vertical position with the help of temporary guys of
Manila rope 20/25 mm dial
 Ensuring that the poles are held in vertical position
(by spirit level) the concreting of poles with 1:3:6
ratio may be done from bottom of the support to
the ground level. Before lifting the pole in the pit,
concrete padding of not less than 75 mm thickness
may be put up for the distribution of the loads of
the support ojn the soil or anchor plate could be
used. .
 The concreting mixture 1:3:6 ratio,
would mean 12.8 bags of cement
100 Cft of 1 1/2 size gitti and 50 Cft
of sand. It may be .noted that while
preparing the concrete mixture large
quantities of water should not be
used as this would wash away
cement and sand
33 KV Line
(i) Provision at D.P. locations is for 6 guy-sets (20 mm Rod of
turn-buckle x 7/4 stay-wire, 8.5 kg in wt for each location).
The quantity of concrete at the rate of 0.5 cum for D.P.
locations and 0.3 cum for stay sets is 2.8 cum, irrespective
whether D.P. locations are of P.C.C. poles or Rail pole.

(ii) Provision for 8 tangent locations in a section of 1 km is for 3

Guy-sets. These will require 0.9 cmt of concrete @ 0.3 cum
per Guy-set. A prefabricated base plate is to be provided at
the bottom of the P .C.C. support for uniform distribution of
load. If this is not provided then provision at the rate
OX)5.cm_of concrete per location for 8 locations should be
made for casting the base-pad before erection of the P.C.C.
support. Thus the total quantity of concrete required is 1.3
cum. Tangent locations are not concreted in several states
but boulder 1 filling is carried out to economies. If P.C.C.
pole tangent locations are to be concreted additional
provision for concrete quantity is to be made. However Rail
pole or joist tangent locations (if Rails or joists are used)
should be concreted. Provision for tangent location's
concreting is to be at the rate of 0.5 cum per location
 The guys are made with 7/3.15 stay wire (5.5 kg)
turnbuckle rod is of 16 mm dia. 6 Guy-sets are
required at D.P. locations and 4 additional Guy-
sets are required in a km for 8 tangent-locations.
The quantity of concrete for Guy-sets is provided
at the rate of 0.2 cum per Guy-set. D.P. locations
of P.C.C. poles require 0.3 cum concrete per
location. Boulder filling of tangent locations could
be adopted. If concreting is done for tangent
locations additional provision at the rate of 0.3
cum per location should be made. Base-pad is to
be used if not additional provision for base^pad
concreting should be made
 15 locations are there in 1 km.
Provision for 9 guy-sets is made with
7/3.15 stay-wire (5.5 kg), the turn-
buckle M.S. rod is of 16 mm dia.
concrete quantity at the rate of 0.2
cmt per stay-set should be provided.
Base pad should be used if not
additional provision for base pad-
concreting is to be made,
Providing of Guys to Supports
In spite of careful planning and alignment of line route,
certain situations arise where the conductor tries to tilt the
pole from its normal position due to abnormal wind pressure
and deviation of alignment, etc. When these cases of strain
arise, the pole is strengthened and kept in position by guys.
One or more guys will have to be provided for all support
where there is unbalanced strain acting on the support, which
may result in tilting/uprooting or breaking of the support.
Guy brackets or clamps are fastened to the pole. The most
commonly used form of guy is anchor guy. These guys are
provided at (i) angle locations (ii) dead end locations (iii) tee
off points (iv) steep gradient locations and (v) where the wind
pressure is more than 50 kg sq. m.

The fixing of guys stays will involve (i) pit digging and fixing
stay rod (ii) fastening guy wire to the support (iii) Tightening
guy wire and fastening to the anchor. The marking of guy pit,
digging and setting of anchor rod must be carefully carried
out. The stay rod should be placed in a position so that the
angle of rod with the vertical face of the pit is 30°/ 45° as the
case may be.
G.I. stay wires of size 7/3.15 mm (10 SWG) or 7/2.5 mm
(SWG 12), and 16 mm 720 mm stay rods are to be
provided. For double pole structure (DP), four stays along
the bisectional the each direction and two stays along the
bisection of the angle of deviation or as required
depending on the angle of deviation are to be provided.

After concreting back filing and ramming must be done

well and allowed 7 days to set. The free end of the guy
wire /stay wire is passed though the eye of the anchor rod,
bent back parallel to the main portion of the stay/guy and
bound after inserting, the G.I. thimble, where it bears on
the anchor rod. If the guy wire proves to be hazardous, it
should be protected with suitable asbestos pipe filled with
concrete of about 2 m length above the ground level,
painted with white and black strips so that, it may be
visible at night. The turn buckle shall be mounted at the
pole end of the stay guy wire so fixed that the turn buckle
is half way in the working position, thus giving the
maximum movement for tightening or loosening.
Guy Strain Insulators
 Guy insulators are placed to prevent the lower part
of the Guy from becoming electrically
energised by a contact of the upper part of the guy
when the conductor snaps and falls on them or
due to leakage. No guy insulator shall be located
less than 3.50 mm (vertical distance) from the
ground. ,
 A type of insulators are to be used for L.T. Line-
 One C type of insulator is to be used for ll KV Guys

 Two C type of insulators are to be used for 33 kV.

Fixing of Cross-Arms & Top-
 After the erection of supports and providing guys,
the •cross-arms and top-brackets are to be
mounted on the support with necessary clamps
bolts and nuts. The practice of fixing the cross-
arms brackets before the pole erection is also
there. In case, these cross are to be mounted
after the pole is erected, the lineman should climb
the pole with necessary tools. The cross-arm is
then tied to,a hand line and pulled up bytthe
ground man through a pulley, till the cross-arm
reaches the line man. The ground man should
station himself on one side, so that if any material
drops from the top of the pole, it may not strike
him. All the materials should be lifted or lowered
through the hand line, and should not be dropped.
Insulators and Bindings
 Line conductors are electrically insulated
from each other as well as from the pole
or tower by non-conductors, which we
call 'Insulators'.
 There are 3 types of porcelain insulator:

