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AngeIIo RoncaIIi Pope XXIII - "Pope good"

Moments of Life
Documentary Essay - Mesaros AngheI VasiIe / 2011
Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, was born in Sotto il Monte (Bergamo - taly) on December 25
1881. He was elected pope (with the name John XX) on October 28, 1958 and ruled
the destinies Curia until her death - June 3, 1963.
Some existential coordinates:
He was appointed holder Arepolis bishop and apostolic visitor to Bulgaria (1925-
Nuncio in Turkey and Greece with the rank of archbishop (from 1935 to 1944).
Nuncio in Paris, France (1944 to 1951).
Observer of the Holy See to UNESCO (1951-1952).
Cardinal-Patriarch of Venice (1953 to 1958).
Pope with the name Pope John XX (1958 to 1963).
Has an active mediation role in defusing "the Cuban missile crisis (October-
November 1962).
Convene and organize preliminary Vatican (1962 - 1965) and participates to death
at work.
Public its Encyclical:
"Mater et Magistra", was published on 15/05/1961.
"Pacem in Terris", was published on 11/04/1963.
as beatified (declared "happy") of the Roman Catholic Curia (2000).
s proposed (the "allenberg Foundation and the "Roncalli Committee - in 2009) to
be awarded the title of "Righteous Among the Nations" by Yad Vashem (the sraeli
national study nstitute of the Holocaust - the mass murder of the Hebrew people from
1933 to 1945).
ho is this man, with a fate similar to hundreds of thousands who remained
anonymous, which during the twentieth century history fighting against intolerance, pride
and hatred ith my resources, will try a documentary on significant moments in the
work of this pontiff called by many 'Good Pope' and Russians 'Peasant Pope'.
His parents of his large familiy: (thirteen brothers and sisters) were agricultural workers -
wineyards. Angello will note at maturity his social condition that came with the metaphor:
"There are onIy three ways in which a man may ruin: women, gambIing and ... to
be farmers. My father chose the most boring of the three. Primary school is in
Bergamo. s trained in first mysteries of Christian faith and, in twelve years (1903)
becomes a follower of Catholic seminary in Bergamo. Then in 1904, received a
scholarship Cerasoli Foundation, which allows him to pursue studies in "Apollinaris" in
Rome [1]. ith a extraordinary desire for knowledge Angelo Roncalli opened the
modern trends of spiritual initiation, studying the work of German philosopher Rudolf
Steiner on the steps of spiritual initiation (see Appendix, John XXIII and the Masonic
Movement). Complete studies and a doctorate in Canon Law is ordained in 1904.
Bishop of Bergamo, Giacomo Radin-Tedeschi responsible for social problems, assess
the priest and his organizational spirit. s named his secretary. For nine years Roncalli
will do hard work to help the poor in the region and mediates disputes between
employers and employees, to achieve decent work and life conditions.
[1] "Pontificia lateranense Universitaria, called by Pope John Paul as "Pope University, was
founded by Pope Clement XV in 1773. t includes theology and philosophy sections of Sciences of
the Roman College. n 1824 receives the head Apollinaris palace. n 1853 it set up sections of
Canon Law and Civil Law. John Paul in 1981 added the Pontifical nstitute for Studies on
Marriage and Family issues which have the right to confer academic degrees.
Contact with the problems of the working class, and its origin of poor farmers give him a
special competence in further understanding the situation of the many and oppressed,
regardless of what nations are they, the black times to come. n his ecclesiastical way he
continued his studies in Canon Law and take Patrology, Apologetics and Church History
courses (which he studied with maestro Umberto Benigni to Rome) in seminary in
Bergamo. During orld ar is chaplain in talian Army (1914 -1918). t is called by Pope
Benedict XV to Rome where are recived in the Congregation "Propaganda Fide". n
1925 is professor at the Lateran University in Rome. His vision of the unity of Christianity
to find a still of that period. n 1926, in a letter to the Orthodox clergy in Ukraine:
"athoIics and Orthodox are not enemies but brothers. We have the same faith,
we share the same sacraments, and especiaIIy the Eucharist. We divided those
who were due to these disagreements are dead for centuries. To give up oId
disputes, and each community, to work to better our brothers, giving a good
exampIe. Later, whiIe traveIing on different paths, we achieve unity between the
churches, to form together the true and onIy hurch of our Lord Jesus hrist. "
s called Apostolic Visitor in Bulgaria, in 1934, it involves both the preservation of the
Catholic minority and the development of good ties with representatives of the Orthodox
Church (the majority) through concrete gestures such as food and clothing to support
the local population after a earthquake. Bulgarian Orthodox Christians responded with
sympathy and affection opening papal envoy.
