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Grammar: Countable/uncountable noun

Some/any, much/many/ a lot of

Vocabulary: Shopping, my home, in town


Phrases: Asking for and giving direction, making

In pairs, discuss these questions
- What do you often buy?
- Where do you buy them?
- When do you go shopping?
- Do you go shopping with your friends or with
your family?
- Name some shops/facilities in your town/city
Listen What do Isabel, Lewis, Maddie
and Jay buy? Write L, M or J

□ perfume
□ shampoo
□ 2 CDs
□ computer games
□ magazines
□ make-up
□ Jewellery
□ clothes
□ chocolate
Read the article and answer the
What can people do in a shopping mall?
some books, some shampoo, some computer
games, a birthday card, a drink ….
Why are shopping malls popular?
- They are nice and warm
- There isn't any traffic and there isn't any rain.
- There is usually some music.
- Shopping malls have everything
Listen. Tick () true or cross (X) false.
• □ Maddie goes to the shopping mall with her
• parents.
• □ Lewis has fast food with his friends.
• □ Isabel goes to the cinema.
• □ Jay often meets his girlfriend.
In pairs, discuss these questions.
• Do you go to shopping malls?
• Do you like them? Why/Why not?
• What sort of things do you buy?
Countable and uncountable
Countable and uncountable
Countable and uncountable
Complete the sentences with some or any.

• Is there any water in that bottle?

• There aren't………..
any ..oranges at the
greengrocer's today.
• There are….………..delicious sweets in this shop.
• Have you got………..shampoo?
• She's got…………….designer
some T-shirts.
• There isn't……….sugar in my coffee
Circle the correct answers.
1. I've got a/some/any magazines.
2. Have you got a/some/any DVD player?
3. There are a/some/any great new CDs this week.
4. We haven't got a/some/any bread.
5. They've got a/some/any new computer game in
the shop.
6. Are there a/any/some cafés in this shopping mall?
1.some 2.any 3.some 4.any 5. a 6.any
A home on the water
Do people live on canal boats in your country?
Is a canal boat a fun place to live? Why/Why not?
A home on the water
• Interviewer: Tell me about your home, Melanie.
• Melanie: It's a canal boat. It's in Stratford-upon-Avon, Shakespeare's
birthplace. But I often travel with the boat. I'm an artist and the boat is a
fantastic place for painting,
• interviewer: Is it a quiet life?
• Melanie: Yes, usually there aren't many boats on the canals. But in the
summer, it's often very busy and noisy!
• Interviewer: How many rooms are there on your boat?
• Melanie: Not many! The boat is quite small so I haven't
• got many rooms. There are three. There isn't much space for my things.
• Interviewer: How many bedrooms are there?
• Melanie: There's one. But it's a living room and a bedroom. And I've got a
kitchen and a bathroom, too.
• Interviewer: How much furniture have you got?
• Melanie: Not much but I've got a lot of clothes! And there are my
• Interviewer: Have you got a lot of paintings?
• Melanie: Yes, a lot! Hundreds!
Choose the correct answers, a, b or c.
1. Melanie's canal boat is
a in Oxford, b in Stratford-upon-Avon, c in London.
2. It's a fantastic home for
a reading. b listening to music, c painting.
3. Her canal boat has got
a two rooms, b three rooms, c four rooms.
4. She hasn't got much
a money. b time. c space.
5. Melanie has got a lot of
a books. b clothes. c posters.
1. b 2. c 3. b 4. c 5. b
Circle the correct answers.
1 .There aren't many/much cafés in this town.
2. Do you drink many/much
much fruit juice?
3. We haven't got many/much
much time.
4. There are much/a
a lot lot
of of girls in my class.
5. We haven't got many/much
many rooms in our house.
6. How many/much
much pocket money do you get?
7. There is many/a
a lot lot
of of traffic in the morning.
8. How many/much
many pencils have you got?
9. Not many/much.
Manchester or Sydney?
A. Sydney

Sydney is the largest city in Australia, though it is not

the capital. Like Manchester, it is a multicultural city
and has a very lively arts, culture and music scene. The
most famous landmark is the Sydney Opera House,
with its sail-shaped roof.
B. Manchester

Manchester is a multicultural, multi-ethnic city. Many

immigrants chose to settle there and this has greatly
enriched the culture and arts in the city. It has a very
lively music and clubbing scene with bands such as
Take That, The Verve, Oasis and Elbow all starting out
in the city.

