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Emotional Freedom Technique

Level 1 Training
Energy Psychology
The Art & Science of Dealing With
Emotions, Trauma & Pain
Presented by Dr. Gene R. Nelson, N.D., Ph.D.
Three Thumps
•Energy Vitamins
•15-30 Seconds
on Each Point
•Do Twice a Day
or When You Feel
Your Energy
•Especially after
you eat a meal to
Wayne Cook Posture
• Untangle inner chaos
• See with a better
• Focus your mind more
• Think more clearly
• Learn more proficiently
Crown Pull

• Refreshes mental
• Refreshes the mind
• Opens the crown
chakra to higher
Cross Crawl
•Feeling confused, not
‘getting the information’,
•Energies are not Crossing
Over…coordinate both
hemispheres of the brain.
•Feel both sides of your
Brain coming into
Wayne Cook’s Hookup
•Do Hookup when
you are feeling ‘out
of sorts’, confused,
uncoordinated and
out of balance—
•Create tranquility
in you life
•Balance the energy
•Quiet the mind
•Become more
Zip Up Your Energy
•Close up you CV/GV
•Protect Your Energy
System from Energy
•Completely ‘Seal’ your
energy system for the
entire day
Tracing The Meridians
Tracing The Meridians
Physical Health = Wholism
Attaining Emotional Freedom
The Science Behind EFT

“There are only two ways to live your life.

One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
Albert Einstein
Some Thoughts About Thoughts
"You become what you think about most of the time."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

"If you want to be confident, but normally don't act that way, today, just this
once, act in the physical world the way you think a confident person
Dr. Wayne Dyer

"As a man thinketh, in his heart so is he."

The Bible

"The world you see is what you gave it, nothing more than that. But though it
is no more than that, it is not less. Therefore, to you it is important. It is the
witness to your state of mind, the outside picture of an inward condition.
As a man thinketh, so does he perceive."
A Course In Miracles
How To Create Your Destiny
• THOUGHTS turn into WORDS
• WORDS turn into ACTIONS
• ACTIONS turn into HABITS

It All Starts With A Thought!

What Is Energy Psychology?
• Energy Psychology is a family of mind/body techniques that are clinically
observed to consistently help with a wide range of psychological
conditions. These interventions address the human vibrational matrix,
which consists of three major interacting systems:
– Energy pathways (meridians and related acupoints)
– Energy centers (chakras)
– Human biofield (systems of energy that envelop the body)

• These techniques are also helpful in promoting high-level mind-body

health and peak performance in the physical, mental and creative arenas
of life.
History of Energy Psychology
• Psychologist, Dr. Roger
Callahan, founded and
developed TFT over the last
16 years based on his
discovery that the same
energy meridian system
identified by the Chinese
approximately 5,000 years
ago and used in
acupuncture for centuries
could also be used to
successfully treat most
psychological problems.
History of Energy Psychology
• Gary worked with Roger
Callahan in 1990-1995
• In 1997 he developed a
simpler technique to
deal with psychological
• He desires that
everyone should how to
use EFT
The Proliferation of Energy Psychology

• Many new techniques have been developed over the

last 10 years
– Be Set Free Fast (BSFF)
– Negative Effect Erasing Method (NAEM)
– Energy Diagnostic Treatment Method (EDxTM)
– Tapas Acupuncture Technique (TAT)
– The Choice Method
– Emotional Trance Method (EMOTrance)
– Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EDMR)
– BrainGym
– And more Meridian Therapies
Body Is Made Up Of Many Systems

Lymphatic Nervous Cardiovascular

Body Is Made Up Of Many Systems

Viscera Human Energy Fields

All major religions depict Energy
Fields, Halos, Auras & Coronas

Truth is the only religion & above All

You Are A Being Of Energy Flows
• The Multi-Layered Bio-
Body Suit
– Auras
– Chakras
– Nadis
– Meridians
– Nervous System
– Eletro-Chemical
– Cellular Structure
Energy Psychology Is Based On Energy
System Techniques
• One energy system is the
Meridian system based on
Chinese medicine dating
back 5,000 years
• The meridian system
controls the flow of Chi/Qi
in the body/mind energy
• 14 major meridians over
304 points throughout the
• Thousands of Nadis
Energy Psychology Is Based On Energy
System Techniques
• The chakras are an energy
system that coordinates the
energy input and output of
the “Multi-Layered Bio-Body
• Charka means “wheel” in
• Seven major Chakra and many
minor “Nadis” in the energy
The Chakra Correspondence