s called, in 1935 Papal Nuncio in Turkey and Greece, based in stanbul. Here, in the
spirit of Christian charity to support the Armenians and the Greeks are in need under the
Turkish and Muslim population. He urge them to remove the ancestral religious hatred
and the recent disasters (slaughter of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire - in 1915) to
build, through interreligious effort and eliminating bigotry, the modern Turkey State lead
by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, founded in 1923. As an important detail he learn Turkish to
say mesa Christmas in that language continuing Greek, talian, French, Armenian.
Contact with the clergy of the Orthodox rite and the Greek Orthodox tradition the
reasoned steps after the reunification of the two sister Churches in Vatican Council
(1962 to 1965). His great contribution to human solidarity and support will be supporting
Hebrew people, was in focus of long-term policy of extermination of the Nazi regime
after 1933. Phenomenon that has spread like a flame from Germany across Europe,
with the expansion of armies and intelligence German services to Turkish Republic.
Angello Roncalli will seize at time 'signs of the beast' in a place seemingly removed from
'Hitler's lair', the period when Jews themselves don't refer immensity and organizational
strength of the mechanism of mass murder that was. Thus: this Christian leader started
to set in a seemingly insignificant signs of the years '35 - '40, not taken into account the
great political Chancellors time, and take preventive measures accordingly. t is
recognized that it was the first warned in official documents the existence of Nazi death
camps from January 1941. Hebrew to help people in a variety of forms:
- 21 official documents to the competent authorities of the Holy See, in the period
January 1941 - March 1945 on various aspects and situations of groups of Hebrew,
which require support Curia.
Provide the Agency for Jewish Emigration in stanbul (led by Haim Barlas), logistics
network of order 'daughters of Zion'.
Using the relations with the Turkish government (in particular Foreign Minister
Memencioglu) and cooperation in its efforts to bring in Turkey 'Turkish Jews of
citizenship' (granted citizenship to save them from extermination) of France remained
under the government of the Vichy.
- Appeal to the German ambassador in Turkey (Franz von Pappen) to allow trains
'Hebrew Turkish subjects' transit countries occupied by the Reich, to stanbul.
- Alerting the Turkish authorities and the intervention to German Ambassador Frantz von
Pappen to block sea transport of Hebrew children to Germany. To note that, to the Trial
of war criminals at Nuremberg in 1945, Angelo Roncalli contributed decisively for the
exemption Franz von Pappen of crimes against humanity.
- Steps to save Jews from Greece
- Approach the next Tsar Boris of Bulgaria to protect the Jews of Bulgaria.
- Steps to rescue Jews in Slovakia and Croatia.
- Steps to rescue Jews in Hungary, including via Romania.
- ssue 'Certificates of mmigration' and the approach they reach the Papal Nuncio in
Budapest (Archbishop Angelo Rotta) and the Papal Nuncio in Bucharest (Cardinal
Casullo) to save the lives of Jews deported to Transnistria and their targeting by sea to
stanbul .
- ssue 'Certificates of Baptism' to save children by sending in Hebrew extermination
camps. Such a child he said: ecoming athoIic, you Hebrew are not Iess'.
- Logistical support provided paramilitary units Hebrew (Palmah, Haganah, irgun) for
transferring Hebrew immigrants from Turkey to Palestine, despite military opposition,
land and naval British authorities in Palestine (see also: Hebrew Self Defense
Organizations Yisuv Moments of Zionism (V)).
