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Introduction To HRM

Human Resource
• From the National View Point:
• Human Resources are the knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents and
aptitudes obtained in the population.
• From the View Point of an Organisation:
• Human Resource represent the people at work.
• They are the sum-total of the inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and skills
as exemplified in the talents and aptitudes of its employees.
Human Resource Management
• Human resource Management is defined as a set of policies, practices and
programs designed to maximise both personal and organisational goals.
• Human resource management is the planning, organising, directing and
controlling of the procurement, development, compensation, integration,
maintenance of human resources so that individual, organisational and societal
objectives are accomplished.
Characteristics of Human Resource
• Comprehensive Function
• People-Oriented
• Action Oriented
• Development Oriented
• Continuous Function
• Staff Function
• Young Discipline
Objectives of Human Resource Management
• To help the organisation attain its goals by providing well-trained and well
motivated employees
• To help utilise human resources effectively
• To enhance job satisfaction of employees
• To establish and maintain productive and internally satisfying working
relationship among all the members of the organisation.
• To bring about maximum individual development of members of the
• To develop and maintain quality of work life for the employees
• To maintain high morale and good human relations within the organisation
Functions of Human Resource Management
• Broadly classified into:-
• Managerial Functions
• Operating Functions
Managerial Functions
• Planning
• Organising
• Directing
• Controlling
Operative Functions
• Procurement
• Development
• Compensation
• Integration
• Maintenance
• Concerned with securing and employing the right kind and proper number of
people required to accomplish organisational objectives.
• Following are the various activities of Procurement:-
• Job Analysis
• Human Resource Planning
• Recruitment
• Selection
• Placement
• Induction or Orientation
Development Function
• Process of improving the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of employees so that
employees perform the present and future jobs more effectively.
• Following are the activities of Development:-
• Performance and Potential Appraisal
• Training
• Executive Development
• Career Planning and Development
Compensation Function
• Refers to providing equitable and fair remuneration to employees for their
contribution to the attainment of organisational objectives.
• Following activities are included in Compensation:-
• Job Evaluation
• Wage and Salary Administration (Compensation Management)
• Bonus
Integration Function
• Process of reconciling the goals of the organisation with those of its members.
• It involves following activities:-
• Motivation
• Job Satisfaction
• Grievance Redressal
• Collective Bargaining
• Conflict Management
• Participation of Employees
• Discipline
Maintenance Function

• Concerned with protecting and promoting physical and mental health of

• Following activities are included here:-
• Health & Safety
• Medical centres, Yoga, Meditation etc
• Social Security (PF, Insurance etc)
• Welfare Schemes
• Human Resource Records, Human Resource Research & Human Resource Audit

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