• The Chakras correspond

to the nerve ganglia and
glands of the body
• They are directly
connected to each
bodily system
• Energetically, supplying
information transfer to
the organs
CHAKRAS relate to

Chakra Sanskrit Gland

Crown Sahasrara Pineal
Brow Ajna Pituitary
Throat Vishudhi Thyroid
Heart Anahata Thymus
Solar Manipura Solar Plexus
Splenic Swadistana Adrenals
Base Muladhara Gonads
The Complete Subtle
Bio-Body Suit
• Seven layered Bio-Body
Suit extends beyond
your physical body
• It is totally connected
with all that is—non-
• Constantly bringing in
energy information
Viewing The Human
Energy System with Poly
Contrast Interference
Energy Information—How It Flows
Energy Information—What Goes Wrong
Emotional Freedom Technique — EFT

• 10 year old psychological technique dealing with the Cause of

Negative Emotions
• Founded by Gary Craig
• 1000’s of therapists throughout the world
• Easy to learn and do
• Works 90+% of the time on:
– Negative emotions
– Trauma
– Habits
– Pain
– Phobias
– Peak Performance
• Basically Acupuncture without Needles!
Energy Premises For EFT
• Thoughts are Things (Energetic Things)
• Energy follows Thought
• Everything is Energy, so Anything is Possible
• Energy Axioms:
• Energy is Inductive (The Tree)
• Principle of Resonance
• Energy is Neutral
• Energy Entanglement (Shielding)
• Energy can be Imprinted
• Energy is Non-Local
What Are The Negative Emotions?

• Addictive Urges • Hiccups • Rejection

• Anger • Hopelessness • Remorse
• Hurt Feelings • Resentment
• Anticipatory Anxiety • Revulsion
• Awkwardness • Impatience • Sadness
• Bitterness • Irritability • Shame
• Clumsiness • Jealousy • Sorrow
• Despair • Jet Lag • Stress
• Disappointment • Loneliness • Tiredness
• Disgust • Love Pain • Trauma
• Embarrassment • Nasal Congestion • Worry
• Obsessive Thinking • And Many More….
• Envy
• Fatigue • Pain
• Fear • Phobias
• Frustration • PMS
• Grief • Procrastination
• Guilt • Rage
• Regret
What Can You Use EFT For?
• Pain • PTSD
• Fear/Phobias • High Blood Pressure
• Headaches
• Physical Pain
• Abuse
• Panic/Anxiety • Addictions
• Asthma • Weight Loss
• Eating Disorders • Dyslexia
– Anorexia/Bulimia • OCD
• Allergies
• Neuropathy
• Parenting • Anger
• Grief • Children
• Prosperity • Trauma
The Palace of Possibilities
• “My Father’s House has
many mansions…”
• We tend to stay in just a few
rooms as we live our life
• 4 billion inputs per second
– We are conscious of only
• The Law of Vibrational
Writings On The Walls
• Writing on the walls
contains the “truth” as we
know it
– Beliefs, opinions, attitudes
– Limits: cans, can’ts, shoulds,
• Writings consist of hand-
me-down “truths” from
– Parents, family, schools,
churches, peers, friends,
workplace, TV, movies, books,
magazines, etc.
What Have You Written On Your Walls

My mother always says……….

My father always says……….
Rich people are……..
Poor people are……..
If I was only _______ I could _________

I’d have more money if I ……….

