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Flexibility and

Stretching Exercises

Anatomical graphics from:

Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology
McGraw-Hill, 1998
Regular stretching exercises promote
flexibility— a component of fitness—
that permits freedom of movement,
contributes to ease and economy of
muscular effort, allows for successful
performance in certain activities, and
provides less susceptibility to some
types of injuries or musculoskeletal
 Not the same as stretching.

 The range of motion in a joint or

joints is used to reflect flexibility at
that joint.
ROM= the extent and direction of
movement that is possible.
Joint specific
 Specific
vocabulary is used to describe
the movement of joints.
internal and external rotation,
Plantar flexion/dorsiflexion
(see next slide)
 Flexion
 Extension
 Abduction
 Adduction
 Rotation
 Plantar Flexion
 Dorsiflexion
 The unique nature of the different
joints causes some to allow for
greater mobility than others.
Ball-and-socket joint
Hinge joint

 ROM at a joint depends on how it is

being assessed
Static = without movement
Dynamic = active functional activity
 Anatomy
- Long “muscle-tendon units” (MTUs)
- Properties of connective tissue and
- Type of joint
 Gender
◦ Females more flexible
 Possibly related to:
 bone structure (e.g., wider hips)
 hormonal influences
 physical activity choices (e.g., dance,
gymnastics, swimming) that require
good flexibility

Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e 8

 Genetics (loose joints)
 Lack of use or misuse
-Lack of physical activity/muscle
 Race
 Age (see next slide)

 Static
◦ Active assistance
◦ Passive assistance
 Ballistic
 Proprioceptive
Facilitation (PNF)
 Safer and less likely to cause injury
 Stretch slowly until tension
 Hold stretch for 10 - 30 sec.
 Relax the muscle
 Increase stretch a bit more
(developmental stretch)
 Active stretching
 Passive stretching
See next slide (Figure 3)
 Dynamic movement
 Specificity of movement
 Combines (active and passive)
 Most effective method for
improving flexibility
 Promotes increase in strength
 Contract agonist isometrically
 Relax muscle for a few seconds
 Contract the antagonist for 15 seconds
(antagonist muscles refers to the muscle
group on the opposite side of the limb
from the muscle group being stretched)
 Relax

See threshold and target zones in Excel
 Do not force the stretch to the
point of pain.
 Choose safe exercises.
 Avoid overstretching weak muscles.
 Use good technique.

See samples of
good stretching

Standing Bar Stretch Back Saver Hamstring

Toe Touch Stretch

Shin Stretch Quad Stretch

Standing Stretch

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