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WEEK 3 & 4

Current issues and


Literacy Access Equity Multilingualism

Technological Unity Specialneeds

Definition of Curriculum
 Curriculum implementation entails putting into practice the officially
prescribed courses of study, syllabuses and subjects. The process involves
helping the learner acquire knowledge or experience.
 It is important to note that curriculum implementation cannot take place
without the learner. The learner is therefore the central figure in the
curriculum implementation process.
 Implementation takes place as the learner acquires the planned or
intended experiences, knowledge, skills, ideas and attitudes that are
aimed at enabling the same learner to function effectively in a society.
 Curriculum implementation also refers to the stage when the curriculum itself, as an
educational programme, is put into effect.

 Stenhouse (1979) identifies the teacher as the agent in the curriculum implementation process.
Implementation takes place when the teacher-constructed syllabus, the teacher’s personality,
the teaching materials and the teaching environment interact with the learner.

 Curriculum implementation therefore refers to how the planned or officially designed course of
study is translated by the teacher into syllabuses, schemes of work and lessons to be delivered
to students.
Factors That Influence Curriculum
1. The Teacher

 As Whitaker (1979) asserts, the teachers view their role in curriculum

implementation as an autonomous one. They select and decide what to teach
from the prescribed syllabus or curriculum. Since implementation takes place
through the interaction of the learner and the planned learning opportunities,
the role and influence of the teacher in the process is indisputable.
2. The Learners
 Learners are also a critical element in curriculum implementation. While
teachers are the arbiters (negotiators) of the classroom practice, the learners
hold the key to what is actually transmitted and adopted from the official
curriculum. The official curriculum can be quite different from the curriculum
that is actually implemented. The learner factor influences teachers in their
selection of learning experiences
3. Resource Materials and Facilities

 For the officially designed curriculum to be fully implemented as per plan, the government or
Ministry of Education should supply schools with adequate resource materials such as textbooks,
teaching aids and stationery in order to enable teachers and learners to play their role
satisfactorily in the curriculum implementation process. It is suggested that the central
government must also provide physical facilities such as classrooms, laboratories, workshops,
libraries and sports fields in order to create an environment in which implementation can take
4. The School Environment

 One other factor that influences curriculum implementation concerns the

particular circumstances of each school. Schools located in rich socio-
economic environments and those that have adequate human and material
resources can implement the curriculum to an extent that would be difficult
or impossible for schools in poor economic environments.
5. Culture and Ideology

 Cultural and ideological differences within a society or country can also

influence curriculum implementation. Some communities may resist a
domineering culture or government ideology and hence affect the
implementation of the centrally planned curriculum.
6. Instructional Supervision
 Curriculum implementation cannot be achieved unless it has been made possible through the
supervisory function of the school head. The head does this through:
• deploying staff,
• allocating time to subjects taught at the school,
• providing teaching and learning materials, and
• creating an atmosphere conducive to effective teaching and learning.
The head “monitors and guides curriculum implementation through ensuring that schemes of work,
lesson plans and records of marks are prepared regularly”. The head teacher maintains a school
tone and culture that create the climate of social responsibility.
7. Assessment

 Assessment in the form of examinations influences curriculum implementation

tremendously. Due to the great value given to public examination certificates
by communities and schools, teachers have tended to concentrate on subjects
that promote academic excellence and little else. This action by the teacher
obviously can affect the achievement of the broad goals and objectives of the
Current Issues in Curriculum
1. Literacy
 Literacy is the ability to read and write. The inability to do so is called
illiteracy or analphabetism. Visual literacy also includes the ability to
understand visual forms of communication such as body language,
pictures, maps, and video.
 Literacy encompasses a complex set of abilities to understand and use the
dominant symbol systems of a culture for personal and community
development. In a technological society, the concept of literacy is expanding
to include the media and electronic text, in addition to alphabetic and
number systems. These abilities vary in different social and cultural contexts
according to need, demand and education.
 The primary sense of literacy still represents the lifelong, intellectual process of gaining
meaning from a critical interpretation of the written or printed text. The key to all literacy is
reading development, a progression of skills that begins with the ability to understand spoken
words and decode written words, and culminates in the deep understanding of text.
 Reading development involves a range of complex language underpinnings including awareness
of speech sounds (phonology), spelling patterns (orthography), word meaning (semantics),
grammar (syntax) and patterns of word formation (morphology), all of which provide a necessary
platform for reading fluency and comprehension.
 Once these skills are acquired, the reader can attain full language literacy, which includes the
abilities to approach printed material with critical analysis, inference and synthesis; to write
with accuracy and coherence; and to use information and insights from text as the basis for
informed decisions and creative thought.
2. Access to Education