1. Pin type
2. Strain type
3. Shackle type
 The pin type insulators are generally used for
straight stretch of line. The insulator and its r.. pin
should be mechanically strong enough to withstand
the resultant force due to combined effect , of wind
pressure and weight of the conductor in the span.
 The strain insulators are used at terminal locations
or dead end locations and where the angle of
deviation of line is more than 10°.
 The shackle type of insulators is used for LT. lines.
 The pins for insulators are fixed in the holes
provided in the cross-arms and the pole top
brackets. The insulators are mounted in their places
over the pins and tightened. In the case of strain or
angle supports, where strain fittings are provided for
this purpose, one strap of the strain fittings is
placed over the cross-arm before placing the bolt in
the hole of cross-arms. The nut of the straps is so
tightened that the strap can move freely in
horizontal direction.
Tying of Conductor on Pin
 Conductors should occupy such a position on the
insulator as will produce minimum strain on the tie
wire. The function of the wire is only to hold the
conductor, in place on the insulator, leaving the
insulator and pin to take the strain of the conductor.
 In straight line, the best practice is to use a top
groove insulator. These insulators will carry grooves
on the side as well. When the conductor is placed on
the top groove, the tie wire serves only to keep the
conductor from slipping out.
 On corners and angles (below 5 deviation) the
conductor should be placed on the outside of the
insulators. On the far side of the pole, this pulls the
conductor against the insulators instead of away
from the insulator.,
Kind and Size of Tie Wire to be
 In general the tie wire should be the same kind
of wire as the line wire i.e., aluminium tie
wire should be used with aluminium line
conductor. The tie should always be made of soft
annealed wire so that it may not be brittle and
injure the line conductor. A tie wire should never
be used for second time. Good practice is to use
no. '6' tie wires for line conductor, (i) The length
of the wire varies from 1 m for simple tie of a
small insulators (Lt pin insulators) to 3 m (33
Rule of Good Tying Practice
(i) Use only fully annealed tie wire.
(ii) Use that size of tie wire which can be readily handled yet
one which will provide adequate strength.
(iii) Use length of tie wire sufficient for making the complete
tie, including an end allowance for gripping with the hands.
The extra length should be cut from end if
the tie is completed.
(iv) A good tie should
(a) Provide a secure binding between line wire insulators
and tie wire.
 (b) Have positive contacts between the line wire and the tie
wire so as to avoid shifting contacts.
 (c) Reinforce line wire if the vicinity of insulator.
(v) Avoid use of pliers.
(vi) Do net use the wire which has been previously used.
(vii) Do not use hard drawn wires for tying.
Good helical accessories are available and can be used
Conductor Erection Paving and Jointing

 Conductor erection is the most important phase in

construction. The main operations are :
 (a) Transportation of conductor to works site.
 (b) Paying and stringing of conductor.
 (c) Joining of conductor.
 (d) Tensioning and sagging of conductor.

 The conductor drums are transported to the tension

location. While transporting precautions are to be taken so
that the conductor does not get damaged/injured. The
drum could be mounted on cable .drum support, which
generally is made from crow-bar and wooden slippers for
small size conductor drums. The direction of rotation of the
drum has to be according to the mark in the drum so that
the conductor could be drawn. While drawing the
conductor, it should not rub causing damage. The
conductor could be passed over poles on wooden or
aluminium snatch block mounted on the poles for this
 The mid span jointing is done through compression crimping or if
helical fittings are used the jointing could be done manually. After
completing the jointing, tensioning operation could be
commenced. The conductor is pulled through come-along clamps
to stringing the conductor between the tension locations. Sagging
of conductor has to be in accordance to the Sag Tension
chart. In order to achieve it, it is preferred to pull the conductor to
a tension a little above the theoretical value so that while
transferring it from the snatch blocks to the, pit insulators and to
take care of temperature variation proper sag could be achieved.
Sagging for 33/11 kV line is mostly done by "Sighting". A
horizontal strip of wood is fixed below the cross-arm on the pole at
the required sag. The lineman sees from other end and the sag is
adjusted by increasing or decreasing the tension. The tension
clamps could then be finally fixed and conductor be fixed onpin-
insulators. All fittings, accessories like guys, cross-arms, etc.,
could be checked as they
should not have deformalities.
Sagging and Tensioning
 The conductor length in a section increases or decreases with
variation in atmospheric temperature. In summer when
temperature is high the length increases due to expansion and in
winter, when the temperature is low the length decreases due to
contraction. With increase in length, the conductor becomes loose,
sag increases and tension reduces, while in winter the sag
decreases, tension increases. The conductor has to be properly
keeping the required sag at the strung atmospheric temperature.
 It is known that sag d = WI2/2T where I is half the span length, T
is-tension in the
conductor and W = V(w2+ww2), w is the weight of the unit length
of the conductor acting
vertically and ww is wind-pressure on the unit length of the
conductor acting horizontally. If we
design. The line for 75 kg/m2 wind-zonethen wind load on 1 m
length of the conductor and 2/3
projected Dia (Din mm) of the conductor ^
 = [(2/3)x75]x(D/100)xlkg
 The line has to be designed to withstand the above load as
postulated by the I.E. Regulations. Hence it becomes
necessary to calculate the tension and sag under conditions
occurring at the time of erection. In practice the conductors
are hung over Aluminium rollers and pulled up through
ropes over snatch blocks for the required sag or tension
and then transferred to the insulators. The tension is not
measured as it requires elaborate arrangements and
difficult to measure it accurately, the sag is only measured.

 There are two important factors which vary the sag and
tension : (i) Elasticity of the conductor and (ii)
Temperature. Sag is directly proportional to Wand inversely
proportional to T. If the length of the conductor increases
due to temperature increase then sag will increase. This
may be the case in summer, while it may be reverse in
winter. The tension accordingly decreases or increases.

