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Conversation by phone

 Nurse Caroline in Dr.Frank’s clinic is receiving phone call from nurse Shinta.

Caroline : Good morning, Dr.Frank’s clinic, with nurse Caroline, may

I help you?
Shinta : Hello I would like to have a quick word with Dr.Frank, can I?
Caroline : Of course you can, if you don’t mind telling me with
whom I speak to?
Shinta : this is Shinta. I am a nurse from ARZENA Hospital.
Caroline : Well nurse Shinta, from what department are you?
Shinta : I am from emergency department.
Caroline : Okay nurse Shinta. I ringer you to his room but just in case
if you get cut off, his extension is 543, Okay?
Shinta : 543, okay. Thanks.
 Then the nurse Caroline rings her to Dr. Frank’s room but nobody answers the
Carol : Hello nurse Shinta, I just called Dr.Frank’s room but nobody gets the
telephone, maybe he’s not in the office at the moment, would you like to
leave the message?
Shinta : yes, please tell him that there is a patient with compound fracture at
Tibia and Fibula in this hospital.
Carol : Okay, “there is a patient with compound fracture at tibia and fibula in
ARZENA hospital.”
Shita : Yes, you’re right
Carol : Okay, I’ll try to call Dr.Frank and give the message to him immediately.
Shinta : By the way, do you have the cellular phone number of Dr.Frank?
Carol : I thik so. Just a moment, here it is, 0816661768.
Shinta : 0816661768, okay I’ll call him now but if you meet Dr.Frank, please tell
him to contact me at 9899456 in this afternoon.
Carol : ‘9899456’ yes nurse Shinta, I’ll give Dr.Frank the message.
Shinta : thank you. Goodbye
Carol :Goodbye.
Useful expressions

 Receiver
Good morning, St.Marry Hospital, can I help you?
Good afternoon, Dr.Wilson clinic, may I help you?
This is operating theater, with Susan, is there something I can do for you?
 Caller
Hello, is this St,Marry Hospital?
Hello, is this 4305227.
Hi Alan, this is Shinta, how are you?
 When you want to talk or speak with someone
 Hello, I would to talk with dr.Abraham, may I?
 Hi! I am going to speak to nurse Shinta, can I?
 I would like to speak to dr.Dill, please?
 Could you give a quick word with nurse Rosa, please?
 Hello, this is Dan North from Pediatric, I would like a word with Dr. Betty if it
is possible.
 Can you transfer me to dr.Wilson’s room, please?
 Could you ringer me to nurse Hanna, please?
 When the person who want to talk with is not in the office
 Oh, I am sorry, dr.Wilson is not in the office right now, would you leave a
message for him, please?
 I am sorry, dr.Dill is in the meeting at the moment, would you like to call him
back in a few minutes, please?
 Well, nurse Hanna is examining a patient now, I’ll tell her to call you back
 I am sorry, Mr.Black, just went out ten minutes ago.
 I’m afraid he can’t talk to you because he is operating a patient at the
 Well, nurse Shinta has already gone, it’s better for you to call her again
 When you want to transfer the caller

 Okay Mr.Tony, I will transfer your telephone to his extension but just in case
you get cut off, his extension is 344.
 Well Mr. Black, I ringer you to his extension now.
 Well Mr.Black, his extension is 345, I’ll try to connect you there.

 A quick word : berbicara

 Ringer : sambungkan
 Get cut off : terputus
 Just a moment: tunggu sebentar

 Work in pairs to make a phone conservation.

 Fransisca – Hedwig – Margaretha
 Yohannes K. – Wartini – Jhonny Ganti
 Ni Made Wardani – Johannes B. – Yosefa
 Irmayani – Sarina S.
 Widia Astuti – Gumaena
 Rina Langi K. – Magdalena M.

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