 Access to education is the ability of people to have equal opportunity in education,

regardless of their social class, gender, ethnicity background or physical and mental
disabilities. The term is used both in college admission for the middle and lower classes, and in
assistive technology for the disabled. Some critics find this idea an example of "political
correctness". In order to facilitate the access of education to all, certain countries have right to
 Access to education encourages a variety of pedagogical approaches to accomplish the
dissemination of knowledge across the diversity of social, political, cultural, economic, national
and biological backgrounds.
 However, as the definition of diversity is within itself is a broad amalgamation, teachers
exercising universal access will continually face challenges and incorporate adjustments in their
lesson plan to foster themes of equal opportunity of education.
Equitable access
 Across the globe, UNICEF is committed to nothing less than full and complete access to free,
quality education for every child. Universal access to quality education is not a privilege – it is a
basic human right.
 UNICEF is deeply committed to creating a world in which all children, regardless of their gender,
socio-economic background or circumstances, have access to free, compulsory and quality
education. In education, UNICEF supports the Education for All (EFA) and the Millennium
Development Goals 2 and 3 to ensure that all children have access to and complete a full course
of primary schooling, and to eliminate gender disparity in education by 2015. Other global goals
echoing these commitments include the World Education Forum’s Dakar Framework for Action,
which stresses the rights of girls, ethnic minorities and children in difficult circumstances; and
the emphasis in A World Fit for Children on ensuring equal access to and achievement in basic
education of good quality.
 While UNICEF adapts its strategies to fit each situation, its interventions typically include
outreach to identify excluded and at-risk girls and get them into school, policy support and
technical assistance for governments and communities to improve access for those children who
are hardest to reach or suffer most from discrimination, and programmes to eliminate cultural,
social and economic barriers to girls’ (often the marginalised group)education.
3.Equity in Education

 In education, the term equity refers to the principle of fairness. While it is

often used interchangeably with the related principle of equality, equity
encompasses a wide variety of educational models, programs and strategies
that may be considered fair, but not necessarily equal. It is has been said that
“equity is the process; equality is the outcome,” given that equity—what is
fair and just—may not, in the process of educating students, reflect strict
equality—what is applied, allocated, or distributed equally.
 The growing importance of education equity is based on the premise that now, more than ever
before, an individual’s level of education is directly correlated to the quality of life he or she
will live in the future. Therefore, an academic system that practices educational equity is a
strong foundation of a society that is fair and thriving. However, inequity in education is
challenging to avoid, and can be broken down into inequity due to socioeconomic standing,
race, gender or disability.
Socio-economic equity in education