In order that the sag and tension values under varied
working conditions may be kept according to the
regulations, Sag-Tension charts are prepared for different
spans and temperatures for ACSR, AAAC & AAC conductor.
Special Crossings
(A) In case the lines cross-over the other lines or buildings, safe
minimum clearances are to be maintained as per IE Regulations.
The clearances have been tabulated for this purpose under design
aspects. These clearances should be maintained. The crossings
could be for j
 (i) Telephone/telegraph lines.
 (ii) Buildings. .
 (w) Lines of other voltages.
 (iv) Roads, streets, other than Roads/Streets.
(B) River Crossing: Data for the highest flood-level should be
obtained 'for previous years. For medium voltage minimum
clearance of 3 m be kept over the highest floor level. Double pole
or 4 pole structure would be required to be specially designed,
depending upon the span and conductor size for the river
crossing. The structures should be located at such places that they
could be approached under flood condition, also. The foundation of
structures should be sound so that it may not get eroded or
damaged due to rain water
 Guarding is an arrangement provided for the lines, by
which a live conductor, when accidentally broken, is
prevented to come in contact with other electric lines,
telephone or telegraph lines, railway lines, roads, and
persons or animals and carriages moving along the
railway line or road, by providing a sort of cradle below
the main electric line. Immediately after a live
conductor breaks it first touches this cradle guard of
G.I. wires before going down further. This, in turn, trips
the circuit breakers or H.T7L.T. fuses provided for the
H.T7L.T. lines, and the electric power in the conductor
or the line is cut off, and danger to any living object is
 Guarding is not required for crossings of 66 kV and
higher voltage lines where the transmission line is
protected by fast acting, relay operated circuit breaker
of modern design with a tripping time of even less than
the order of 0.25 sec. from occurrence of fault to its
clearance. For all other crossings, nice Railway Tele-
communication lines and major road crossing guarding
is essential
 The minimum height between any guard wire and
live crossing conductor shall not be less than 1 .5
m in case of a railway crossing.
 The guarding consists of 2 G.I., bearer wires
strung between the two line supports, and G.I.
Cross-lacings connecting two-bearer wires at
definite intervals. The bearer fixed to the guarding
cross-arms on the line supports by means of
threaded eyebolts for proper tightening. In minor
L.T. Lines, only two guard-stirrups 600 mm long
on either side are normally used with
single G-.I. wire cross-lacing on either side, as a
measure of economy. Due to electrification of
railway-tracks nowadays, 1 1 kV & L.T. crossings
have to be through under-ground cables.
 Earthing shall generally be carried out in accordance with the
requirements of Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 and the relevant
regulations of the Electricity Supply Authority concerned and as
indicated below:
1 All metallic supports shall be earthed.
2. For RCC/PCC poles the metal cross-arms and insulator pins shall be
bonded and 5 earthed at every pole for HT lines and at every
5th pole for L T lines.
3 All special structures on which switches, transformers, fuses, etc.,
are mounted should be earthed.
4 The supports on either side of the road, railway or river crossing
should be earthed.
5 All supports (metal, RCC/PCC) of "both HT and L T lines passing
through inhabited areas, road crossings and along such other
places, where earthing of all poles is considered desirable from
safety considerations should be earthed.
 In special locations, railway and telegraph line crossings, special
structures, etc., pipe/rod earthing should be done.
 At other locations the coil earthing may be adopted. The coil
earthing consists of 10m length of 8 SWG. G.I. wire compressed
into a coil 450 mm length and 50 mm dia and buried 1500 mm
Anti-climbing Devices
 In order to prevent unauthorised persons
from climbing any of the supports of HT
& L T lines without the aid of a ladder or
special appliances, certain anti-climbing
devices are provided to the supports.
Two methods generally adopted are (i)
barbed wire binding, for a distance of 30
to 40 cm a height of 3.5 to 4 m from
ground level, (ii) clamps with protruding
spikes at a height of 3 to 4m.
Testing and Commissioning
 When the line is ready for energisation, jt
thoroughly inspected in respect ofthe following.

1. Poles-Proper alignment, concerting and muffing.

2. Cross-arms-Proper alignment.

3. Binding, clamps and junipers - To check whether these are

hi reach.
4 Conductor and ground wire - Proper sag and to check
whether there are any cuts, etc.
5 Guys : To check whether the Guy wire is tight and whether
the Guy insulators are hi
6. Earthing System: To check whether the earthing
connections of supports and fittings are intact. Measure
earth resistance with earth tester.
 After the visual inspection is over and satisfied, the
conductor is tested for continuity/ ground, by means of
megger. At the time of testing through megger person
should not climb on the pole or touch the guarding,
conductor, guy wire etc.
(1) Before charging any new line, it should be ensured that
the required inspection fee for the new line is paid to the
Electrical Inspector and approval obtained from him for
charging the line.
(2) The line should be energised before the authorised officer.
(3) Before energising any new line, the officer-in-charge of
the line shall notify to the workmen that the line is being
energised and that it will no longer be safe to work on line.
Acknowledgement of all the workmen hi writing should be
taken in token of having intimated them.
(4) Wide publicity by Tom-toming should be arranged hi all
the localities through which the line, that is to be energised
passes, intimating the time and date of energising and
warning public against the risk hi meddling with the line.
(5) The Officer-in-Charge of the line shall personally satisfy
himself that the same is in a fit state to be energised.
Functional Responsibility

 A model for functional responsibility

is attached for Divisions/Sub
Divisions / individuals. This could be
drawn on the basis of responsibility
by the organisation (Department).
Sl. Particular of Works Sub Division Division
Constn Gang AE (CSD) EE ( O & M) EE ST/RE (Const)
1 Preparation and sanction of estimate - - X -

2 Issue of Work Order - - X -

3 Survey and routing - X - Supervision
4 Forest Clearance - - - X
5 PTCC Approval - - - X
6 Marking of pole location - X - Supervision

7 Identity of materials - X - Supervision

8 Material lifting - X - Supervision
9 Entry of materials received in register - X - Checking

10 Shifting of material to the site - X - Supervision

11 Pit digging and pole erection X Supervision - Sample Check

12 Fixing of V cross arm top clamp and DC cross arm X Supervision - Sample Check

13 Fixing of insulators X Supervision - Sample Check

14 Fixing of stays /Guays X Supervision - Sample Check
15 Stringing of conductor X Supervision - Sample Check
16 Fastening of conductor with insulators X Supervision - Sample Check

17 Guardining at crossing X Supervision - Sample Check

18 Fixing of danger Board X Supervision - Sample Check
19 Pole painting and numbering X Supervision - Sample Check

20 Fixing of anticlimbing device X Supervision - Sample Check

21 Connecton of earth X Supervision - Sample Check

22 Test charge of the line X Supervision - Sample Check
23 Preparation of completion report X Supervision - Sample Check

24 Handling over to O &M X Supervision - Sample Check

Sl. No Particular of Works Sub Division Division
Constn Gang Head AE (CSD) EE ( O & M) EE ST/RE (Const)
1 Preparation, Sanction of estimate - - X -
2 Issue of work order - - X

