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Objective 3:

To interpret different types of Reading in the context of “Our changing World”, stimulating the
reading skill through the book “Mr Football”

Learning objective 3:
To understand ideas in short texts, to answer reading comprehension questions that develop
critical and argumentative thinking through the book "Mr Football

Biblical principle:
God remains faithful!
Hebrews 13: 8:
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and for the CENTURIES

Remember that we do it all for the Lord:

Colossians 3:17

New King James Version (NKJV)

17 And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

Whole brain teaching

 Rule 1: Listen when your teacher is talking
 Rule 2: Follow directions quickly
 Rule 3: Respect others. Respect yourself. Respect your school
Rule 4: Raise your hand to speak or stand
Rule 5: Be safe, Be kind, Be honest for the glory of God
Boston International School
Rule 6: Use English at all times, it is the only way to improve.
Rule 7: Do not translate what your teacher says, please.
Rule 8: Take risks and learn from your mistakes.


If the students use Spanish, unless it is an emergency, he / she will lose from 1 to ten points of his/her participation mark.

If the class is continuously interrupted, besides the standard procedure explained in our handbook, students might be asked to cooperate with the class explanation .

PORTFOLIO (Divided by terms and it’s a grade)

Cover (Name, grade, likes, dislikes, class objectives)
PDE copies (If necessary)
Extra Credits
Final Exams
4th week






Endoplasmic reticulum

Rocky mountain

Class activity Role

Write the definitions of

Cram (slam)
the vocabulary words.
Dictation and games will
be carried out
We need to add an –S or –ES ending to the base form of an
action verb to make it AGREE with THIRD person singular
subjects when talking about the PRESENT.
We add –es to verbs that
end in –S, -X, -CH, -SH, -
TCH, or –Z.
Ex: Match, Catch , Wash.

We only add an –s or –es to

a verb to make it agree with
a THIRD-PERSON singular
subject in the PRESENT.

*Connect page 100, 101.

A compound subject can be made by using AND to join 2 individual or
simple subjects.
A COMPOUND subject joined by AND is a PLURAL subject.
We DO NOT add an –s or –es to a base verb to make it agree, when the
subject is PLURAL.

Ex: The grapes and the pear taste fine.

1) What is the complete subject?_____________________
2) Is the grapes and the pear a simple or a compound subject? _____________________
3) Is the grapes and the pear singular or plural? _____________________
4) How does the verb Taste agree with the grapes and the pear?

*Connect page 102.

In a diagram of a sentence with a compound subject, each subject
is written on a horizontal line.
The two horizontal lines are connected by a dashed line. AND is
written on the dashed line.

Ex: The coach and Chuck have a plan.

1) Where is coach written in the diagram?_____________________
2) Where is Chuck written? _____________________
3) Where is AND written? _____________________

*Connect page 103.

To talk about an action that has already happened, we add an –
ed to the base form of a regular verb.
Some base forms end –e so we only need to add –d ending to
form the PAST TENSE.
The –ed or –d form of a verb agrees with all subjects.
Ex: We washed her new truck.
1) What is the complete subject?_____________________
2) What is the verb? _____________________
3) What tense is washed? _____________________
4) How do you it? _____________________
*Connect page 104.
We can tell if a verb is
PRESENT TENSE or Ex: The games started at ten.
PAST TENSE by the 1) What is the complete
ending. subject?________________
The base verb alone or 2) What is the verb? __________
3) What tense is started?
the base verb plus an –S
or –ES is present. 4) How do you it?
The base verb plus –ED _____________________
or –D is past tense.
*Connect page 105.
Ex: He talks too much. He talked too
1) What is the complete subject in both
2) What is tense is talks in the first
To change a present tense
sentence? _____________________ regular verb to past tense
3) What tense is talked in the second simply add –ED or –D to the
sentence? _____________________ base form of the verb.
4) How is talks changed to become
talked? _____________________

*Connect page 106.

The tiger jumps in the fence

The tiger jumped in the fence

*Connect page 107.

How to form the Past Tense in English
The main rule is that for every verb in English, there is
only one form of it in the past tense.
(The exception is the Past tense of To Be, which has two
forms: was and were)
This is totally different from other languages such as
Spanish, French, Italian etc. where you change the verb
ending for every subject.
For example: The past tense of the verb want is wanted.
Wanted is used as the past tense for all
•I wanted
•You wanted
•He wanted
•She wanted
•It wanted
•We wanted
•They wanted

• Principle of the month: Based on:
• Isaiah 6:8 New International Version (NIV)
• 8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who

• will go for us?”

• And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

• Song of the month:
• Joy for Jesus song - Special Song of the month Jesus I believe by Big Daddy Wave

• I will use questions like:
• What is your first thought about God voice?
• How can you control your destiny in God?

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