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11 A My first

Look at these pictures:


And complete the ideas:

• My first friend was _____
• My first pet was ______
• My first day at school was ______
My first pet was a fish.
My first day at school wasn’t good.
My first friends were Paul and
They weren’t quiet.
Was a fish your first pet?
Were your friends quiet?

What is the verb in each sentences?

What tense are they?
When do you use was/were?
What is the negative form?
How do you form questions?
Positive with 'be' Negative with 'be'
I was cold I wasn't sleepy
You were tired You weren’t on the bus
He was in the garden He wasn´t at school
She was late She wasn’t friendly
It was sunny It wasn’t cold
We were on vacations We weren´t at work
They were hungry They weren´t tired
'Yes / No' Questions with be Wh-questions with 'be'
Was I sleepy? Why was I sleepy?
Were you late? Where were you?
Was he at the cinema? When was he at school?
Was she hot? Why was she friendly?
Was it sunny? What was it?
Were we on vacations? Why were you at work?
Were they hungry How were they?
How was your last vacation?
Where did you go?
How did you travel?
Go snorkeling
Go parasailing

Go hiking

What did Jason do on his vacation?

Make the Simple past of Verb Be.
Be careful. It could be affirmative, negative or question

1. (I / be / at the cinema last night)

2. (the children / be / naughty)?
3. (we / be / in a café when you called)?
4. (I / be / late)?
5. (she / be / a teacher when she was young)
6. (where /you / be)?
7. (why / you / be / late)?
8. (we / be / too tired)
9. (how / the party / be)?
10. (they not / be / in love)
11. (we / not / be / in China)
Simple past of Verb Be
1. I was at the cinema last night
2. Were the children naughty?
3. Were we in a café when you called?
4. Was I late?
5. She was a teacher when she was young
6. Where were you?
7. Why were you late?
8. We were too tired
9. How was the party?
10. They weren’t in love
11. We weren’t in China
How was your vacation?





Describing your vacations

awesome pretty bad awful

terrific terrible

amazing great pretty good

trip - food - the places was wasn´t/were/weren´t

-the activities there was/there were
Vocabulary: Describing trips

comfortable scenic boring

bumpy scary short/long

A trip with beautiful
views all around is……..
A trip making you feel
afraid or nervous that scary
something bad may
happens …

not interesting or fun boring

trip ...

A trip jumping and bumpy

moving a lot....

A place nice to sit... comfortable

Vocabulary practice
1. Our seats were pretty _______ . We slept most of the flight.
2. I had never tasted Indian food before, but I loved it. It was
really _________.
3. The bus trip to Trujillo was so ________ . I spent hours looking
out the windows.
4. It rained for a week. The weather was_______.
5. Someone stole my bag, with my passport and all my money. It
was _________.
6. I lay in the sun in the mornings and sipped cold, fruity drinks on
the beach in the afternoons. It was so _____
What can you do in these places?


Did you visit……?

Did you take pictures When ….?
of…? Where …?
Did you go shopping? Did you…?
Where did you go? What…?
When did you come
Ask your friend about his/her vacation?
A: Were you on vacation?
B : Yes, I was. I went to _____
A: When did your get back?
B: _________
A: So how was you vacation?
B: Oh! It was______
A: Where did you go exactly?
B : I went to _________
Did you visit……? A: Wow! What was the weather
Did you take pictures like?
of…? B : It was_________
Did you go shopping?
Where did you go? A: Nice. So what did you do there?
It’s time to write!!!!

1. Answer the questions

2. Think about some additional information you
want to share
3. Let’s organize the information.
Look at these sentences
1. We visited Rome.
2.We went to Venice
We went to Venice after we visited Rome. after
2 1

After we visited Rome, we went to Venice
1 2

3. First we visited Rome, then we went to Venice First

2 then

4. Before we went to Venice, we visited Rome.

2 1 before
Time order

After Before

First Then next After that

Finally when
Let’s organise our ideas

1. I traveled by plane
2. The flight was bumpy
3. We arrived the hotel
4. We went to the beach
5. I went to sleep late
6. I had breakfast at the beach
7. We met new people
8. I spent all day at the beach
9. I went shopping
10.I came back
“Four years ago, I went to Piura . The flight was very

I went to Piura with my family. It was so relaxing

and cool. We spent most of the time on the beach
and we ate delicious seafood. The sunset was so
scenic. The weather was very hot”
Vacation Adjectives

How was the food?

How long was the____?
What about the places?
Pair work A: So, how was your weekend,
B: Great! I______
A: Oh, really?
B:Yeah, it was ______, but I
______, I was exhausted by
the end of the day.
A:Yeah, I bet.
B: So… anyway, what did you do?
A: Oh, I _______ . It was good.
B: Really? Nice.
A: Well, anyway, … I have to go.
I have a ______ . See you later.

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