3 Survey and routing X Supervision - Sample check

4 Marking of pole location X Supervision Sample check

5 Identity of materials - Sample check

6 Lifting of material - Supervision

7 Entry of materials to the site - check

8 Shifting of materials to the site - supervision

9 Pit digging and pole erection X Supervision Sample check

10 Fixing of LT cross arm with shackle X Supervision Sample check

insulators and earth
11 Fixing of stays /Guys X Supervision Sample check

12 Stringing of conductor X Supervision Sample check

13 Fastening of conductor with insulators X Supervision Sample check

14 Guardining at crossing X Supervision Sample check

15 Fixing of danger board X Supervision Sample check

16 Pole painting and numbering X Supervision Sample check

17 Earth connection X Supervision Sample check

18 Test charge of the line - Sample check

19 Preparation or completion report - Sample check

20 Handing over to ( O & M) - checking

REC has standardized the following sizes and types of supports for
11 KV and LT lines

Type Length Voltage Max Spn Type of With or

earth wire
PCC 7.5 Mt 11 KV 107 Triangular Without
earth wire

PCC 8.0 Mt 11 KV 107 Triangular With

PCC 7.5 Mt 415/240 V 107 Horizantal With
PCC 8.0 Mt 415/240 V 67 Vertical With
Stringing of the Line conductor
REC has standardized the following sizes of conductors for 33 KV, 11 KV and LT lines

Voltage Class No. and Diameter of wire Type of conductor

33 KV Lines i) 7/3 .35 mm (50 mm2) Al ACSR

ii) 7/4.09 mm (80 mm2) Al ACSR

iii) 6/4.72 mm + 7/1.57 mm (100 ACSR


11 KV Lines i) 7/2.11 mm( 20 mm2) ACSR

ii) 7/2.59 mm (30 mm2) ACSR

iii) 7/3.35 mm (50 mm2) ACSR

LT Lines i) 7/2.11 mm ( 20 mm2) ACSR

ii) 7/2.59 mm (30 mm2) ACSR

iii) 7/3.35 mm ( 50 mm2) ACSR

iv) 7/2.21mm (25 mm2) AAC

v) 7/3.10 mm (50 mm2) AAC

3.Sub transmission
1. Power Station Stepup Sub Station
2. Primary transmission line
3. Grid Sub Station
4. Secondary transmission line
5. HV Sub Station Primary Distribution
6. Primary Distribution Line
7. Distribution transformer Station
8. Secondary Distribution Lines
Classification of Distribution
 Type of Electric System -> AC or DC
; if AC single Phase or Polyphase
 Type of Delivery System-> Radial,
loop or network; Radial Systems
include duplicate or throw over
 Type of construction: over load or
Principal features desired ->
Safety, smooth and Even flow of
Power ; Economy,
Primary Distribution.
Secondary Distribution.
There are three different ways
through which the primary
distribution lines can be laid
1. The radial Primary circuit
2. The loop primary circuit
3. The ring main system
When power in supplied to the
consumers through the secondary
distribution system one of the
following arrangements used

1.Radial System
2.Looped System
3.Net work system
The main purpose of planning is
1. to make the system economical
while conforming to electricity rules
of the country/state.
2. to minimize looses and maintain
regulations within the permissible
 For proper planning of a distribution system
load survey and load fore casting of area are
 In planning of an electrical distribution
system it is necessary to know three basic
• The quanitity of the product or service desired
( per unit of time)
• The quality of the Product or service desired
• The location of the market and the individual
 Connecting loads.
 Lighting loads
 Power loads
 Heating loads
 Electronic loads
 Consumer factors.
 Maximum Demand
 Demand factor
 Load factor
 Diversity factor
 Utilization factor
 Power factor
Over Head Lines:
 The rules have seen framed for
• Safety
• Providing quality service to the people
• to lay down technical parameters and
specifications of materials to follow
standards in construction, installation
protection, operation & maintence.
• to follow laid – down principles &
procedures with accountability to people.
The main features fo O.H lines in
the rules are
Supports - Factor of safety 2 to
Conductors - Factor of safety 2.0
Stay wires, Guard & Bearer wires - 2.5
Wind load - 50 to 100 Kgs/m2 ( 150
a)Ground clearances

Across Street Along Street Else where

i) up to 650V 5.791 mt 5.486 mt 4.572 mt

ii) 650 V to 33 KV 6.096 mt 5.791 mts 5.182 mt

Vertical clearances above Horizontal clearances

i) up to 650V 2.439 mt ( 8ft) 1.219 mt( 4 ft)

ii) 650 V to 33 KV 3.64 mt (12ft) 1.82 mt ( 6ft)

• Temperatures - 60 ° C
• Voltage Regulation - ± 6 % , + 6%,
• Frequency Variation - ±4%
• Maximum clearance between supports

• Earthing
• Lightning Protection
• Insulator & Insulator fittings
• Protection.
Planning the 33/11 KV Sub Station
Involves the following Steps:
1. Tentative location based on
available data of the 11 KV Network
2. Capacity of the Sub Station
3. Selection of site
• Orientation of the Sub Station
• Planning of the Sub Station
Main equipments of Sub Station are
2.Power Transformers

3. A) Circuit Breakers
B) HT fuse (HG Fuses)
4.Isolating Switches (Isolators)

5.Bus Bar arrangements


7.Lightening arrestors

8.Instrument transformers

a) Current transformers
b) Potential transformers
9.Control and relay panels with relays, meters etc.,

