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First Aid

Wanda Opland
Health Careers
Artificial Respirations
• Brain Damage
• Airway
• Assess Breathing
• Respirations
–Child / Infant
• Primary technique to stop bleeding

• Do you remove a soaked dressing?

• Pressure Dressing
• Elevation

• Pressure Points
–Rt. and Lt. Brachial Artery
–Rt. and Lt. Femoral Artery
Pressure on Brachial Artery
• Put Thumb on outside of arm,
fingers on inside of middle
upper arm and Squeeze….
Pressure on Femoral Artery
• Place heel of hand directly over
femoral artery (located between
upper leg and pubic area), lean
forward keeping arm straight
and apply pressure.
RESORT !!!!!!!!!

• Once applied Never loosen

• Get Help at Once!!

Related Bleeding Emergencies
• Internal Bleeding
–Blood from rectum, mouth,
vagina or blood in urine
–Bruise or contusion
–Rapid pulse
–Cool and/or moist skin
–Painful, tender or hardspot on
• Penetrating Object

• Severed Body Part

–Control bleeding
–Do Not scrub body part
–Wrap in clean cloth, place in
sealed plastic bag and place in
bag containing ice
• In case of Poisoning, the first thing
to be done….

• Why…

• 80% of poison victims under 5y/o

Information for Poison
Control Center
• Age
• Weight
• Amount
• Type
• How long ago ingested
• Should the empty container be

• Only safe way to induce vomiting

• Labeled directions for poisoning

Poisoning By Fumes
• Move victim into Fresh Air
• Beware: poisons can be inhaled,
Swallowed and absorbed by the skin
- Chemicals
- Plants
- Fumes
• Best First Aid is Prevention
• A serious weakening of the body
causes by the loss of blood
pressure or sudden injury

• Sudden upset of mental or

emotional balance
• Rapid, weak pulse
• General Weakness
• Irregular breathing
• Cold, pale, clammy skin
As Victim Deteriates
• Eyes appear vacant, sunken
• Pupils may dilate
• Listless

** May die from Shock**

Treatment for Shock
• Positioning and why…

• Positioning if spinal cord injury

• Positioning with head injury…

• Positioning if unconscious…

• Blankets…

• No Fluids
• Classified according
to depth or
degree of skin
• First Degree Burn
• Second Degree Burn
• Third Degree Burn
First Degree Burn
• Cause: overexposure to sun
–Light contact with hot objects
–Scalding by hot water or steam
Signs of First Degree Burns
• Erythema
• Mild Swelling & Pain
• Rapid Healing
First Aid: First Degree Burns
• Cold Water NOT Ice Water
• Burn Lotion or Spray
• Dark Vinegar

Second Degree Burns
• Results from a very deep
• Contact with hot liquids
• Flash burns from gasoline etc.
Signs of Second Degree Burns
• Erythema Swelling
• Blisters Pain
• Open Wounds
• Wet appearance due to loss of
plasma through damaged skin
First Aid: Second Degree
• Immerse in cold water NOT ice
• Apply cool conpresses
• Blot dry & apply sterile guaze or
clean cloth for protection
• DO NOT break blisters or remove
• DO NOT use an antiseptic
preparation, ointment, spray or
home remedy on a severe burn.

• If arm or legs are affected, keep

them elevated.
Third Degree Burns
• Caused by flame, ingnited
clothing, immersion in hot
water, contact with hot objects,
or electricity.
Signs of Third Degree Burns
• White or Charred appearance
• Deep tissue destruction
• Complete loss of all skin layers
• Nerve Damage
• Pain or No Pain
First Aid: Third Degree Burns
• DO NOT remove pieces of
adhered particles of charred
• Cover burn with thick, sterile or
freshly laundered cloth.
• If hands or legs involved, elevate.
• Face burns to sit up or prop them
• DO NOT immerse or apply ice
water to burn area.
• Transport ASAP.
• DO NOT apply ointment,
commercial preparations, grease,
or other home remedies.
Chemical Burns of the Skin
• First Aid:
–Remove clothing
–Flush with water ASAP for 15 – 20
–Get name / source of Chemical
–Seek Medical Attention ASAP
Burns of the Eyes
• First Aid:
–Flush face, eyelid, & eye for 15 –
20 minutes ASAP
–Avoid rubbing eye
–Cover eye
–Seek medical attention ASAP

• A break or crack in a bone

• Cause: most commonly a MVA or:

–Accident related to a fall &
recreational and sports activities
Signs and Symptoms
• May hear a bone snap
• Pain & tenderness, difficulty
moving injured body part
• Report of grating sensation
• Shortening of injured leg/arm
• Unusual angle or position of
body part
First Aid
• Prevent motion to injured part
or adjacent joints
• Apply splint

• Elevate involved extremity

Splinting a Fracture
• Splint body part in position as
• Prevent injured area from moving
• Check for circulation before and
after splinting
Head, Neck or Spinal Injury
• Symptoms:
–Change in consciousness
–Difficulty breathing
–Impaired vision
–Tingling or numbness in hands,
fingers, feet and/or toes
–Loss of balance
–Headache & vomiting
First Aid
• Keep lying down
• Leave in position found in
• Call EMS
• If you do need to move, logroll
& support head and neck
• R. I.C.E.
• R = rest
• I = ice
• C = compress
• E = elevate
Allergic Reaction
• Anaphylaxis – result of:
–Insect bite or bee sting
–Severe allergic reaction to
something ingested
• First Aid:
–Epinephrine and EMS
• Too much or too little sugar in
the body
–Symptoms: cool clammy skin,
weak dizzy
–First Aid: give sugar in form of
candy or drink
Frozen Body Parts
• Do not attempt to rewarm if a
chance the body part may freeze
• Needs to be thawed gradually
• Treat as though body part may
Heat Related Illness
• Heat Cramps

• Heat Exhaustion

• Heat Stroke
Heat Cramps
• Symptoms:
Painful muscle cramps
Moist-cool skin - Heavy sweating
• First Aid:
Move to cool place
Massage and stretch muscles
Heat Exhaustion
• Symptoms:
Cold, clammy skin – Weak pulse
Heavy sweating – Shallow breathing
Nausea – Dizziness – Weakness
• First Aid:
Move to cool place – cool by
Elevate legs - Apply cool packs
Heat Stroke
• Symptoms:
Hot, dry, red skin - Confusion or
Little or No sweating – Fast weak
• First Aid:
Move to cool place – Call EMS
Life Threatening
Dental Emergencies

• Knocked out tooth:

–Place in container of whole milk if
tooth can be replaced in 30 min.
–Rinse tooth in cold water and place
back in socket, then go to dentist
Nose Bleeds

• Position victim in
a sitting position

• Keep head tilted

slightly forward
• Pinch both nostrils
• Apply ice to bridge of nose
• Put pressure on upper lip beneath
• Once controlled DO NOT rub,
blow, or pick the nose
Rescue and Transfer
• Emergency rescue is a
procedure for moving a victim
from a dangerous location to a
place of safety
Indications for Immediate
• Fire, danger of explosion
• Danger of asphyxia due to lack of
O2 or gas
• Serious traffic hazard
• Risk of drowning
• Exposure to cold / heat
• Possibility of injury from
collapsing walls or building
• Electrical injury or potential
• Pinning by machinery
• Avoid unnecessary disturbances
• Ensure open airway
• Control Bleeding
• Check for Injury
• Immobilize injured parts before
• Transport
Methods of Transfer
• Pulling the Victim
• Lifting the Victim
• Supporting the Victim
• Chair Carry
• Two Man Carry
• Blanket Lift
• Three Man Hammock Carry

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