Income and class

 Income has always played an important role in shaping academic success.
Those who come from a family of a higher socioeconomic status (SES) are
privileged with more opportunities than those of lower SES. Those who come
from a higher SES can afford things like better tutors, impressive programs,
and so on. Parents generally feel more comfortable intervening on behalf of
their children to acquire better grades or more qualified teachers. Parents of
a higher SES are more willing to donate large sums of money to a certain
institution to better improve their child's chances of acceptance, along with
other extravagant measures. This creates an unfair advantage and distinct
class barrier.
Costs of education
 The extraordinarily high cost of the many prestigious high schools and universities in the United
States makes an attempt at a "level playing field" for all students not so level. High-achieving
low-income students do not have the means to attend selective schools that better prepare a
student for later success. Because of this, low-income students do not even attempt to apply to
the top-tier schools for which they are more than qualified. In addition, neighbourhoods
generally segregated by class leave lower-income students in lower-quality schools.
 For higher-quality schooling, students in low-income areas would be required to take public
transport which they do not have the means to pay for.
 Fewer than 30 percent of students in the bottom quarter of incomes even enroll in a four-year
school and among that group, fewer than half graduate. Higher education has become too
expensive and doesn’t do enough to help lower income students succeed.
Tracking (Streaming)
 Another contributor to the inequality in the education system is tracking. Tracking sorts students
into different classes or groups based on ability or future plans. The point of tracking is to
create an environment in which the student's abilities match both the curriculum as well as the
other student's in the class.
 This separation, however, creates an inequality within itself. Starting at an extremely young
age, the sorting of students mimics hierarchy similar to one which will form later on in life.
Students are both viewed and treated differently depending on which track they take. The
quality of teaching and curricula vary between tracks and as a result, those of the lower track
are disadvantaged with inferior resources, teachers, etc.
Racial equity in education
 From a scientific point of view, the human species is a single race. It is
therefore misleading to use terms such as races and racial groups.
Nevertheless, the term racial group is enshrined in legislation, and phrases
such as race equality and race relations are in widespread official use. Racial
equity in education means the assignment of students to public schools and
within schools without regard to their race. This includes providing students
with a full opportunity for participation in all educational programs regardless
of their race.
Higher education
 Higher education plays a vital role in preparing students for the employment
market and active citizenship both nationally and internationally. By
embedding race equality in teaching and learning, institutions can ensure that
they acknowledge the experiences and values of all students, including
minority ethnic and international students.
Gender equity in education
 Gender equity in practicality refers to both male and female concerns, yet
most of the gender bias is against women in the developing world. Gender
discrimination in education has been very evident and underlying problem in
many countries, especially in developing countries where cultural and societal
stigma continue to hinder growth and prosperity for women.
Societal structure and costs
 While both basic education and higher education have both been improved
and expanded in the past 50 years, this has not translated to a more equal
society in terms of academics. While the feminist movement has made great
strides for women, other groups have not been as fortunate. Generally, social
mobility has not increased, while economic inequality has. So, while more
students are getting a basic education and even attending universities, a
dramatic divide is present and many people are still being left behind.

 One may define multilingualism as complete competence and mastery in

another language. The speaker would presumably have complete knowledge
and control over the language so as to sound native. On the opposite end of
the spectrum would be people who know enough phrases to get around as a
tourist using the alternate language. Since 1992, Vivian Cook has argued that
most multilingual speakers fall somewhere between minimal and maximal
definitions. Cook calls these people multi-competent.
Multilingual individuals
 A multilingual person is someone who can communicate in more than one language, either
actively (through speaking, writing, or signing) or passively (through listening, reading, or
perceiving). More specifically, the terms bilingual and trilingual are used to describe comparable
situations in which two or three languages are involved. A multilingual person is generally
referred to as a polyglot.
 Multilingual speakers have acquired and maintained at least one language during childhood, the
so-called first language (L1). The first language (sometimes also referred to as the mother
tongue) is acquired without formal education. Children acquiring two languages in this way are
called simultaneous bilinguals. Even in the case of simultaneous bilinguals, one language usually
dominates over the other.
5.Technological innovations

 The technological innovation system is a concept developed within the

scientific field of innovation studies which serves to explain the nature
and rate of technological change. A Technological Innovation System can be
defined as ‘a dynamic network of agents interacting in a specific
economic/industrial area under a particular institutional infrastructure
and involved in the generation, diffusion, and utilization of technology’.
Types of Technology Used In The Classroom

