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Useful Microbes


People usually think of microorganisms as harm or diseases and that is
actually very true. Microbes such as viruses are parasites. They live in your
body and do a lot of destruction in there. However not all microbes are
parasites and they can be very useful, examples are yeast, yogurt bacteria, etc.
In this slide show it’ll show you about different kinds of useful microbes and
what they do and maybe some of their properties.
Yogurt is produced using a mixture of useful bacteria (culture) by the
different bacteria Lactobacillus delbrueckii bacteria bulgaricus and
Streptococcus thermophilus bacteria. After culturing the yogurt people
usually add, other bacteria like lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. These
bacteria make up the yogurt and these bacteria are very, very useful for
our stomach. These yogurt cultures (bacteria) helps the stomach to
digest food.

One of the bacteria of yogurt , Lactobacillus

delbrueckii bacteria bulgaricus, as shown in microscope.
Acetobacter aceti is another very useful bacteria and is mainly used for
the production of acetic acid in the industries, the main part used in
the manufacturing of vinegar, which we usually use in our foods.
During the fermentation process of vinegar production, it is used to act
on wines and ciders making vinegar with acetic acid. It can be
converted by a silicone tube reactor, which aids the fermentation
process with oxidation.
Domain: Bacteria
Phylum: Proteobacteria
Class: Alphaproteobacteria

Order: Rhodospirillales

Family: Acetobacteraceae

Genus: Acetobacter
Species: A. aceti Acetobacter aceti under microscope
Yeast is a very useful fungi, it has a wide range of industrial uses.
Yeast is used in the industries, making the dough rise for bun and
bread. Yeast is also used in making the dough of the pizza and is
also used in cinnamon rolls and other bakery products. Yeast makes
the dough rise by respiring bubble of CO2 which get trapped in the
dough and make it rise.

Domain: Eukaryote
Kingdom: Fungi

Yeast under microscope

The element nitrogen is essential for manufacturing of proteins which are
needed by all living things for growth. Nitrogen is present in the air but
most living things can’t use it directly . Plants are able to make their own
protein from carbon dioxide in the air , water and minerals. Some of the
salt the plants use contains nitrogen in form of substances called nitrates.
Nitrates are compounds of oxygen and nitrogen and are soluble in water,
and used by plants. This job of combining oxygen with nitrogen are done
by Nitrogen fixing bacteria. Nitrogen fixing bacteria are able to increase the
fertility in the soil. Nitrogen fixing bacteria is a very useful bacteria for
plants to make protein and so, we eat the food from the plants.

Nitrogen fixing bacteria

under microscope
Starter bacteria are used to convert milk sugars into lactic acid. The same
bacteria and the enzymes play a large role in the eventual flavor of aged
cheeses. Most cheeses are made with starter bacteria from the
Lactococcus, Lactobacillus, or Streptococcus families. Cheese bacteria are very
useful and it is used in a variety of products, for e.g. pizza, cheeseburgers, etc.

Cheese bacteria under electron

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