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16th Century PERSIA

Chris Virostek, Justin Koenig, Joe Schurer, Danny

Politics and Economy
- 1521: War between France and the Holy Roman Empire begins
- 1525: France cedes Burgundy and claims on Navarre to the HRE
- 1534: Jacques Cartier claimed Quebec for France
- 1542: War resumes between Francis I of France and Emperor Charles V. This time Henry VIII is
allied with the Emperor, while James V of Scotland and Sultan Suleiman I are allied with the French

- 1502: First reported African slaves in The New World (Juan de Cordoba)
- 1516: Habsburgs rule Spain
- 1519: Charles I of Spain becomes Emperor of Holy Roman Empire as Charles V HRE was a
struggle between Charles and Francis I of France
- 1519-1521: Hernan Cortes leads the Spanish conquest of Mexico
- 1522: Ferdinand Magellan organizes a Spanish Expedition to East Indies and is the first to
- 1532: Francisco Pizarro leads Spanish conquest on Inca Empire
Politics and Economy

- 1533: Elizabeth Tudor is born

- 1534: Jacques Cartier claimed Quebec for France.
- 1536: Anne Boleyn is tried for treason and beheaded- significant because this
did not happen often to monarchs


- 1502: Tension with Crimea after the last Khan of the Great Horde is killed
- 1514: Russia expands its control over Baltic states
- 1521: Grand Duchy of Moscow controls all forests north of Oka River
- 1533: Forts built along Oka River to defend from Crimea
- 1547: Grand Duchy of Moscow becomes the Tsardom of Russia
Religion and Social

- 1534: Affair of the Placards – Francis becomes more active in repression of

French Protestants
- 1540: Francis issues his Edict of Fontainebleau calling Protestantism a
heresy and allowing them to be tortured and killed


- 1502: First reported African slaves in The New World

- 1507: The first recorded epidemic of smallpox in the New World on the island
of Hispaniola. It devastates the native Taíno population
- 1526: Islam is banned in Spain
Religion and Social

- 1509: Erasmus writes The Praise of Folly with Thomas More

- 1517: Evil May Day riots occur against the number of foreigners living in
- 1518: Epidemic of Sweating Sickness kills many in Oxford and Cambridge
- 1530-1531: Church of England breaks away from the Catholic Church


- 1510: Locals allow for the Pskov Republic to be dissolved and join the Grand
Duchy of Moscow
- 1540: Russian Orthodox Church unifies church ceremonies and duties
Intellectual and Aesthetic
Misc. Important Events:

- 1512- Copernicus pronounces sun a center of universe (heliocentric theory)

- 1543: Copernicus published his theory that the Earth and the other planets
revolve around the Sun


- 1516: Da Vinci arrives in France with some of his most famous works
- 1546: Major work begins on converting the Louvre


- 1519-1522: Spanish expedition commanded by Magellan- first to

circumnavigate the world
Intellectual and Aesthetic

- 1523: First printed book on agriculture published in England

- 1532: German painter Hans Holbein settles in England


- 1500s: Russians begin to move to Siberia

- 1547: Moscow imports many icon paintings from Novgorod
Politics and Economy
- 1562: French Wars of Religion begin
- 1572: St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre- Charles slaughters Calvinist nobles\
- 1585: War of the Three Henry’s begins
- 1589: Henry III is assassinated and begs Henry of Navarre to become Catholic and assume the
- 1593-1594: Henry of Navarre converts and is invited into Paris
- Mercantilism is rising in France (especially prominent with Jean-Baptiste Colbert in 17th c.)

- 1557: Habsburg Spain declares bankruptcy. Philip II of Spain had to declare four state bankruptcies
in 1557, 1560, 1575 and 1596.
- 1558: Charles dies and Spain loses land
- 1566–1648: Eighty Years' War between Spain and the Netherlands.
- 1585–1604: The Anglo-Spanish War is fought on both sides of the Atlantic.
- 1588: Spanish Armada deployed against England is defeated
Politics and Economy
- 1553: Mary Tudor becomes the first queen regnant of England and restores the Church of England
under Papal authority.
- 1555: The Muscovy Company is the first major English joint stock trading company.
- 1558 Elizabeth Tudor becomes Queen Elizabeth I at age 25. England loses Calais to France
- 1567: Mary, Queen of Scots, is imprisoned by Elizabeth I.
- 1585: England goes to war with Spain
- 1587 : Mary, Queen of Scots is executed by Elizabeth I.
- 1588: England repulses the Spanish Armada.

- 1547: Ivan the Terrible takes the title tsar and works to centralize power and expand his empire
- 1552: Russia conquers the Khanate of Kazan in central Asia.
- 1556: Russia conquers the Astrakhan Khanate.
- 1558: Ivan invades Livonian Region and starts the Livonian War
- 1570: Ivan the Terrible, tsar of Russia, orders the massacre of inhabitants of Novgorod.
- 1584: Ivan’s dies and his son Fedor I becomes tsar
- 1598–1613: Russia descends into anarchy during the Time of Troubles.
Religion and Social

- 1562–98: French Wars of Religion between Catholics and Huguenots.

- 1598: The Edict of Nantes ends the French Wars of Religion.


- 1550–1551: Valladolid debate concerning the human rights of the Indigenous

people of the Americas
- 1571: Moriscos are defeated by the Spanish Crown and are driven out of
Grenada (Spain is Catholic and is not very tolerant of other religions)
Religion and Social

- 1553: Mary Tudor becomes the first queen regnant of England and restores
the Church of England under Papal authority.
- 1563: Plague outbreak claimed 80,000 people in Elizabethan England.
- 1592–1593: John Stow reports 10,675 plague deaths in London, a city of
approximately 200,000 people.


- 1551: Hundred Chapter Council accepts many of the rituals occurring across
Russia in various Churches
- 1589: Orthodox Church Patriarchs give themselves authority to rule alongside
Intellectual and Aesthetic

- 1551: Pierre Belon publishes Histoire de la nature des estranges poissons

marins, which was an essay on marine animals
- 1552: Ambroise Paré publishes an essay on battlefield medicine
- 1552: Edward Wotton writes on zoology


- 1551: Martín Cortés de Albacar publishes Breve compendio de la esfera y del

arte de navegar, major book on cosmography in Spain
- 1562: Diego Gutiérrez publishes his map of America
Intellectual and Aesthetic

- 1520s: Hornebolt becomes painter for Henry VIII

- 1550s: Miniature portraits become common throughout England


- 1555: Work on St. Basil’s Cathedral begins

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