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z Melanoma

By: Andrea Bean

What is Melanoma?

 Melanoma is usually a type of skin cancer but can occur in other

 This Cancer starts in the melanocytes.
 Melanocytes are the cells that produce melanin (the pigment that
colors the skin, hair, and eyes)
The three types of Melanoma:

 Cutaneous Melanoma

 Mucosal Melanoma

 Ocular Melanoma
Cutaneous Melanoma

 The most common type of Melanoma that occurs on the skin.

 Since most pigment cells are found in the skin this is the most
common type of melanoma.
Mucosal Melanoma

 Occurs in any Mucous membrane of the body.

 This includes the nasal passages, the throat, or the mouth.
Ocular Melanoma

 A rare type of melanoma that is in the eye.

 This is also known as uveal melanoma or choroidal melanoma.
Detecting Melanoma

 Melanoma is normally easier to detect than other cancers

because you can often see it on the skin.
 If melanoma is not detected in an early stage it can spread to
other parts of the body.

 Most melanoma is caused by ultraviolet rays also known as UV

 This includes sunlight and tanning beds.

 Melanoma can be caused from other environmental factors.

 Melanoma is also proven to be genetic.
 Melanoma is also known to be the deadliest skin cancer.
Signs someone may have Melanoma

 There may be a new spot on your skin.

 The spot may look like a changing freckle or age spot.

 There could be a dark spot of skin under a nail.

 There also may be a patch of skin that looks like a scar.

 Melanoma can occur without feeling any type of pain although it

can also cause pain.
 Melanoma can cause:
 Itching
 Pain
 Bleeding

 Once it has spread it is called Metastatic Melanoma.

 Once it spreads it is much more difficult to treat.
 Untreated melanoma often spreads to the liver, lungs, bones,
and brain.

 A dermatologist will diagnose skin cancer examining suspicious

 A dermatologist may use a tool called a dermoscope that will
help see pigment and structures of the skin.
 The dermatologist may also feel the patients lymph nodes.
 Dermatologists may remove the spot of skin and send it in for a
 The biopsy can determine the stage of Melanoma.

 Treatment depends on how deeply the Melanoma has grown into

the skin.
 The main types of treatment include:
 Surgery – normally occurs when the cancer has not spread and it is
often a procedure that the patient remains awake for.
 Chemotherapy – Chemo is used when the cancer has already
spread to different parts of the body.
 Chemo drugs – normally are used to stop the cancer from spreading
 Radiation Therapy – Radiation is normally used to treat the cancer
that can not be removed by surgery or has come back after surgery.
Important Facts About Melanoma

 Melanoma is also known as Malignant Melanoma.

 Early stages of Melanoma are highly treatable.
 If Melanoma is not caught at an early stage it can be fatal.
 Often times symptoms may not occur until it is to late to treat.
 Melanoma is not the only type of skin cancer although it can be
the most dangerous.
Works Cited

1. “Melanoma.” Melanoma | American Academy of Dermatology,
2. “What Is Melanoma?” Melanoma Research Foundation, 15
Mar. 2017,
3. “What Is Melanoma Skin Cancer?” American Cancer Society,

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