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Presentation on SWOT analysis

of Nepal Telecom.
• Introduction
• Mission
• Vision
• Services
• Strategy
• Competition
• SWOT analysis
• Conclusion
• Established 2016 BS
• Modernize the telecommunications services and
expand the services.
• B.S 2032 formally established as fully owned
government corporation called Nepal
telecommunication corporation after enactment
of communication corporation act 2028
• BS 2061,Baishak 1 Transformed into Nepal
Doorsanchar Company Limited after 29 years of
successful accomplishment.
• A company registered under the company act
• Create optimum conditions for the
development of telecommunication sector in
• Serve public interest in terms of quality,
choice and value for money
• Healthy competition among service-economic
the nation in its drive for socio-economic
advancement though efficient private sector
• Regulate acceptable quality of
telecommunications services of all types
making them affordable to all for country’s
overall development.
• Local Calls
• National Trunk Calls
• International Trunk Calls
• International Telegram
• Domestic Telex
• International Telex
• Pay Phone
• AFS(Advanced Free phone service)
• Universal Access Number service.

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