- arning American diplomats in Ankara on various information on the European
Holocaust, yet in its early stages, and work with them to coordinate rescue actions
(through personal relationship with the U.S. ambassador - ra Hirshman).
t should be noted that the initiative was not only Catholic prelate. He knew how to fall in
huge human chain, to mobilize and organize multiple and disparate resources into an
orchestra of good against evil. Shall be valued as such were saved 19,000 'Hebrew
Turkish' Hebrew and 100,000 in Europe under German occupation.
n 1944, appointed Apostolic Nuncio in Paris, the newly liberated France's Charles de
Gaulle. t was a difficult job, Roncalli's predecessor worked with the German occupiers.
Because his links in the French capital have their cultural and political personalities,
Angelo Roncalli succeeds quickly eliminate "collaborators" anathema of and French
Catholic priests and made good relations between the French and Vatican States.
remained in my mind his words in his speech in 1946, when 100 years come true the
appearance of Our Lady in front of two children Salette (France):
"It works much peace, but peace wiII not be between peopIe whiIe wiII not make
peace with God, and it can not be achieved without prayer and penance".
The result of its concerted action with UNESCO officials (based in Paris) creates a
climate of cooperation between the Roman Catholic Church and this international
instrument to promote the values of "Declaration of Human Rights in San Francisco"
(December 10, 1948). Because it is created close links with the UN, UNESCO and
related organizations. Angelo Roncalli is the first 'Vatican Observatory' in 1951
designated by the Holy See to UNESCO. Beyond the brilliant maneuver of papal policy
the Roncalli contribution is based on conviction that freedom and human rights must
have alongside the with power and papal authority. The fact that you find also in the text
of his Encyclical "Pacem in Terris", in the last moments of his earthly life. Result: in long
terms are the periodicals meetings pontiffs and directors of UNESCO, cooperation
between educational entities, legal, cultural organizations with the specialized Papal
State organizations and the participation of high level of UNESCO staff at all important
ceremonies in the Vatican. Actually, Roncalli opening it to all azimuths of contemporary
human existence, by building on the positive, regardless of their Catholic position in our
human rainbow. From the Orthodox Christians and Protestants and Anglicans, to the
Mozaics to Muslims, from the Socialists (Edouard Herriot) and Communists (Giacomo
Manzu Nobel laureate), to the Masonic movement (Baron Yves Marsaudon) and
Atheists. He often surprised those who led the Roman Curia destiny; generated
adversaries in the long run '. Angelo Roncalli will see the humor in the twilight of its
existence "I am the Pope has kept his foot pressed the acceIerator". Natural is the
question of what did not suffer a reprimand from Pope Pius X - th (be aware that in
1925 there was a file Holy Office that was "suspected of Modernism"). ithout claiming
of exegesis (for which have not qualified) reasons should be a balance between
spiritual initiation and true faith in the power of Catholic Christianity, the ability to
penetrate with kindness. Understanding and organize a march to benefit common with
almost any kind of partner. t was his tact to circumvent no common convictions,
retaining only what could bring people together, no matter how little it is, without actually
no compromise to the Gospel of Jesus and his Apostles.
On January 12, 1953 is named Cardinal Patriarch of Venice. Assumes the quality of
spiritual shepherd "required to carry out its mission to the chiIdren as was
instructed by God." have few data about this period about which think was the most
prolific in the synthesis of his spiritual experience. t said that actively participated in the
life of the Church, social and cultural parishes subordinated. t has set up thirty new
parishes. e also witness the constructive position taken in the talian Socialist Party
contemporary conditions and you wish to devote to do anything possibIe to raise
the Iiving conditions and sociaI weIfare. Far from being a socialist advocate,
Cardinal Roncalli was experience of his family farm worker, the claims experience of
workers in the years 1910 - 1925 which has mediated in conflicts with employers, and
loom as a working class talian utility have resulted in a socialist party and effectively.
