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How to conduct interviews

Compiled by B N Nagaraj
How to conduct interviews
 Interview is a two way process
 The interviewer is trying to assess the
candidate for the job suitability
 The candidate is trying to find out whether
the organisation is fit to join along with job
profile and salary fitment.
Basics of interview
 Inform the candidate much in advance
about the date, venue and time of
 This will help the candidate to learn about
the organisation and to prepare
himself/herself for the interview.
Different types of interview
 Written test
 Group discussion
 Technical / Skill test
 One to one personal interview with the
panel of interviewers
Types of interviews
 Normally written test and group discussions
are for entry level candidates or at Campus
 Trade test / skill tests are given for
candidates to test their skills Eg ; Civil,
Electrical, Mechanical, Soft ware
languages, Stenography, Computer package
knowledge, Design etc.
Stress interviews
 For candidates who have prior experience are
directly put on One to One interview where direct
questions are asked to asses their professional skill
and knowledge.
 To find out the job fit and other man management
 To find out the salary and other benefits to see
whether he/she fits to the norms of the Company
Interview Panel
 Normally interview panel consists of not more
than 3 members.
 One from the direct department
 One from any other department / project who
knows the subject of the post called for.
 The other person will be from the HR department
to monitor and to asses the Attitude and aptitude
of the candidate
Tips for interviewers
 Study the resume of the candidate before hand.
 Allow the HR representative to introduce the panel
members to the Candidate
 Let the interview begin with HR representative
asking the basic questions like family background,
previous organisation, educational qualification etc.,
 Make the candidate feel free and comfortable.
 Don’t start pouring questions one after the other as
soon as the candidate comes in.
Tips for interviewers
 Take the lead from HR representative.
When he gives the indication to start on the
subject, do start questioning.
 Start with simple basic questions on the
subject to build confidence in the candidate.
 Pose question and wait for the candidate to
to think and answer.
 Don’t rush him to answer.
Tips for interviewer
 If the candidate does not know answer
properly don’t ridicule or condemn him/her.
This will put the candidate into negative
feeling and he/she will loose confidence.
 If the candidate does not know the answer
don’t try to teach him the answer but you
can always give a lead to build his answer.
Tips for interview
 Never ridicule the candidate on the marks he has
obtained in the college. It is all past. You can’t correct it.
 Never ask questions on his caste, creed, religion. Leave
this to HR representative as they know how to and when
to pose these questions.
 Never pose questions on any physical handicap of
candidate. Eg : stammering, some forced habit,
 Bear with it and point it out to HR representative later
after the interview if such handicap will affect his normal
Tips for interviewers
 If the candidate is too nervous, help him to relax .
Give him a scribbling pad and a pencil to
demonstrate his answer. This will ease him out
and he/she can explain better.
 If three members are in the panel, let one person
complete his questions and wait for the candidate
to answer. Before he /she answers don’t pose one
more question by another member of the panel.
Tips for interviewers
 Never get biased about the looks of the
 Never ask delicate or embarrassing
questions especially to lady candidates.
 A Humour is always welcome. But see that
it does not hurt the candidates’ feeling.
 Never advise the candidate. He has not
come for interview to take your advise.
Tips for interviewers
 Don’t boast about your past achievements.
He/she will not be interested to know as to
how you have come up.
 Conduct the interview in a sequential
pattern. Let one member finish at a time. As
clarification you may interrupt. Don’t pose
questions simultaneously.
Tips for interviewers
 We call the candidates to select and not to reject. See the
positive points to select.
 Try to find out the strengths rather than weakness of the
 If he/she does not answer a question, go to the next one.
Don’t keep on stressing on the question untill he/she
 Find out whether he/she has grasping capacity and
potential to grow.
 Never argue with the candidate. Reason it out if he/she is
Tips for interviewers
 Never show your dissatisfaction directly to the
 If required ask the candidate to wait outside for
some time. Discuss your points with HR
representative and ask him to communicate the
results of the interview to the candidate.
 Leave the salary fitment to the HR representative
and the discussions of salary details with the
candidate. You may always give indication.
Tips for interviewers
 If there are more than one candidate for interview,
please discuss with the panel immediately after the
one candidate interview and rate him/her. You
may forget, if you try to evaluate all candidates at
the end of the interview.
 Short list the candidates and discuss with HR
representative the next course of action after
interviewing all the candidates.
 Give order of selection and alternative choice.
Summing up
 Close the interview with a good note.
 Wish the candidate good luck.
 Thank him for attending the interview.
 Ask the candidate if he/she has some questions as
 If the candidate poses questions please clarify
him/her ,whether he /she is going to get selected
or not. This gives a good impression about the
company and the interviewers.
Next time when you are in the
panel please do remember these

Thank you

B N Nagaraj

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