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Using Rails Shortcuts for HTML

• To create a text field using the Rails
text_field_tag, follow these steps..
• 1. Create a new application named textfields2:
• C:\rubydev>Rails textfields2

• 2. Change directories to the textfields2 directory:

• C:\rubydev>cd textfields2
• C:\rubydev\textfields2>
• 3. Add a controller named look:
C:\rubydev\textfields2>ruby script/generate
controller Look
• 4. open look_controller.rb, adding this code:
class LookController < ApplicationController
def at
@data = params[:text1]
def input
• 5. Create a new view template for the application,
<h1>Working With Text Fields</h1>
<%= start_form_tag ({:action => “at”}, {:method =>
“post”}) %>
Please enter your name.
<%= text_field_tag (“text1”, “”, {“size” => 30}) %><br>
<input type=”submit”/>
<%= end_form_tag %>
6. Create another new view template for the
application, app\views\ look\at.rhtml:
<h1>Using HTML Control Shortcuts</h1>
This application uses Rails HTML control shortcuts.
Your name is <%= @data %>.
• 7. Start the WEBrick server:
C:\rubydev\textfield2>ruby script/server
• You pass the start_form_tag method a
specifying the action, and an optional hash
specifying options—the two possible options
are :method, which can be “get” or “post” and
:multipart, which can be “true” or “false”.
• There’s also a check_box_tag method to
create checkboxes, a radio_button_tag
method to create radio buttons, and so on.
How to use Check box in rails?
<%= start_form_tag ({:action => “at”}, {:method
=> “post”}) %>
Would you like a raise?
<%= check_box_tag (“check1”, “Yes”, false)%>Yes
<input type=”submit”/>
<%= end_form_tag %>
And you set up the controller named look with
two actions, input and at:
class LookController < ApplicationController
def at
@data = params[:check1]
def input
 Finally views\look\at.rhtml, looks like..
<h1>Reading data from checkboxes</h1>
This Ruby on Rails application reads data from
<% if @data %>
You clicked yes.
<% else %>
You did not click yes.
<% end %>
Using select Control
<h1>Working With Select Controls</h1>
This Ruby on Rails application lets you read data
from select controls.
<%= start_form_tag ({:action => “at”}, {:method
=> “post”}) %>
Select your new car’s color.
<%= select_tag (“select1[]”, “<option
value=’green’>green<option value=’blue’>blue”,
{:multiple => true}) %>
<input type=”submit”/>
<%= end_form_tag %>
Working with Models
• To use a model, follow these steps:
1. Create a new application named modeler:
C:\rubydev>Rails modeler
2. Change directories to the modeler directory:
C:\rubydev>cd modeler
• 3. Add a controller named look:
• C:\rubydev\modeler>ruby script/generate
controller Look
4. Create a new file, app\models\cruncher.rb,
placing this code in that file:
class Cruncher
def crunch
return 5
5. Edit app\controllers\look_controller.rb,
adding this code:
class LookController < ApplicationController
def at
@cruncher =
@data = @cruncher.crunch
6. Create a new view template for the
application, app\views\look\at.rhtml:
<h1>Working With Models</h1><br>
This application fetches data from a model.<br>
The fetched data is: <%= @data %>.
7. Start the WEBrick server:
C:\rubydev\modeler>ruby script/server
• creating an object of the Cruncher class and
calling the crunch method to recover the data
from the model:
class LookController < ApplicationController
def at
@cruncher =
@data = @cruncher.crunch
Tie a Text Field to a Model
• 1. Create a new application named textfields3:
C:\rubydev\ch05>Rails textfields3
• 2. Change directories to the textfields3
C:\rubydev>cd textfields3
• 3. Add a controller named look:
C:\rubydev\textfields3>ruby script/generate
controller Look
• 4. Edit \app\controllers\look_cotroller.rb,
adding this code:
class LookController < ApplicationController
def at
@data_hash = params[:cruncher]
@cruncher =[:crunch])
@data = @cruncher.crunch
def input
• 5. Create a new file, \app\models\cruncher.rb,
add this code…
class Cruncher
attr_reader :crunch
attr_writer :crunch
def initialize(data)
@crunch = data
6. Create a new view template for the
application,\app\views\look\ input.rhtml:
<h1>Working With Text Fields</h1>
This Ruby on Rails application lets you read data from
text fields.
<%= start_form_tag ({:action => “at”}, {:method =>
“post”}) %>
Please enter your name.
<%= text_field (“cruncher”, “crunch”, {“size” => 30}) %>
<input type=”submit”/>
<%= end_form_tag %>
7. Create another new view template for the
application, \app\views\look\at.rhtml:
<h1>Using HTML Control Shortcuts</h1>
This application uses Rails HTML control shortcuts.
Your name is <%= @data %>.
• 8. Start the WEBrick server:
• C:\rubydev\textfield3>ruby script/server
Storing Data in Sessions
 A session is made up of memory on the server,
and you access that memory using the hash
named session.
 To store a data item in the session, you just
place it in the session hash using a key:
• session[:data] = @data
• Then, when you want to recover that data
when the same—or another—action is called
• The data in a session isn’t permanent. By
default it times out after 15-20 minutes of
inactivity on the user’s part.
• To store data in a session, follow these steps