Thing that happened in the years that followed.
n October 28,1958, 51 cardinals participating in the election of Angelo Giuseppe
Roncalli as Pope John XX. His choice name are in memory of John the Baptist and the
Apostle John. t was pervasive idea that the high-priest Catholic, aged 76 years was the
result of a compromise, after the twelve rounds that preceded his election and that his
presence will not bring anything new. A Baptist editor wrote to commemorate 77 years of
the new pope: "Only ashes vision remains a man of 76 years" ... Few knew what dowry
spiritual faith, the will was gained in this, "servus servorum Dei"- servant of the servants
of God. n a surprise hit of compressed time. n any three months of installation, after
participating in the "eek of Prayer for Christian Unity" (promoted in the' 50 years by Fr.
Paul Couturier , called "The Unity Apostle", hoping that God Himself knows the time and
form in which it will achieve full unity of the Church on earth), on January 25, 1959, when
the famous conversion of St. Paul in front of eighteen cardinals gathered near the place
where, by tradition, was beheaded St. Paul tomb, Pope John XX, successor of Saint
Peter says:
"VenerabIe and dear coIIeagues sons: TrembIing a bit of emotion, but with
humiIity and firmness of purpose whiIe, I wiII say now about the two meetings. I
propose to caII a diocesan synod and an EcumenicaI ounciI for the UniversaI
n fact there were three themes:
- Convening a Roman Diocesan Synod.
- Meeting an Ecumenical Council.
- Review and a new codification of Canon Law.
The cardinal said that no word had a response to this announcement, at that time.
Pope's oan XX proposal related to three existential and axiological 'concentric circles':
- Unity Christian faith with the hope of combining between Catholicism and Orthodoxy.
Or as Pope John XX said, "o we want to Iook for who is right or wrong: the
responsibiIity is shared. We want onIy to say: ome and be together, to end
- Ecumenism: the main way for religious coexistence and peace.
- Update ( 'Agiornamento') and reform the Church of Rome, from the Roman Curia itself.
Cardinal Domenico Tardini secretary is appointed Chairman of the Preparatory
Commission. Meanwhile Clement objective problems in specific pastoral and treats them
in encyclicals.
15/12/1958 ncreases the number of Cardinals at 75, in 1959 will be 79, in 1962 will
be 87. Pope John XX used from pontificate instrument of collective leadership with a
double objective: to streamline operations and create a team sense in the College of
29/06/1959 Encyclical "Ad Petri Cathedram - announced goal which was to be
projected the Vatican Council: for promoting Christian concepts of truth, love to build a
world closer to peace.
18/07/1959 Remove from "Catholic Canon" reference to slam associated with
idolatry. Then it will receive the ran Shahinschah visit Reza Pahlevi Aryamer.
1.08.1959 Encyclical "John Maria Vianney" - priest of Ars consolidates the status
commemorating of priest called herd and young believers towards the priesthood.
26/09/1959 Encyclical "Grata Recordatio". t underlines the strength of the Holy
Rosary Prayer in the practice of faith and bring to God Catholic Christian hopes for
success of the Catholic Council.
Encyclical "On athoIic missions throughout the world that emphasizes role
missionary priests and laity involved in Christian education and training among local
people a "ecclesial corpus.
8.05.1960 - 14 Consecration of bishops from among the peoples of Africa, Asia and
15/05/1960 Encyclical "Mater et Magistra" - Treat relations between peoples in new
social order that foreshadowed. The author says, in the beginning of a nearly 19,917
words text (English version): "UniversaI hurch was founded by Jesus hrist so that
everyone throughout the centuries come to her to be embraced with Iove to find
fuIIness of Iife upper and guarantee saIvation. Encyclical is an analysis of
contemporary issues in the life of humanity, in all major plans: the family in society and
science. Recommend ways to rebuild the social relations based on trust, justice and
n June 1960 it established ten committees, a Secretariat for Promoting Christian
Unity to take, process proposals and to summarize the 'schemes' that were to be
debated. He announced on February, the Council open on 11 October, 1962.
November 1960 - Get the Bishop of Canteburry Geofrey Fisher. Besides the short
period of four years Roncalli recive will official visits of representatives of the main
non-Catholic religions: Jewish, Muslim, Orthodox, Protestant, Baptist.
Campaigning to help Catholic priests persecuted in Hungary, Yugoslavia, China. On
the basis of good relations with N.S. Khrushchev, in 1962, would trigger the gradual
release of Ukrainian and Romanian Greek Catholic priests from the detention camps.
