Insect Tracheal System: Fig. 39-7, P. 685

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trachea (tube spiracle (opening

inside body) to body surface)

Insect Tracheal System

Fig. 39-7, p. 685
air-filled space
blood-filled space

book lung

A Spider’s Book Lung

Fig. 39-8, p. 685

Countercurrent Flow
gill filaments
one gill arch

water is Water
sucked exits
into through
mouth gill slits

A A bony fish with its gill cover removed. Water flows in through the mouth,
flows over the gills, then exits through gill slits. Each gill has bony gill
arches to which the gill filaments attach. Fig. 39-10a, p. 686
gill arch respiratory surface

gill fold with a

filament capillary
bed inside

water direction of
flow blood flow

oxygen-poor blood
oxygenated blood from deep in body
back toward body

B Two gill arches with C Countercurrent flow

filaments of water and blood

Fig. 39-10 (b-c), p. 686

Frog Respiration

Lowering the floor Closing nostrils Rhythmically Contracting chest
of the mouth and raising the raising and muscles and
draws air inward floor of the lowering the raising the floor of
through nostrils. mouth pushes floor of the the mouth forces
air into lungs. mouth assists air out of lungs,
gas exchange. and the frog

Fig. 39-11, p. 687

A Inhalation 1
Muscles expand chest
Bird Respiratory
cavity, drawing air in
through nostrils. Some
of the air flowing in
through the trachea
goes to lungs and some anterior
goes to posterior air
air sacs

B Exhalation 1 lung
Anterior air sacs
empty. Air from
posterior air sacs posterior
moves into lungs. air sacs

C Inhalation 2
Air in lungs moves to anterior
air sacs and is replaced by
newly inhaled air.

D Exhalation 2
Air in anterior air sacs moves out of the body
and air from posterior sacs flows into the
lungs. Fig. 39-12, p. 687

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