I have Cancer in my family
I always get a headache when……..
97% of all the thoughts you had TODAY are the
SAME thoughts you had YESTERDAY
Can’t See The Forest For The Trees

Definition: overly concerned with detail; not understanding the whole

Explanation: Used when expressing that a person is focusing too much on
specific problems and is missing the point
Examples: I'm afraid you can't see the forest for the trees. - He often can't
see the forest for the trees and needs to have the most relevant points
explained to him.
The Discovery Statement—What’s Really
Happening With Emotions

Creates a ZZZZT (like
static on your TV) in
your Energy systems
which causes the
physical or emotional

The Cause of All Negative Emotion is a

Disruption in the Energy System
How To Apply EFT—The Basic Recipe
The Be Specific Where Possible

Set up, Aspects, Full BR, CBB, Toxins Shortcuts:

Basic Partial Basic Recipe

Recipe Floor to Ceiling Eye roll

No Partial Complete
Relief Relief Relief

Test & Repeat If Necessary

Apply &
Adjust BR
The Basic Recipe For EFT—The Set Up
• Even though I have this (problem), I deeply and
completely accept myself.

• I accept myself even though I have this (problem).

• Even though I have this (problem), I’m still a great

person (an awesome kid).

• I choose to feel (emotion) about the (problem).

– Tapping in a positive affirmation
Subjective Units of Distress Scale—SUDS
Measuring The Effects Of EFT
0 The absence of any distress. Feeling calm and totally
1 Neutral feeling or just OK, not as relaxed as could be.
2 A mild irritation. First awareness of tension or vague
3 Increased discomfort, unpleasant, but in control.
4 Noticeable discomfort or distress, perhaps agitation, but
5 Discomfort is very uncomfortable, I can stand it.
6 Discomfort worsens and affects my life.
7 Discomfort is severe and emotional pain interferes with
8 Discomfort increases and it is in my thoughts constantly.
9 Discomfort is nearly intolerable.
10 Discomfort is extreme and the worst imaginable. I feel
panicky and overwhelmed.
The Basic
Tapping Points

• Tapping on the end of

the meridians
– Like circuit breakers
• Start with the Karate
Chop point on the
outside of the hand
while saying the Setup
Karate Chop & Sore Spots

Sore Spots Sore Spots

Rub the Sore Spots During The Set Up Procedure

Lock It In With The 9-Gamut Procedure
The Bridge--The Bridge consists of a series of eye movements,
humming, and counting, all the while tapping the Back of Hand
(BH). The whole sequence takes about fifteen seconds.

1. Start with eyes open.

2. Close your eyes.

3. Open you eyes and glance down toward the floor to your right (do not
move your head).

4. Glance down to your left.

5. Rotate your eyes in a full circle in one direction. Make sure you are not
skipping any part of the circle. It may take a little practice to be sure you
are making a complete circle.

6. Now rotate your eyes around in a complete circle in the opposite


7. Hum about five notes. This may be a familiar tune, such as "Happy
Birthday," or just make up a few notes of your own.

Count 1,2,3,4,5 8. Count from one to five out loud.

9. Hum a few notes again.

Let’s Try EFT
• Craving For Chocolate

• Killing Procrastination

• Tapping Self Acceptance

• Waking Up

• Insomnia
More EFT
• Working With Pain

• Anger Management

• Depression

• Fears & Phobias

More EFT
• Forgiveness

• Dealing With Trauma

(The Movie)

• Physical Disease
Use EFT On Everything
What Are Aspects
• Our emotion life is very
complex, like a forest full of
• Emotional freedom comes
from knocking down some
trees (emotions)
• Sometimes knocking down
one tree clears the entire
• Sometimes you need to find
the “one tree” (aspect) that
unlocks the emotional
Psychological Reversals—When EFT
Doesn’t Work
• What happens when you put
the batteries in backward?
• Results in a negative, self-
sabotaging state which may
appear as resistance
• Common in cases of depression,
addictions and chronic physical
• Can be caused by historic
events, decisions and beliefs,
stress, dehydration, polarity
switching and energy toxins
Psychological Reversals
• Commonly called Self Sabotage
– Writer’s block, learning limitations, lack of will
power, poor motivation, spacing out…etc.
• Always present in healing
– Degenerative diseases, slow recovery
• Learning difficulties…dyslexia
• The slump…Athletics and performance
Tips For Making EFT More Effective
• Be SPECIFIC whenever possible
• Test the problem (SUDS)…See the results
• To get the THRILLS…you have to do the DRILL
• Look at the ASPECTS if you are having trouble
clearing the emotions
Using EFT In Peak Performance