22/02/1962 "Apostolic Constitution" - an expression of preserving traditions of Latin
in liturgical and pastoral work of priests, brothers.
20/10/1962 'Cuban Missile Crisis'. U.S. intelligence services detected the missile
base located the USSR in Cuba. They could launch nuclear warheads would have hit
any U.S. territory, within a radius of 2000 km. in 10-30 minutes. U.S. naval and air
blockade out of Cuba. Soviets directs strategic fleet to Cuba. Nuclear conflict seemed to
stop us. ( remember being a teenager waiting state apocalypse, my parents and those
around you - nobody made plans, even for the weekend). People and people were
waiting in a cataleptic state - like the lamb the shepherd his knife near the neck. Pope
John XX, along with Secretary-General, General U. Thant immediately start a real
peace crusade 'using all the tools: from the media to mobilize his friends and those who
respected him. Supports non-aligned countries call (40) to the American and Soviet
leaders. The combative atmosphere that creates the two great powers understand that
they can not justify the prosecution of the other starting nuclear war. Thus in 28.10. 1962
N.S. Khrushchev announces early release and repatriation ramps dismantling weapons
in the U.S.S.R. n 1962 J.F. Kennedy raises naval blockade of Cuba in november and
later withdraws its nuclear missiles from Turkey. The two leaders will meet in Vienna
where they will lay the foundation to continue negotiations for nuclear disarmament and
arms limitation (these with not much success, since when were nuclear powers and now
4 are 9). At that time, the family receives visiting personalities N.S. Khrushchev daughter
(who tells him that in Russia is called the 'Pope peasant '), wife of President
Kennedy and other guests, religious and laity, as they were never at the Vatican .
11/10/1962 Open ork Second Vatican Council.
His word is a step in the establishment of faith in harmony religious diversity, "with the
goaI of Iife and the fuII triumph of the hristian idea and a true reIigious freedom
... Divine Providence wiII guide us towards a new order of human reIations".
11/04/1963 issue Encyclical "Pacem in Terris." Peace on Earth, - Pope say that
any man, any time he wanted a equality can indeed be established only if the lawful
order of God on Earth will be observed and followed - that is the requirement.
- The first section sets out the nature and form of relations between individual and
society, human rights and moral duties. Listing the human person the right to life,
respect, freedom, education, employment.
- A two-section refers to the relationship between man and the state insisting on the
need to respect and implementation of collective authority of the State, in exercise of
- A three section establishes requirements for the establishment of equality between
nations and state requirements to determine the rights and duties of citizens.
- The fourth section discusses the development of relations between states,
to assist towards collective and mutual.
Encyclical ends with the command sent to assist Catholics and non Catholic Christians
in addressing various aspects of social and political life.
03/06/1963 He Dies, not before he dedicated his life to the success of
Council and for cohabitation between people, nations, religions followed by grace and
divine love.
Council will continue under the watch of Pope Paul V, beginning from 21/06/1963.
Author notes:
Some records on the personality of Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli - Pope John XX.
"aith in hrist and His hurch was the secrecy which Ied the Pope John XXIII a
worIdwide promoter of peace .... was a preIude and a prophecy of the experience
of fatherhood that God was to us to provide in abundance through words,
gestures and eccIesiaI ministry of Good Pope ... The grace of God has provided a
promising season for the hurch and society and found in obedience to the HoIy
Spirit, which characterized the whoIe Iife of Pope John XXIII, good soiI to make
germination harmony, hope, unity and peace for the good of aII mankind,"said
Pope Benedict XV in celebration related to the fulfillment of 50 years to choose" Good
Pope ". (October 28, 2008). Beyond these words is CONTNUTY reforms that three
Popes that followed: Pope Paul V, Pope John Paul , Benedict XV assured a way to
"update", in doctrine, structures and action, the Roman Catholic Church, the themes of
existential and axiological times today.
"John XXIII was a naturaI and supernaturaI at the same time. ature and grace
formed a singIe whoIe that were in a compIeteIy charisma and a diversity vision
around him. ... He Iived in the presence of God with the simpIicity of one waIking
in his hometown." (J. Robert Nelson Director of the nstitute of Religion at the Texas
Medical Center in Houston, USA, 1982).
conclude with a quote from a spiritual testament of Pope John XX.
