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The Last Whale

Rebecca Jamieson
• Watercolour/Ink/Painted • Roughly 2/ 2.30 minutes in length
• Texturised background • Lots of parallaxes
• Colour or the lack of colour is integral to the • Ink blots
• Real painted traditional feel
• Raw and experimental feel to it
• Deep emotional connection to sound
• Mother & Calf set the scene – build
up the emotional connection
Colour floods this scene
Act 1 (think finding nemo’s beginning)

• Mother is killed by Whaling ship

Dark grey aesthetic, bellowing

• Calf left to defend for itself, struggles

Act 3 Act 2 on into the distance calling out with
no answer
somber dark colour’s and emotional
• Calf struggles to find food

Act 1 • Pollution in the ocean, dark and


• Gets trapped in a net and injured,

limps off bleeding into the distance
Act 4 Act 2 only red in the film

• Keeps calling into the distance with

no answer, empty solemn and silent
Act 3 Really show the struggle that the calf
has to overcome, with little spots of
colour that signify hope
• At the lowest point for the Whale calf he
hears a Whale song from the distance
colour floods back into this shot with the

Act 1 idea of hope

music builds dramatically

• As the whale reaches the surface swimming

towards the call the colour drops away and,
the sound turns to ominous silence as the
whaling ship from the beginning is what
has been calling out to him.

Act 3 Act 2 • Film ends with that surface shot fading to

black, unsure of the outcome
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