10.Battery and Battery chargers


i) Power Cables
ii) Control Cables
12.Earthing arrangement
13.Station Transformer
14.Control room
15.Communication Equipment
16.Fencing, Retaining wall
17.Illumination, firefighting equipment, quarter
Awareness of the causes and their effects itself
would reduce the system irregularities to
some extent. All these difficulties ultimately
lead to a low voltage profile in the system.
The poor voltage profile causes loss of
equipments and energy. Thus, maintenance
of the voltage profile to keep the consumer
voltage at the declared level allowing the
deviation within the permissible limits would
keep the losses at control. The consumer
voltage may be kept at the desired level by
controlling one or more of the following
variable on which it is dependent
1. The voltage received at the grid sub-station
2. The range of tap changing gear available with the power
transformers at the grid sub-station
3. The percentage impedance of the power transformer at the grid
4. The voltage drop in the sub-transmission line (33 K.V. or 66 K.V.
5. Tap available with the transformer at the primary distribution sub-
station (PDS)
6. The percentage impedance of the transformer at the PDS vii) vii)
The voltage drop in the primary transformers feeders
7. The percentage impedance of the secondary distribution
transformers and taps available with them
8. The voltage drop in the secondary distribution feeders
9. The voltage drop in the joints
10. Voltage regulators/booster and/or capacitors installed in the
The following guidelines may be
followed while planning secondary
distribution system expansion or
1. Study the area carefully and estimate the load
densities, present and future.
2. Select the transformer size and conductor size
from the result of the optimization studies with
due consideration for the existing sizes.
3. Estimate the present status of the system with
respect of voltage regulation and losses
4. Estimate the optimal length of the feeders and
the optimal loading limit.
5. Mark the feed area for each secondary
distribution sub-station
6. Determine the load centre
7 In the case of the existing distribution system, if
the transformer is not in the load centre, follow
the following procedure:-
 Check the length of the feeders from the load centre to
the far-end points and compare with the optimal lengths.
If the length is more than the optimal ones, do not try to
shift the transformer to the load centre
 Taking the optimal feeder length into consideration,
divide the area into different feed area zones .
 Determine the load centre of the different load Feed area
zones, following the procedure suggested in appendix.
 If the existing location of the transformer does not fall
into one of these centres, then shift die transformer to
the nearest centre and provide new transformers at the
other centres.
 Modify the feeder layouts, keeping them as straight as
possible and the lengths within optimal limits
Operating instructions shall contain:
1. The designation of all the officers concerned to be
intimated in the event of abnormal situation of any
equipment /line and their telephone numbers.
2. General duties of the operator, the various checks
he has to perform on various equipment in shift.
3. Telephone number, and addresses of 'Fire'
'Ambulance1 'Hospitals' in addition to the telephone
number of all officers.
4. Single line layout of sub-station route map of each
feeder indicating cut points, roads, crossing etc.,
5. Detailed break down operations of lines.
Example of Operation Instruction of Lines/Equipments

00.00 11 KV Feeder 'A' Trips note relay indications; Reset

00.01 Charge the Feeder If OK, supply is restored temporary
fault is cleared If trips, note Line relay indications, reset
00.03 Charge the Feeder,
 If OK, Temporary fault is cleared supply is restored,
 If trips, note the relay indications and reset
 Examine the switch yard for any visible fault, If no fault is
noticed, open line isolator.
00.04. Charge lne OCB if OK, Trip the OCB,
 Close the line isolator charge the feeder.
 If OK Temporary fault is cleared, supply is 2: restored if trips,
note the relay indication & declare the feeder faulty. Inform
all the
 officers concerned.
 if the breaker trips at the time of test charging
 the same, inform maintenance staff. In case, if at any time of
test charging the feeder, the power - transformer H.V. L.V.
or group control or incoming trips, declare the feeder faulty
00.00 33 KV feeder breaker (p) Trips at 132 KV sub station ' M'
00.01 Note the relay indications, reset, charge the feeder, If OK supply is
restored. If trips note relay indications, reset
00.03 Charge the feeder If OK supply is restored If Trips note relay
indication, open line isolator.
00.08 Charge the OCB, If trips, inform maintenance personnel for
rectification If OK, hand trip the OCB close line isolator charge the
feeder. If OK supply is restored, if trips proceed as
 follows:
 Contact Station 'A'
 Ask the operator to open incoming isolator and 33 KV out going line
isolator Ask him to examine the switch yard and report.
 If OK ask operator at 'A' to restore supply to the station 'A' and
inform, If at the time of charging any 11 KV feeder at station 'A' of
the 33 KV
 breaker 'P1 trips, isolate the 11 KV feeder, restore normalcy. If
operator 'A' confirms that station 'A1 is normal, contact station 'B'
operator, Ask him if the switch yard is normal. Ask him to open in-.
coming 33 KV line isolator after 'B'-l is opened hand trip 'P' ask
operator at 'A' to close outgoing isolator A-2.
 Charge the feeder.
 If OK supply is restored
 If trips, declare 33 KV line between ASB is faulty
Power Transformer Trips on
 (A) Winding Temperature
 (B) Bucholtz Relay
 (C) Differential Relay
 (D) O/L Relay
 Note the winding temperature is more than the set temperature?
 If so, is the transformer overloaded? If sot
 reduce the load on the transformer.
 .Are the cooler fans, oil pumps functioning satisfactorily?
 Is fuse blown out in Fan/Pump? If so, rectify.
 Ts there any shortive between the contacts of
 winding temperature relay due to vermin or ingress 'of moisture,
if so take remedial action.
B Bucholtz Relay:
 Isolate the power transformer check bucholtz relay, is there any
gas collected, if so arrange for testing. If not check any shorting
of the contacts Megger the power transformer close HV/LV
breakers. If OK hand trip, inform maintenance personnel for
check up
C Differential Relay
 Isolate the power transformer inform maintenance personnel for
detailed check
D O/L Relay.
Check if any feeder relays indication is received without the feeder
breaker tripping isolate the feeder. Check the yard. If ok check is
power transformer is overloaded.
Guidelines for Erection of
Equipment in the Sub
Guide Lines of Erection of
Power Transformers in
33/11KV Sub Stations
The erection of Power Transformers comprises of following Works :

 Unloading of Transformer form Tractor

Trailer/Lorry at the Sub Station.
 Stacking aside wherever the Power Transformer
plinth etc are not ready.
 Moving the transformer on to plinth
 Assembly of all the mounting , accessories etc.,
 Filling and topping up of transformer oil
 Oil circulation through filter if required.
 Earthing
 Jumpering
• Unloading of Transformer form Tractor Trailer/Lorry at
the Sub Station :. Generally the higher capacity Power
Transformers are sent from the manufacturer duly
dismantling, conservator tank Radiators, Piping etc. in
either tractor trailor or lorry. For unloading the main tank
from the vehicle we may use a suitable crane or do
manually. When manual unloading is done, the following
T & P and equipment are required.