I live in Manchester. It's an exciting, multicultural

city. I love Manchester because there are a lot of
things to do - clubs, restaurants and cafes. There are
a lot of 5 beautiful buildings but there are a lot of
ugly buildings, too! And there are 50,000 students
here so the music scene is brilliant. Manchester has
got fantastic shops and department stores. There
are also interesting museums and art galleries.
We've got two great football teams - I'm a
Manchester City fan.
Manchester has got 135 parks. We are also near
beautiful countryside but the weather is terrible.
It's often cold and wet.
I'm from Sydney, Australia. It isn't the capital - the capital is
Canberra. But it's a big, multicultural city. It has got a
population of four million people and 30 percent are from
abroad. Sydney has got fantastic weather but it is also
Sydney has got a famous opera house and bridge. There are
a lot of things to do. It's got interesting museums and
beautiful parks, and exciting restaurants with food from all
over the world.
There is a lot of traffic. But there are also good buses and an
underground railway.
I like Sydney because it has got brilliant beaches. I often go
surfing. Sometimes we drive to the countryside and visit the
Blue Mountains National Park.
SCANNING Quickly read the article.
Write M (Manchester) and/or S
• 1 It is a multicultural city. M, S
• 2 The weather is good.
• 3 It's got an underground railway.
• 4 It's got museums andS art galleries.
• 5 S
There are a lot of things to do.
• 6 There are beaches. M
M, S
Tick () true or cross (X) false.
1 □ Manchester has got a lot of university students.
2 □ Mohammed's favourite football team is
Manchester United. 
3 □ There aren't many parks in Manchester. 
4 □ The weather in Manchester isn't very good. 
5 □ Sydney is the capital of Australia. 
6 □ There isn't much to see or do in Sydney. 
7 □ There isn't much traffic in Sydney. 
8 □ There are beaches for surfing in Sydney 
Adjective: Word 2 know
fantastic polluted famous interesting ugly
beautiful exciting great brilliant terrible
Adjective: Word 2 know
fantastic shops and department stores/weather;
(Sydney is) polluted;
famous opera house and bridge;
interesting museums and art galleries;
ugly buildings;
beautiful buildings/countryside/parks;
exciting city/restaurants;
great football teams;
brilliant music scene/beaches;
terrible weather
Adjective: Word 2 know
1. Manchester has got fantastic shops and department
2. There are also interesting museums and art galleries.
3. The weather in Manchester is terrible. It's often cold
and wet.
Describe the cities

Paris London

Hue Hanoi
In town
In town
police station fire station post office
town hall hospital cinema library
hotel school car park sports centre
stadium swimming pool market university
In town
police station fire station post office
town hall hospital cinema library
hotel school car park sports centre
stadium swimming pool market university

town hall hospital cinema

library car park stadium

swimming pool market university

How many of these places are there
in Sophie's town?
- Sports centre(s)
- Cinema(s)
- Hospital(s)
- 1
- Swimming pool(s)
1. Is your town or city big a. There are two big parks,
or small? b. Yes. There's food from all over the
2. Is it famous? world.
3. Are the shops good? c. Yes, there are. It's got an
4. Are the restaurants interesting science museum.
good? d. There are a lot of cinemas and
5. Is there a good bus or cafes,
train service? e. The buses are good but there isn't
6.Are there any a train service
interesting museums? f. It's a big city.
7. Are there any parks? g. Yes, they are. The shops are very
8. What is there to do in good,
the evening? h. It isn't famous but there's a big

1f 2h 3g 4b 5e 6c 7a 8d

□ turn left
□ turn right
□ go straight on
□ take the second left
□ take the third right
□ on the left
□ on the right

• Where are you? You are late!

Answer the questions

1.What street is Lena in? Circle it on the map.

2. How far is she from Urbis?
3. What is her problem?

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