Creative Problem Solving

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Creative Problem Solving

Keep your eyes on the stars and

your feet on the ground.

- Theodore Roosevelt
Comparison between
New Management and Traditional Administration
Components New Mgt Traditional Mgt
FOCUS Clients Citizens

CHARACTERISTIC OF thinking acting

VALUES Entrepreneurship, freedom responsibility, prudence,
for mangers, flexibility, stability
creativity, enthusiasm, risk

VOCABULARY Service to clients, quality, Public interest, social

skills, managerialism, equity, due process

STRUCTURE decentralization central authority

resource allocation
Decision-making style
Autocratic style A

Consultative style C

Collective style G
Decision-making & data
Low Medium High
certainty certainty certainty
Subjective Innovative decision
(high level Mgt)
Mixed Adoptive
decision (Middle Mgt)
Objective Routine decision
decision (Executive Mgt)
The Rational Approach for problem solving
and decision making
• 1. Define the problem
• 2. Look at potential causes for the problem
• 3. Identify alternatives to resolve the problem
• 4. Select an approach to resolve the problem
• 5. Plan and monitor the implementation of the
best alternative (this is your action plan)
• 6. Verify if the problem has been resolved or
1- Define the problem
• Defining the problem (with input from yourself
and others)
• Defining complex problems Define the
• Verifying your understanding (1)
‫تقييم الحل‬
of the problems (6)
‫توفير الحلولحل المشكالت‬
• Prioritize the problems ‫المحتملة‬
‫( اختيار وتحديد الحل‬3)
• Understand your role (4)

in the problem
2. Look at potential causes for the problem

• Write down a description of the cause of the

problem in terms of :
- what is happening,
‫تحديد المشكلة‬ Causes for
- where, ‫تقييم الحل‬
the problem
‫عملية‬ )2(
- when, ‫تنفيذ الحل‬
‫توفير حل المشكالت‬
)5( ‫المحتملة‬
- how, ‫د‬ ‫وتحدي‬ ‫اختيار‬
)4( ‫الحل‬

- with whom
- and why
3. Identify alternatives to resolve the
• Brainstorm for solutions to the problem

• Brainstorming is collecting
as many ideas as possible, ‫تحديد المشكلة‬
‫تقييم الحل‬
then screening them (6)
‫حل المشكلة‬
to find the best idea ‫تنفيذ الحل‬
(5) Identify
‫ اختيار وتحديد‬alternatives
)4( ‫الحل‬
4. Select an approach to resolve the
When selecting the best approach, consider:
• the long term approach
• the most realistic approach
• the resources ‫تحديد المشكلة‬

• The time available ‫تقييم الحل‬

(6) ‫عملية‬
‫تحليل المشكلة‬

• the risk associated ‫تنفيذ الحل‬

‫توفير حل المشكالت‬
(5) ‫المحتملة‬

Select an approach
5. Plan and monitor the
implementation of the best alternative
• What will the situation look like when the
problem is solved?

• Monitor the steps that ‫تحديد المشكلة‬

should be taken to implement ‫تقييم الحل‬ ‫تحليل المشكلة‬

(6) (2)
the best alternative Plan & monitor ‫توفير الحلول‬
the ‫المحتملة‬
to solving the problem? implementation
‫( اختيار وتحديد الحل‬3)
6. Verify if the problem has been
resolved or not
• changes in the organization
• what did you learn
• writing a brief memo
‫تحديد المشكلة‬
• share it with the others Feedback (1) ‫تحليل‬
(6) ‫المشكلة‬
‫عملية‬ (2)
‫حل المشكالتتنفيذ الحل‬
‫توفير الحلول‬
‫( اختيار وتحديد الحل‬3)

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