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Hawaii Eco-Prints

By: Veronica Mandella and Nyssa Manlapao

Name of Product and Logo
Hawaii Eco-Prints
How is it Sustainable
Our product/company is sustainable because we use eco-friendly ink for our prints. The
ink is a soy based ink made from the oil extracted from soybeans and mixed with other
compounds like waxes and resins. We also ship our prints in eco-friendly boxes that are
made from recycled materials.
Why Should Someone Purchase It
People should use and buy from our company because we offer them many different types
and styles of prints from artists around Hawaii on our website. We are also offer flexibility
when it comes to our customers requests. Our company makes it easier to purchase a print
and have it sent right to their doorstep at the click of a button.
Cost of Product and Retail Price
Size of prints size of box total product price interest Retail price ( grand total )

5x7 8 x 10 = $4.09 + $10 = $14.09

8 x 10 11 x 13 = $15.06 + $11 = $26.06

8.5 x 11 11.5 x 14 = $17.13 + $12 = $29.13

11 x 14 14 x 17 = $25.24 + $13 = $38.24

16 x 20 19 x 23 = $45.54 + $14 = $59.54

Cost to startup the Business and Investment

The amount of money we need to startup the business is $300. This is all we need as we
will run the business from home and the sales will come from a website.
Why we need this certain amount of money ?
We need this certain amount of money so we can buy boxes. This is all we need to start up
our business as we can do the rest from home. We will start to make our inventory when
people start to buy our prints.
When will we start to make a profit
We will start to make a profit once we start to sell prints. Our company charges for boxes
so once we start to sell the prints we will be getting our money back.

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