 Wooden Sleepers 8’ to 12’ length, 12” width, 6” or 8” thick– 40 Nos

 10 Ton tirfur with rope -1
 20 ton winch with rope -1
 5 Ton Chain Pulley block -1
 2 Ton Chain Pulley block -1
 Hydraulic Jacks 10 Tons Capacity - 4 Nos
 Wire rope – ¾” size - 20 Mtrs
 Manila rope of different sizes & lengths
 Crow Bars
 Rail Poles minimum 20 ft length - 4 Nos
 General T & P
 Wooden Packing pieces ¼”, ½” ,1”, 1 ½” , 2”, 4” thick – Set
Plat form up to the height if tractor trailor/ lorry is
to be built up with wooden sllepers. By using
hydraulic jacks, the main tank is to be lifted on all
sides to a height so that the rail poles can be in
serted at the bottom of main tank and main tank
rests on rail poles The other end of poles are to be
on the wooden sleeper plat form Now with the help
of winch or tirfur the transformer main tank will be
dragged on rail poles up to wooden sleeper plat
form. When the main tank could be dragged
correctly over the platform, with the help of
hydraulic jacks the transformer main tank is raised
slightly and rails are removed, The main tank is
(lowered to one sleeper height by slowly removing
the top sleepers on e after another). During
removal of sleepers following step by step
operations are done.
1. Keep two jacks under jack pads of transformers along the top sleeper ( Which is be
removed one jack each on either and of sleeper)
2. Operate the Jacks so that lifting pad of jacks are tightly positioned under
transformer jack pads
3. Now slowly pressurize jacks equally on both sides simultaneously so that one side
of the transformer tank is raised slightly to enable to draw out the sleeper.
4. Now Place the wooden packing pieces one over the other by the sides of Jacks up
to jack height
5. Now remove the sleeper slowly with out hitting the jacks
6. Slowly lower the transformer tank, by releasing pressure in jacks slowly (both
simultaneously) and removing the packing pieces one after another
7. Now remove the Jacks, when the side of transformer is securely resting on the
next bottom sleepers
8. Now place the jacks on the other side of the power transformer tank and carry
pout above operation and remove other side sleeper also.
9. After the transformer tank lowered to the height of one sleeper height, then
sleepers are to be placed along the rout to the plinth on which PTR is to be erected.
10. ON the sleepers rail poles are to be kept duly inserting under the tank and
transformer tank is to be dragged close to the plinth.
11. After dragging the transformer tank nearer to plinth the transformer tank is to be
raised to the level slightly above the plinth top level by using sleepers & Hydraulic
12. Then the Power Transformer tank is to be dragged on to the plinth slowly with the
help of rail poles and winch tirfor.
13. When the transformer tank is correctly positioned placed on the plinth further work
is to be taken up.
Assembling of Transformer fittings , Mountings

 The radiator dummy plates are to be

removed and ensured that no foreign
material, moisture is accumulated in the
radiators, the radiators can be fitted by
using sleepers, Jacks/ Chain pulley block.
The radiator valves shall be inclosed position
 Conservator tank is to be fixed by lifting the
same suitably
 Slicagel breather, vent pipe, Bucholtz relay
thermometes are to be fixed on to the
power transformer
 Filling /toping Up of oil : Now New filtered tested
Transformer oil is to be filled in to transformer
through suitable clean pump & pipes slowly through
one of the top valves while filling oil slowly open
bottom valve and air releasing dummy of one
radiator. When oil is filled up to top of radiator then
close the air releasing dummy immediately open top
valve of radiator. In the same way all the radiators
are to be filled and conservator tank is filled up to
50% level approximately.
 Then release the air once from all air releasing
 Checkup oil level in the OLTC unit
 Then earthing and jumpering is to be done as per
Erection of Breakers
 Before Erection of Breaker, suitable plinths are to be
constructed duly embedding the foundation bolts as per
distances specified in the manual of the breaker
 Once the curing period of plinth is completed and plinths
are perfectly cured, first the mounting structures of the
breaker is to be placed on plinth in position. Then the
breaker is to be brought near to plinth on rail poles or MS
Channels, lifted & erected with the help of chain pulley
bock & ropes. During erection of Breaker for tying the
Breaker to ropes lifting ring ears provided on the breaker
are to be used but not bushings or bushing collar frames
 CT base channels are to be fixed and CTs are to be
positioned on the channels already fixed
 Jumpering from Bus Isolators to Breaker; Breaker to
CTs ; CTs to line Isolators is done with Panther Conductor
through suitable clamps.
 Double earthing of Breaker body & CT Body is to be
Erection of PTs, L Ass, CTs :
 Before erection of these equipment base
dimension, distances between mounting
holes are to be noted.
 Suitable holes are to be drilled in seating
structure on which the equipment is to be
 The equipment is to be lifted by using
lifting holes provided to the equipment with
the help of chain pulley block manila rope
 After positioning on the channels the base
is to be fixed to base channel with suitable
coated or GI bolts, Plain washers spring
washers and double nuts
 Earthing & Jumpering is to be done as per
the standards.
Earthing System -
Earthing Systems:
Electrical earthing is designed primarily to render electrical installation safe. The
purpose of earthing are :
1. Protection to the plant
2. Protection to the personnel and
3. Improvement in service reliability
Non- current carrying parts with conducting surface such as tanks of Power
Transformers, and frame work of circuits breakers, structural steel work in
switch yard instrument transformer cases, lightning arresters and armored
cables armoring should be effectively grounded for protection of equipments
and operating personnel. Earth connections of all equipments should be
made in duplicate.
Connecting lead should have sufficient current carrying capacity.
L A s should have independent earth electrode which should be inter connected
to the station grounding system.
All paints, enamel, seals should be removed from the point off contact of metal
surfaces before earth connections are made.
The resistances of earth system should not exceed 2 ohms for 33/11 KV Sub
But in the sub stations of Distribution companies Earth resistance Maximum of 1
Ohm is maintained.
Suitable grounding mat should be provided in the sub station yard.
In a Sub Station the following shall be earthed.