• EFT can be used to increase your response to any

performance activity
– Golf, Tennis, Weight Lifting, etc.
• Learning new things
– Information, skills, music, etc.
• Motivation for things you have resistance to:
– Exercising, meditating, eating right, etc.
• Affirmations of Self
– Helping to create “you are what you think”
Working With Affirmations
• You are what you think…what you write in the walls
becomes your reality!
– "Yesterday's thoughts have created your present. Today's
thoughts are creating your future."
• Want to lose weight
– I weigh 200 pounds
– Affirmation: I normal weight is 170 pounds and that’s
what I weigh!
• How come it doesn’t work all the time?
Tail-Enders in EFT
• "But if you lose the weight, others will
expect you to keep it off."
• “But if you lose the weight, you will
have to spend a lot of money for new
• "But if you lose the weight, men will hit
on you and expect sex."
• "But if you lose the weight, men won't
hit on you and then you will know you
aren't loveable. “
• "But if you lose the weight, you will
have to give up your favorite foods.“
• The list is Endless……
Tap Your “Limits” / Find The Tail-Enders

• “I can’t sing”
• "Making money isn't spiritual"
• "Women can't compete in a man's world"
• "I never seem to find the right words”
• “A good man is hard to find”
• “I am not willing to risk loving and being loved“
• “Genetics controls my body shape and health”
• “God can’t be trusted to help me with my life”
Tapping In An Affirmation
• I do my best and my best is good enough
• I am ready for a powerful, intimate
relationship in my life now
• It is okay for me to want money and I do
want it
• I accept health as being a natural part of
my life
• I am guided and protected by God
• I give myself permission to do what I love
• I release all guilt, shame and blame
The Temporal Tap
resulting from my past thoughts and
EFT Resources
– Free 87 page manual download, DVDs, newletter
from Gary Craig
– Archives on what EFT is used for
– Trained therapists
– Advanced EFT Training (DVDs)
• Search the internet for ‘Tapping Techniques’
Private EFT Sessions With Dr. Gene
• Set up private sessions with Dr. Gene
– In person, at your home, in the office or over the
– Call for an appointment +91 937-077-7199
How To Apply EFT—The Basic Recipe

The Be Specific Where Possible


Basic Partial Basic Recipe
Recipe Floor to Ceiling Eye roll

No Partial Complete
Relief Relief Relief

Test & Repeat If Necessary

Apply &
Adjust BR
Sore Spots

Used in 9 Gamut
(see back of sheet)
Sore Spots Sore Spots

Used in 9 Gamut Used in 9 Gamut
(see back of sheet) (see back of sheet)
Lock It In With The 9-Gamut Procedure
The Bridge--The Bridge consists of a series of eye
movements, humming, and counting, all the while
tapping the Back of Hand (BH). The whole
sequence takes about fifteen seconds.

1. Start with eyes open.

2. Close your eyes.

3. Open you eyes and glance down toward

the floor to your right (do not move your

4. Glance down to your left.

5. Rotate your eyes in a full circle in one

direction. Make sure you are not skipping any
part of the circle. It may take a little practice
to be sure you are making a complete circle.

6. Now rotate your eyes around in a

complete circle in the opposite direction.

7. Hum about five notes. This may be a

familiar tune, such as "Happy Birthday," or
just make up a few notes of your own.

Count 1,2,3,4,5 8. Count from one to five out loud.

9. Hum a few notes again.

Clearing The Small & Large
Intestine Nerolymphatic
Triple Warmer &
Spleen Meridians
•Triple Warmer can ‘steal’ energy from
your Spleen Meridian
•Especially during digestion and food
•Triple Warmer is always ‘over
excited’—primary job is to guard
against invaders…toxins & allergens
•Spleen imbalances are the main cause
of Food Cravings
•Important to keep TW and Spleen
Energies in balance
•Sedate the TW points
•Strengthen the Spleen Points
•Hold the points for 2 to 3 minutes
•Remember to hold the points on both
meridians on BOTH SIDES OF THE
Strengthen Spleen
Full Body Testing
Daily Energy Vitamins
Three Thumps Wayne Cook Posture Zip Up

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