"I was born poor, but as a chiId of some honest and modest and are happy to die
poor, when we divided the poor and the hoIy hurch that fed me, which I stood,
moreover, a very modest measure avaiIabIe in my roIe as priest and bishop, to the
satisfaction of my Iife simpIe and modest. Thank God for the grace of poverty, that
since my youth I praise: the priest of Sacred Heart, a reaI poverty. It gave me
strength to not ever ask anything, no job, no money, no favors, neither for me nor
for my famiIy or friends" is confessed to God, Angelo Roncalli in the true tradition of
Saint Francisc of Assisi, whom he revered.
have made this text respecting accessed documentation issued 37 years ago an
ndian manager: "short enough to arouse interest, long enough to cover the essentials".
Let those who will read to decide if succeeded or not. dedicate priests: Vicar John
Solomon, Dr. Fabian Mriut (from the Roman parish - Catholic Popesti Leordeni -
Romania) for support, understanding and. patience.
Appendix: John XXIII and atheism movement.
Atheism as a movement has been:
A lack of systematic religious instruction, from the earliest age - to develop harmonious
relationship between God and soul of the child, young person, you will become mature.
A reaction to the trend displayed by the clergy, after leaving Christianity underground
(the time of Constantine the Great), to accumulate wealth at the expense of those in
pastoral, not redistribute a reasonable part, directly or indirectly, members of the
community and the poor .
A restrictive and punitive response made by the representatives of worship to people in
the community, perceived by those affected as a restriction of freedom of thought and
personal dignity.
This form of spiritual existence has its moments of maximum impact in many religious
communities. For example the Jewish Enlightenment (, Haskalla'- sec. XX), or
enlightenment in Catholic countries (sec. XV-XX).
Angello Roncalli, understood that the previous policy of the church to issue forms of
penalty on atheists was an error. He opted to make 'parallel roads' and the collaboration
for mutual benefit and those around him, convinced that in time, the grace of faith will
come down on them and their survivors. Thing that happens.
Appendix: John XXIII and the Masonic Movement.
Mary Ball Martinez writes that Angelo Roncalli was known in his youth as a disciple of
Rudolf Steiner was initiated in the Grand Orient Lodge in 1935, in Paris in order
Rosacrucian, the Grand Orient Masonic Lodge.
Participate in the work Masonic Lodge in stanbul during the period when he was papal
nuncio in Turkey (1935 -1944).
From when he was papal nuncio in Paris (1947-1952) has been dubbed in 33
rosacrucian Masonic branch of the Knights of Malta (Grand Master Baron Yves
Marsaudon). Time when many Catholic clergy and laity (Father Joseph Berteloot Jesuit
priest Heim, Marsaudon Albert Lantoine, Herriot, Auriol, etc.) participated in the Masonic
Angello Roncalli stop, as Pope, string of convictions and excommunications of Catholic
clergy who were belonging to the Masonic Movement. nitiate a process of relaxation of
the relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and the Masonic Movement, by
clarifying methodological principles of coexistence.
This activity fell outside the initiate Angello Roncalli vision of a rational approach, tolerant
(and ultimately human common sense) between different ideologies. This message is
reflected in its Enciclicals "Mater et Magistra" and "Pacem in Terris".
Father Esposito metaphorically remarked that during the preparation of the Council of
the Vatican (1962-1965), Angello Roncalli mobilized ecclesial community in meticulous
'construction' of the "Cathedral of Future".
Mesaros - Anghel Vasile
14.X.2009 - 18..2010
Reference: TEXT
1. *** ikipedia - 'Pope John XX'.
2. Pope John XX, encyclical "Ad Petri Cathedral" 29/06/1959.
3. Pope John XX, encyclical "Mater et Magistra" 15/05/1961.
4. Pope John XX, encyclical "Pacem in Terris" 11/04/1963.
5. 'John XX: His Council and Achievement Remembered' by J. Robert
Nelson .- 1982. Copyright by The Christian Century Foundation and used by
permission. Prepared for Religion Online by Ted & innie Brock.