 The neutral point of the systems of different

voltages which have to be earthed.
 Apparatus, frame work and other non-current

carrying metal work associated with each

system, for example transformer tanks, switch
gear frame work etc.,
 Extraneous metal frame work not associated

with the power systems, for example, boundary,

fence, steel structures etc.,
The earthing Means connecting of Electrical
equipment, machinery or an electrical system
with the general mass of earth is termed as
earthing or grounding

A Sub Station earthing system has to satisfy

four requirements:
 The earthing system must provide an
environment which is free from the possibility of
fatal electric shock.
 The earthing system must provide a low
impedance path for fault and earth leakage
currents to pass to earth.
 The earthing conductors must possess sufficient
thermal capacity to pass the highest fault current
for the required time
 The earthing conductors must have sufficient
mechanical strength and corrosion resistance.
Earthing can be broadly divided as :

 System Grounding ( System

 Equipment Grounding (Safety
System Grounding:

It is a connection to the ground of a part of the

plant forming part of the operating circuits for
example the star point of the transformer or the
neutral conductor. The grounding of the lighting,
arrestors also comes under the head of system
grounding. The provision of system ground
reduces to considerable extent the magnitude of
the transient over voltages and there by increases
the life of electrical equipment besides minimizing
the services interruptions.
Thus the fundamental purpose of system ground
is the protection of installation and improvement
in quality of service. The system ground also will
ensure the safety of the personnel to some
extent, as it helps to clear the fault speedily.
Safety Grounds (Equipment Grounding)

It is a connection to the ground of non-current carrying parts of

the equipments like Motors, Transformer Tanks, Switchgear
enclosures, Metallic enclosures of all electrically operated
equipments and also the installations used to carry/ Support
electrical equipments. The frames of the equipments, if not
earthed when come into contact accidentally with live parts will
have potential with reference to the ground. The potential
difference, when shunted between the hands and the feet of a
person touching the frame, produces current through the body
which can result in a fatality. By connecting body which can result
in a fatality. By connecting the frames to a low resistance ground
system, a sufficiently high current will flow into the ground when
accidentally the live parts of the equipment / Machinery touch the
frames, and consequently saves the operating personnel from fatal
Thus the equipment grounding is basically intended to safeguard to
a great extent from the hazards of touch voltages. The safety
ground is so designed that the potential difference appearing
between the frames and the neighboring ground is kept within safe
Separation of system and safety grounds:

During ground fault conditions, the fault current

flows via the system ground. When the system and
safety grounds are inter connected, the fault current
flowing (via) the system ground rises the potential of
the safety ground. Also the flow of current to safety
ground results in hazardous potential gradient in and
around sub station. In view of the above it is some
times suggested that separate system and safety
grounds will avoid the danger arising due to potential
gradients. The idea is that by connecting the system
ground to a separate earthing system situated in a in
accessible spot, the ground fault current does not
flow through the safety ground. However, this
separate system of grounds has many disadvantages
and can be more hazardous as mentioned below
 With separate grounds we can avoid danger due to
potentials only for faults outside the stations.
 Short circuit currents will be more if the fault occurs
in the sub stations.
 The resistance may be more and in some cases
sufficient currents may not flow to operate the
 For effective separation of the earthing systems,
the system ground shall be installed at a distance of
at least twice the diagonal length of the sub station
which is covered by safety grounding. The neutral
of the transformer has to be connected to this
remote earthing by means of insulated leads. Even
with this arrangement one cannot always be sure
about the complete isolation of the two systems
and there is always a chance of inadequate
electrical connection through buried neutral pipes
etc., Hence, this is impracticable, complicated and
costly. It is therefore a common practice to install
a common grounding system and design the same
for effective earthing and safer potential gradients.
System Earthing

 System earthing is governed by provisions of

Rule - Of I.E Rules, 1956. Unearthed systems
have been tried and due to the phenomenon of
Arcing Grounds associated with them, theses
have been abandoned, excepting in a few cases
of power station auxiliaries supply systems where
other arrangements are made for indicating earth
faults. In an ungrounded system the insulation
of all the equipments, lines etc, will have to be
much higher values as compared to those of
equipments and lines of a grounded system. This
aspect greatly reduces the costs and ensures
more safety.
Types of System Earthing:
 Earthing through a resistance.
 Earthing through a reactance.
 Earthing through a Peterson coil
 Earthing directly or solid earthing.
Sub Station Earthing
Because of the difficulties and disadvantages involved in
marinating the system grounding and safety grounding separately
it is the common practice now to have a combined grounding
system at the sub stations. Provision of adequate earthing in a
sub station is extremely important for the safety of the operating
personnel as well as for proper system operation. The Primary
requirements of a good earthing system in a sub station are.
 The impedance to ground should be as low as possible. The
impedance of the earth system shall not exceed the following
limits in the sub stations

