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Cash and Equivalent Cash
• Cash is a liquid asset , standard
exchange and basic of
measurement and also
accounting for other accounts
• Equivalent Cash is other assets
that’s not cash which have
characteristic like cash and can
be converted into cash
Cash composition :
• Bank note • Certified Check
• Coin • Cashier Check
• Deposito • Bank Draft
• Money order
Cash Control and Management

• Using Bank Account

• Distribution jobs
• Making a petty cash account
Petty Cash Accounting
• Establishment of Petty Cash
• Demand and Responsibility of
Petty Cash
• Reestablishment of Petty Cash
Petty Cash Fund Record System
• Imprest Fund System
• Total of Petty Cash is always constant
• Every transaction is not entries at Petty
Cash Journal
• Fluctuating System
• Every Transaction is record at Petty
cash Journal
• Total of Petty Cash is depend on
Company policy (not constant)
Bank Reconciliation
Bank Reconciliation is to analyse
information and amount that’s
caused cash balance at bank
statement which is different with
cash balance at subsidiary ledger.
The purpose is to get an appropriate
cash balance
The causes of the difference in Cash Balance
between subsidiary ledger and bank statement :
 Recorded receipt by company but bank
hasn’t :
1. Deposit In Transit
2. Cash that hasn’t been deposited to
 Recorded receipt by bank but company
hasn’t :
1. Interest Revenue
2. Collecting
The causes of the difference in Cash Balance
between subsidiary ledger and bank statement:
 Recorded payment by company but bank hasn’t:
1. Outstanding Checks
2. Company has to record as payment but
hasn’t been given to receiver
 Recorded payment by bank but company hasn’t:
1. Non-Sufficient Checks
2. Overdraft
3. Bank Charges
Form of Bank reconciliation :

1. Report Form
2. Account Form
3. Bank reconciliation four columns
4. Bank reconciliation eight columns

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