1. Use of computers in the classroom: Computers have evolved and they have changed they way
the look and the way they function. Now days we have both desktop computers and portable
computers commonly known as notebooks or laptops. New technologies have also emerged and
birthed some new computer related gadgets like the iPad or Galaxy tablet. These computers can be
used by teachers to assign work to students and study groups in a classroom. Also teachers can use
computers to illustrate visual related subjects which help students to learn easily. Modern
computers come with installed applications which can help students study well.
2. Creating class websites and blogs: It is very easy to create a website or blog using WordPress or
any other content management software. Teachers can create class blogs were they post
assignments. If the school has no website sever to host these class blogs, the teacher can use free
website hosting services like or Via these platforms, the teacher will
create a blog under a sub domain of that host. For example,, so students
will find all academic assignments via that blog. It is very easy to manage and post data to a blog,
because they have simple HTML editors.
3. Use of digital microphones in the classroom: Big classrooms are characterized by endless noise,
so teachers can resort to these wireless digital microphones. The microphone will transmit the
voice to the loud speakers and every student will hear their teacher clearly. This helps the teacher
not to strain their voice while trying to explain points to their students. These digital microphones
are not too expensive so even a small income generating school can manage to buy a wireless
microphone for every classroom. Also students can use the same microphone when asking questions
to their teachers in class, or when they are explaining a subject to their fellow students during a
classroom debate.
4. Use of mobile devices: Teachers and students can use smart-phones for academic purposes in
the classroom. Mobile learning is becoming so popular. It is similar to e-learning or long distance
education. Though its based on mobile phones. M-Learning is convenient because it is accessible
from anywhere. Mobile phones are very light yet they can also have the same application a simple
PC can have, a student can access academic information like assignments via an educational mobile
application (APP). Teachers can tell their students to use mobile apps like ‘‘PIAZZA‘‘ to access
course materials and also to post questions about specific subjects, all this can be done in the
classroom or outside the classroom.
5. Use of smart interactive Whiteboards: Modern smart white boards have a touch screen
functionality, so the teacher can illustrate points using a pen or their finger. Using a projector,
teachers can display visual images on these white boards which improves the learning process.
Students will learn more easily with visual images. Also students can use a white board to draw,
write or manipulate images. Smart whiteboards come in various sizes, the wide ones are better,
because they can show a lager image and can also be used by two students at a time. Most of them
are electronically powered , so they can be switched on with a button, and they can also save
teachers work for latter use.
6. Use of online media: Teachers and students can both use online streaming Medias to learn in the
classroom. With the aid of a projector, computer, internet and a white board, a teacher displays a
real-time example using sites like This website has videos which can be used for
academic reference. ‘‘Let’s take a simple example on how a Geography class can use technology.
Teachers can explain volcanic activities and its impacts on the environment using live stream
YouTube videos about the subject. This type of illustration will attract the student’s attention and
they will learn easily.”
7. Use of online study tools : Online study tools like ”Dynamic Periodic Table”
( which can be used by Chemistry students in keeping elements apart
, ”Foldit” ( this tool can help biology students easily understand basics
about proteins. ”Mathway” ( this helps math students solve math
challenges, students can simply select a subject and hit solve, the equation will
be solved by the tool. All these academic tools can improve the way students
The quality of an education system encompasses multiple dimensions. The
assessment of quality in this chapter focuses largely on the intellectual
dimension of academic student outcomes, with the benefit of available and
measurable data. It is acknowledged that the numbers alone tell only one side of
the story. There are other critical aspects vital to the quality of education such
as a student’s spiritual, emotional, and physical development. Nonetheless,
children who are unable to master core intellectual skills such as literacy and
numeracy, as well as higher-order thinking, will be less likely to succeed in
today’s rapidly changing economy and globalised society.

Malaysian Education Blueprint 2013-2025

Further Reading

 Chapter 2 & Chapter 3 Malaysian Education Blueprint 2013-2025


 The Malaysia Education Blueprint (2013 – 2025) hopes to

transform the education system to make its outcomes
comparable to outcomes set by other high performing
education systems.

 How does this Blueprint intend to deal with the following:

multilingualism and technological innovations?

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