Power Stations 0.5 Ohms

Major Sub stations above 110 KV 1.0 Ohms

Minor Sub Stations below 110 KV 2.0 Ohms

Distribution Transformer Station 5.0 Ohms

Transmission line supports 10.0 Ohms

The Step and touch potentials should be within safe limits

Touch Potential :
Touch potential is the potential difference between the ground
surface potential where a person is standing and the potential of
his outstretched hand (s) which are in contact with an earthed
structure. It is normally assumed that a person’s maximum reach
is 1.0 meter.
Step Potential :
Step Potential is the potential difference between outstretched
feet, at a spacing of 1.0 meter without the person touching any
earthed structure
Mesh Potential
The maximum potential difference between the centre of a mesh
in an earth grid, and an earthed structure connected to the buried
grid conductors. It is worst case scenario of a touch potential.
Transferred potential
The transferred potential is a touch potential which is transferred
some distance by an earth referenced metallic conductor. For
example, consider a screened cable connecting two sub stations
which are some distance apart. If a person disconnects the
earthed termination at one end of a screened cable he may be
subjected to the full ground potential rise occurring due to an
earth fault. This can be a very high touch potential.
To keep the ground impedance as low as possible and
also to have satisfactory step and touch voltages, an
earthing mat will be buried at a suitable depth below
the ground and it is provided with grounding electrode
at suitable points. All the non-current carrying parts of
the equipments in the sub stations are connected to
this grid so as to ensure that under fault conditions,
none of these parts are at higher potential than the
grounding grid. Under normal conditions, the ground
electrode make little contribution to lower the earth
resistance; they are, however, desirable for marinating
low value of resistance under all weather conditions,
which is particularly important where the system fault
currents are heavy.
Earthing in a sub station must conform to the
requirements of the Indian Electricity Rules and follow
the directives laid down in section I and III of IS :
3043-1966. the earthing system has to be designed to
have a low overall impedance, and a current carrying
capacity consistent with fault current.
The factors which influence the
design are:
 Duration of fault.
 Magnitude of the fault current.
 Resistivity of the underlying strata.
 Resistivity of the surface material
 Material of the earth electrode.
1. 100 X 16 mm and 75 X 8mm size MS steel flats are being ordered for
forming the earthing system for EHT Sub station and 33/11 KV Sub Stations
2. Earth mat shall be formed with the steel flats buried in the ground at a depth
of 500mm.
3. The earth mat shall extend over the entire switchgear yard and beyond the
security fencing of structural yard by at least one meter.
4. The outer most peripheral earthing conductor surrounding the earth mat
shall be of 100 x 16 mm size MS flat.
5. The intermediate earthing conductors forming the earth mat shall be of 75 x
8 mm size flat.
6. All the risers used for connecting the equipment steel structures etc., to
earth mat shall be of 50 x6 mm size excepting for earthing of L A s and
transformer neutrals for which 100 x 16 mm or 75 x 8 mm size shall be
7. All Junctions (crossing of the steel flats while forming the earth mat and
taking risers from the earthmat for giving earth connections to equipments,
steel structural conducts, cable shearths shall be propersly welded.
8. Proper earthing lugs shall be used for connecting the earth terminals of
equipments to the earthing steel flat.
9. Provisions shall be made for thermal expansion of the steel flats by giving
suitable bends.
10. The earth mat shall be formed by placing 75 x8mm MS flat at a distance 5
meters along the length & breadth of the sub station duly welding at
11. All the equipments, steel structural, conduits, cable sheaths shall be solidly
grounded by connecting to the earthing mat at least two places for each.
12. The ground mat of the switchyard shall be properly connected to the earth
mat of the control house at least at two points.
13. welding is done shall be given a coat of black asphalitic varnish and then
covered with hessain tape to avoid rusting.
14. All paints, enamel and scale shall be removed from point of contact in
metal surfaces before applying ground connections.
15. The risers taken along the main switchyard structures and equipment
structures up to their top) shall be clamped to the structure at an interval
of not more than one meter with ground connectors.
16. 75 X 8 mm ground conductor shall run in cable trenches and shall be
connected to the ground amt at an interval of 5 meters.
17. Grounding electrodes 2.75 Mtrs length 100 mm dia 9 mm thickness CI
Pipes shall be provided at all their peripheral corners of the earthiong mat
and also at Distance of 10 Mtrs along length & width of switch gearand in
the entire switch yard.
18. The grounding electrodes shall be drived into the ground and their tops
shall be welded to a clamp and the clamp together with the grounding
shall be welded to the ground conductor.
19. The switchyard surface area shall be covered by a layer of crushed rock of
size 25 x 40 mm to a depth of 100mm
20. Transformers and L A s and single phase potential transformer shall be
provided with earth pits near them for earthing and these earth pits in
turn shall be connected to the earth mat.
21. Power Transformers neutral shall be provided with double earthing.
Neutral earthing and body earthing of power transformers shall be
connected to separate earth electrode.
22. the entire earthing system shall be laid with constructional conveniences
in the filed, keeping in view the above points.
23. The joints and tap-offs where welding is done shall be given a coat of
black asphalitic varnish and then covered with hessain tape to avoid

Maximum Acceptable step Voltage

Fault clearance times
Fault clearance 0.2 0.35 Seconds 0.7 Seconds
times Seconds
On soil 1050 V 600 V 195 V
On chippings 1400 V 800 V 250 V

Maximum Acceptable Touch Voltage

Fault clearance times
Fault clearance 0.2 0.35 Seconds 0.7 Seconds
times Seconds
On soil 3200 V 1800 V 535 V
On chippings 4600 V 2600 V 815 V
The following are the minimum sizes of materials to used.

S. Item Material to be used

1 Grounding Electrodes CI pipe 100 mm (inner
dia) Meters long with a
flange at the top
2 Earth mat 75 X 8mm MS Flat
3 Connection to 75 X 8mm MS Flat
between electrodes
and earthmat
4 Connection to 50 x 6mm MS Flat
between earth mat
and equipment (Top
 The size of trench for burying earth mat shall be
300mm X 500mm. The earth mat shall be buried
in the ground at a depth of 500mm. The earth mat
shall extend over the entire switch yard.
 All junctions and risers in the earth flat shall be
properly welded by providing additional flat pieces
for contact between two flats
 Provision shall be made for thermal expansion of
steel flats by giving smooth circular bends Bending
shall not cause any fatigue in the material.
 After welding, the joints and tap offs shall be given
two coats of Bitumen paint
 Back filling of earth mat trench to be done with
good earth, free of stones and other harmful
mixtures. Back fill shall be placed in layer of
150mm, uniformly spread along the ditch, and
tampered by approved means
Earth electrodes shall be of CI pipe 100mm (inner dia)
2.75 meters long with a flange at the top and earth flat
already indicated and shall be connected to earth grid in
the Sub Station. All earth pits are to excavated and the
preferred backfill is a mixture of coke and salt in alternate
layers. A suitable size cement collar may be provided to
each earth electrode. All bolted earth mat connections
and strip connections to plant and equipment panel will
be subject to strict scrutiny. Transformer Neutrals shall
be connected directly to the earth electrode by two
independent MS strips of 75 X 8mm. The transformer
body earthing shall be done with 75 X 8mm flat. The
independent connections of MS strips with earth mat shall
be given on either side of the Transformer. All contact
surface must be filled or ground flat ensures good
electrical connection, and the contact surface shall be
protected with a contact lubricant. Following this all
connections shall be painted with heavy coats of
bituminous black paint so as to exclude moisture.

 Neutral connection earth pipe shall never be used for the

equipment earthing.
 A separate earth electrode shall be provided adjacent to
the structures supporting Lightning Arrestors. Earth
connection shall be as short and as straight as practicable.
For arrestors mounted near for protecting transformers
earth conductors shall be connected directly to the tank.
 An Earthing pad shall be provided under each operating
handle of the isolator and operating mechanism of the
circuit breakers. Operating handle of the isolator and
supporting structures shall be bonded together by a
flexible connection and connected to the earthing grid.
 All equipment and switchgear etc., erected shall be
earthed as per I.E Rules 1956.

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