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By Lapsoft
March 07, 2018
About us

 Lapsoft
 Luis Alberto González Rojas
 Álvaro Saúl Olascoaga Ramos
 Mirna Paola Radillo Ramos
 Focus
General Objective

With an application for devices with Android operating system, decrease spelling
mistakes that basic education students make.
Specific objectives

 Orienting the application to the levels of third and sixth grade of primary, and
third grade of secondary.
 Providing the service of the application in a offline mode.
 Facilitating the application for the learning of the correct use of words by
clear and practical examples.
 Adding the query option of the definition of a word.
 Promoting the use of new technologies and methods for learning the spelling.

 A study of the INEE (Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación de la Educación ) says:

 Third grade of primary: 31 spelling mistakes of 100 words
 Sixth grade of primary: 19 spelling mistakes of 100 words
 Third grade of secondary: 13 spelling mistakes of 100 words
 Words of common use.
 Accentuation problems
 Illegible letter
 Misuse of words.
What about Cam-corrector?

 Reach
 Basic School
 High School
 Benefits for users
 Learning
 Practicing
 Understanding
 Viability
 Market
How will we do it?

 Programming language
 Java
 Android, APIs, SQL Lite , XML, Eclipse, Android Studio.
 Data Bases
 SQL Lite
 Design
 Sketch
 Viability
 Market

 Start interface
 Query interface
 Meaning of words
 Examples of phrases
 Error interface
 The word is not recognized

 Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación de la Educación (2017). La ortografía de los estudiantes de Ed.
Básica en México (Informes). Consultado 30 de enero de 2018 en:
 REAL ACADEMIA ESPAÑOLA (2017). Diccionario RAE y ASALE (DLE). Consultado el 22 de Enero de 2018
 Androidsx (2014). Corrector ortográfico. Consultado el 22 de Enero de 2018 en (2013).
 Larousse Español básico. Consultado el 22 de Enero de 2018 en
 Etermax (2017). Apalabrados. Consultado el 22 de Enero de 2018 en
 Scimob (2018). 94 Segundos. Consultado el 22 de Enero de 2018 en Media (2012).
 Mr Mouse - Aprender la ortografía y el vocabulario divirtiéndose. Consultado el 22 de Enero de 2018

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