6. *** ikipedia 'Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church'.
7. 'History of the Popes' - August Franzer, Remigius Baumer Publishing Roman
Catholic Archdiocese of Bucharest in 1996.
8. *** 'Missing in Action: Raoul allenberg' - Marion Marrache.
9. *** Notes and telegrams exchanged between the Vatican's State
Secretary and the relevant Nunciatures of the different countries during the Second
orld ar - are published in 11 volumes edited by the Holy See under the title: "Actes
et documents du Saint-Sige relatifs a la seconde guerre mondiale".
10. 'Themes of History of Religions' - Emil Dumea Publisher SAPENTA Roman
Catholic Theological nstitute in 2002.
11. Hebrew Christians fight Beginings for the Gospel of Jesus - Jehosuah 2009
Essay Documentary Mesaros Anghel Vasile You Tube
12. Hebrews, Christians, Muslims in Jerusalem Compendium of Historical Facts
Documentary Text - Mesaros Anghel Vasile You Tube
Reference: VIDEO
1. Self Defense Organizations Hebrew Yisuv - Moments of Zionism (V)
Vasile Anghel Mesaros You Tube Video
2. Angelo Roncalli: the first years of ohannes XX - part 1 - Angelo Roncalli
activity until orld ar - Documentary Video Part - Darsham You Tube
3. Angelo Roncalli: the first years of ohannes XX - part 2- The work of
Angelo Roncalli of orld ar until the end pontificate Documentary
Video Part - Darsham You Tube
4. Pope ohannes XX: - Dialogue ith The orld, the Council Vatican (1962-
1965) - Documentary Video Part - Darsham You Tube
5. ohannes XX: Pope for 'Agiornamento give the Chiesa' - and roads Pope among
humble and 'lost's' - Documentary Video Part - Darsham You Tube
6. 'l Papa Buono' Movie Part the Darsham You Tube
Studentat Catholic seminary in Bergamo;
Secretary of Giacomo Radin-Tedeschi, responsible for social problems. For nine
years Roncalli will do hard work to help the poor in the region and mediates disputes
between employers and employees, to achieve decent work and life conditions.
Nuncio in Turkey and Greece with the rank of archbishop (from 1935 to 1944)
residing in stanbul.
7. 'l Papa Buono' Movie Part - the Darsham You Tube
The approaches to the German Ambassador Franz von Pappen to save a lot of
Hebrew children that were to be sent by ship in the extermination camps of Europe.
Election as pope - Pope John XX (October 28, 1958)
8. 'l Papa Buono' Movie Part - the Darsham You Tube
Visit to the prison inmates in Rome.
Council Vatican anouncement.
Visit to a children's hospital on Christmas 1962.
9. 'l Papa Buono' Movie Part V - the Darsham You Tube
Preparation and opening of the Second Vatican Council (11.10.1962)
Cuban missile crisis (October, November 1962)
10. 'l Papa Buono' Movie Part V - the Darsham You Tube
11/04/1963 ssue Encyclical "Pacem in Terris" Peace on Earth
The lasts moments of his life
11. Hebrew Christians fight Beginings for the Gospel of Jesus - Jehosuah 2009
Essay Documentary Mesaros Anghel Vasile You Tube
12. Hebrews, Christians, Muslims in Jerusalem Compendium of Historical Facts
Documentary Text - Mesaros Anghel Vasile You Tube
To my Mother: Thaci Raisa
To my Wife: Anghel
Name: Vasile Mesaros - Anghel
Proffesion: IT Trainer
University of Bucarest - Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics (1971)
SystemAnalyst - Graduate - C.E.P.E.C.A. (1975)
Work Motivation:
Documentation of issues that concerned me in recent years.
AMV Dessign/2011
For Links to other works : In GOOGLE insert text : mesaros anghel on net
SeIectati site:
Dumnezeu este Unul. Oamenii l-au fcut mai multi:
Unul Iudeu. Unul Crestin. Unul Musulman`.
,God is ONE; mankind made him many:
One Mosaic. one Christian. one Muslim`.

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