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1996- present
READ 650 Group Presentations
Kate Hundley and Annie Tracz
Principles and Assumptions of Engaged Learning
Models of Reading
Students encounter a range of
textual materials (traditonal
and alternative)
Learning is personal!
Technology has transformed
learning/teaching! -relationship between
learners’ knowledge
and interests
-personally relevant Developmental perspective on
Learning takes a combination of texts = deeper student reading, which includes
cognitive and motivational engagement adolescents and adults. Readers
factors from an ACTIVELY
are seen as life-long learners,
engaged learner. Learners are
continually learning and re-
active participants in “reconciliation of
learning reading in the context of
constructing their own information-processing and
their “linguistic knowledge, subject-
knowledge and making meaning sociocultural perspectives
matter knowledge, strategic
(rekindled interest in strategy of past decades”
capabilities, and their motivations
use- Learner in control)
expand and mature” (p. 53).
Reading is…
learning through a combination of
cognitive and motivational forces in which
a learner (regardless of age!) ACTIVELY
constructs personal meaning from text.
Aligning Engaged Learning Models of Reading
with Historical Era(s) of Reading Research
The Era of Engaged Learning (1996-
Influx of technology during this era- created a need
Prior to this period...
to address nonlinear texts and their role on student
text= printed materials, read in linear fashion performance

Research targeted young students and struggling Multiple reports came out during this time related
adolescents (stopped after to Adolescent Literature, including IRA’s Adolescent
decoding/comprehension acquisition) Literacy, CIERA, The Partnership for Reading, and
the RAND Reading Study Group, which contributed
Little regard for motivation (reader’s goals, to the developing perspective of reading as a long-
interests, and involvement in the learning term development
Motivation studies abound during this era!
Motivation closesly linked to engagement
Conditions for Change
Growth of nonlinear text Motivation Research

Overall expanded view of traditional and alternative Led to consideration of learner’s interest, goals, self-
forms of text. The growth of hypermedia and hypertext efficacy beliefs, self-regulation and active participation
led to considerations of the “nature and form of these (p. 51). “Social-cognitive perspective” meaning these
nonlinear and less traditional forms of text on students’ factors were studied in relation to student factors
learning” (p.50) Also, focus on classroom discourse (knowledge, abilities, sociocultural background, learning
and its role on student academic development. context, etc.) NOT in isolation

Developmental Shift
View of reading shifted to include readers of ALL
ages and abilities rather than just young/struggling
readers. “Reading extends beyond the initial phase
of acquisition and across the lifespan…” (p. 51).
Shift to a developmental perspective
Leading Researchers of Engaged Learning
Research of Reading
John Dewey (1859-1952) played a central role in the era of
Engaged learning ( p.52)

He founded the philosophical movement, Pragmatism or instrumentalism that

demonstrates that learning and knowledge comes from events or processes of

He believed that a democratic society would best serve human interests when
inhabited by well informed, engaged and curious citizens.
“Human beings should learn
Other researchers of Engaged Learning : National Reading Research center
to live well and cope with
funded by the department of Education (see notes below)
change, rather than reject it”
How Did Models of Engaged Learning Reading Prompt New Areas of Research
About Reading Processes and/or Instruction?

- Reconditioning is a new area of research that focuses on the identification,

teaching and remediation of the elements of reading acquisition which targets struggling
readers who are in the process of mastering reading fundamentals.( p. 55)

Current practices are less driven by theory and more driven by forces such as...

- A drive towards accountability in the form of high- stakes testing and national standards ( p.
- Creating alliances with other researchers such as looking at neurobiological patterns that are
related to specific reading outcomes and conditions.
Active and
Engage willfull Non-linear and
d participants personally
relevant texts

Students have
a direct role in

Students are
motivated by their

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