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Common Characteristics
1. Successful entrepreneurs are hard-working
& tenacious.
2. Successful entrepreneurs have a
3. Successful entrepreneurs
4. Successful entrepreneurs are
5. Successful entrepreneurs have a
tolerance for ambiguity
6. Successful entrepreneurs believe
in themselves.
7. Successful entrepreneurs are
8. Successful entrepreneurs trust
their gut.
9. Successful entrepreneurs generate
new ideas.
10. Successful entrepreneurs can
11. Successful entrepreneurs
demonstrate honesty & integrity.
12. Successful entrepreneurs build a
great team.
13. Successful entrepreneurs focus
on the customer.
14. Successful entrepreneurs follow
up – constantly.
15. Successful entrepreneurs give
• Collaboration
• Decisiveness
• Flexibility
• Risk tolerance
• Versatility
• Persuasiveness
A successful entrepreneur has a strong inner drive that helps him or her to succeed. Let us take a look at
the qualities that go into making a successful entrepreneur. A successful entrepreneur always has a
strong sense of self confidence and a healthy opinion of their skills and abilities. Their personality is
assertive and strong. They are always focused and do not really dilly dally with the issues at hand. This is
what makes them different from the rest.

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