Lateral Thinking

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Solving a problem or puzzle creatively

and indirectly, intuitively, using
reasoning that is not immediately
obvious and that may not be obtained
by relying on step by step logic.
Are you ready to have a go?
Rules of the game.
Get into 2 teams A and B.
One student will act as the moderator and will have both
the puzzle and its answer.
Each team will take turns to ask 1 question.
All questions will be directed to the moderator.
The moderator will answer either yes, no or irrelevant.
2 points will be given to any question which effectively
produces valuable information.
10 points will be given to the team that answers the
1: Myopia (short-sighted)
• Albert Grey was severely myopic from birth. In fact, the vision
test he had to undergo, produced results which brought into
question whether he would qualify for a driving license. After
an appeal, he was issued a license on the condition that he
would always wear appropriate spectacles.

• One very sunny day, on a shopping trip, he wore his optical

sunglasses which fully conformed with the condition imposed
on him. On his return trip, he collided with another car. A
policeman, who witnessed the accident, was first of the opinion
that the other driver was at fault and reported accordingly. But
he also noticed that Albert Grey was not wearing any glasses, as
stipulated in the driving license.

• When challenged on this point, Albert showed the PC a piece

of paper which resolved the issue. What was it?
2: The Telephone Conversation
“Hello, is that 966 9876?”

Yes it is, who’s calling?”

“Don’t you recognize my voice? You should; my mother

is your mother’s mother-in-law.”


Who was having a telephone conversation?

3: Dead drunk
A man walked into a pub and asked for a drink.
The publican has never seen the man before, but
without saying a word, he pulled out a gun and
shot him dead.
Why did he do that?

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