Introduction To Microprocessor and Microcontroller

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Introduction To Microprocessor

and Microcontroller
Dr.Narayana swamy R
Professor, Dept. of Electronics and
Communication Engineering, SET-JU
– Introduction of Technology
– In 1971 Introduction of first commercial 4-Bit 4004, the microprocessor or “computer on a
chip” By small unknown company Intel Corporation
• Born of parallel developments in computer architecture and integrated circuit
– Soon Well established companies followed Intel’s pioneering technology
– By late 1970 one could choose from half dozen or so microprocessor types
– 1970s also saw growth of number of personnel computer users from a handful of
hobbyist's and hackers to millions of business, industrial, governmental, defense,
educational and private users,
– The same fabrication techniques and programming concepts that make general purpose
microprocessor also yielded microcontroller
– Microcontroller are not well known to general public, or even the technical community.
The public know however that something is responsible for all of the smart VCR’s, clock
radios, washers and dryers, video games, telephones, microwaves, TVs, automobile, toys,
vending machines, copiers, elevators, irons, etc. suddenly became intelligent and
– Companies are also aware that being competitive in this age of microchip requires
products and machinery they use and develop should have some “Smart”
Microprocessor and Microcontrollers
8051 Memory Architectures
8051 Architecture
• 8-bit CPU (Central Processing Unit) with registers A (Accumulator)
and B
– 8051 is 8-bit microcontroller, means it can read, write and process 8bit
• Sixteen bit program counter(PC) and data pointer (DPTR)
• Eight bit program status word (PSW)
• Eight bit stack pointer
• Internal ROM of 4K
• Internal RAM of 128bytes
– Four Register Bank each containing eight registers
– Sixteen bytes, which may be addressed at the bit level
– Eight bytes of general purpose data memory
• 32 I/O Pins arranged as four 8 bit ports P0-P3
• 2 duplex serial data receiver/transmitter SBUF
• Control registers: TCON, TMOD, SCON, PCON, IP and IE
• Two external and three internal interrupt sources
• Oscillator and clock circuits
Pin Diagram 8051
Data Memory

DATA Memory
Science, Engineering, Technology

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