1.Create a new application named sessions:

C:\rubydev>Rails sessions

2. Change directories to the sessions directory:

C:\rubydev>cd sessions
3. Add a controller named look:
C:\rubydev\sessions>ruby script/generate
controller Look
4. open look_controller.rb, and add following this
class LookController < ApplicationController
def at
@counter1 = 1
@counter2 = session[:counter2]
@counter2 += 1
session[:counter2] = @counter2
@counter2 = 1
session[:counter2] = @counter2
5. Create a new view template for the
application, app\views\look\
<title>Using Sessions</title>
<h1>Working With Sessions</h1>
This Ruby on Rails application lets you store data
in sessions.
<%= start_form_tag ({:action => “at”}, {:method
=> “post”}) %>
Counter 1: <%= @counter1 %>.
Counter 2: <%= @counter2 %>.
<input type=”submit”/>
<%= end_form_tag %>
• 6. Start the WEBrick server:
C:\rubydev\sessions>ruby script/server
• 7. Navigate to
http://localhost:3000/look/input. The
application displays the values of two
• counters in the web page . Counter 1 is not
stored in a session, But Counter 2 is stored in
the session, Counter 1 is reinitialized each
time you call the action
How to use Mysql queries in ROR
• 1)ruby script/generate controller Buy index
• 2) You can create a class method in the model,
\app\models\products.rb, named, say,
return_products, like this:
class product < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.return_products
find(:all,:order => “name description”,:conditions =>
“price <= 20.00”)
There are actually three ways to call find:
• ❑ find(:id)—Finds a record by ID
• ❑ find(:first)—Finds the first record
• ❑ find(:all)—Returns all the records in the
Those other requirements are SQL-oriented; if
you know SQL, here they are:
• Ruby SQL Information
• :conditions SQL code indicating a condition or
conditions to match.
• :group Specifies an attribute indicating how the
result should be grouped, making use of the
SQL GROUP BY clause.
• :include Specifies associations to be included
• :joins Specifies additional SQL joins.
• :limit Specifies an integer setting the upper limit
of the number of rows to be returned.
• :offset Specifies an integer indicating the offset
from where the rows should be returned.
• :order Lets you specify the fields to set the order
of returned records.
• :readonly Marks the returned records read-only.
• :select A SQL SELECT statement, as in SELECT *
FROM items.
• To start the process of displaying the items for
sale when the buy controller’s index action is
called, you call return_items in the index
class BuyController < ApplicationController
def index
@items = Item.return_items
Show Database Items in a Web Page
<title>The Store</title>
<h1>Buy From Our Store!</h1>
<b>Welcome to the store.</b>
<b><i>Please buy a lot of items, hankyou.</i></b>
<table cellpadding=”6”>
<% for item in @items %>
<td><b><%=h %></b></td>
<td><%=h item.description %></td>
</tr><% end %>

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