Self-Test Questions 1

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Self-test Questions 1

Which of the following is NOT true of secondary data about

global markets:

a) It was not gathered specifically for the research project

at hand.
b) It is often so expensive that small companies can’t afford
to use it.
c) It can be accessed quickly.
d) A great deal is available from government agencies.

Self-test Questions 2
Market research firms are discovering that global clients want more than
mere descriptions of what is happening in the marketplace, they want
explanations of why it is happening. This suggests an increased
emphasis on:

a) quantitative data
b) qualitative data
c) probability samples
d) convenience samples
e) MIS

Self-test Questions 3
When the Coca-Cola Company convened focus groups
in Europe and Asia to assess potential market acceptance
of a contoured aluminum soft drink can, it was attempting
to collect ___________ data.

a) primary
b) secondary
c) incipient
d) quantitative
e) MIS

Self-test Questions 4
Which of the following is true about etic and emic approaches to
country analysis:

a) The etic and emic approaches are identical.

b) An emic approach studies a culture from within; etic analysis is
"from the outside."
c) An emic approach studies a culture "from the outside";
etic analysis studies a culture from within.
d) The emic/etic distinction is not useful in cultural studies.


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