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Lecture 21

The Digestive System

Food for Energy and Growth

 Food provides animals with energy and essential nutrients for growth
A healthy diet contains more
carbohydrates than fats
It also contains a lot of

The pyramid of nutrition

Who Is Overweight?

 The body mass index is used to determine who’s overweight

body weight in kg (body weight in lbs) X 703

BMI = =
(height in m)2 (height in in)2
Essential Substances for Growth

 Many vertebrates are unable to manufacture one or more of the 20 amino

acids needed to make proteins
 Humans are unable to synthesize 8 amino acids
 These essential amino acids must be obtained through food

 In addition, all vertebrates cannot synthesize certain polyunsaturated fats

 Trace elements
 Minerals required in small amounts
 Iodine, cobalt, zinc, molybdenum, manganese

 Vitamins
 Essential organic substances required in small amounts
 Humans require at least 13 different vitamins
 Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) if not in diet, the disease scurvy will develop
Evolution of the Digestive System
Digestive System Overview

 Consists of tubular gastrointestinal

tract and accessory digestive
 Mouth and pharynx
 Esophagus – Delivers food to
the stomach
 Stomach – Some preliminary
 Small intestine – Digestion and
 Large intestine – Water and
mineral absorption
 Rectum – Waste excretion
General Structure of Digestive Organs

 The gastrointestinal tract has a characteristic layered structure

Connective tissue
Smooth muscles
Connective tissue
Breaking Down Food in the Mouth
 Many vertebrates have teeth that are used for chewing (mastication)

Carnivores have
pointed teeth
adapted for cutting
and shearing
Herbivores have
large flat teeth well
suited for grinding
plant cellulose
Omnivores have
carnivorous teeth in
front and herbivorous
teeth in the back
The Structure of a Tooth
Tooth and Gum Disease: Periodontitis

 Dental caries – gradual demineralization of enamel and dentin by

bacterial action
 Dental plaque, a film of sugar, bacteria, and mouth debris, adheres to teeth
 Acid produced by the bacteria in the plaque dissolves calcium salts
 Without these salts, organic matter is digested by proteolytic enzymes
 Daily flossing and brushing help prevent caries by removing forming plaque
 Gingivitis – as plaque accumulates, it calcifies and forms calculus, or
 Accumulation of calculus:
 Disrupts the seal between the gingivae and the teeth
 Puts the gums at risk for infection
 Periodontitis – serious gum disease resulting from an immune
 Immune system attacks intruders as well as body tissues, carving pockets
around the teeth and dissolving bone

 Superior surface bears three types of papillae

 Filiform – give the tongue roughness and provide friction
 Fungiform – scattered widely over the tongue and give it a reddish hue
 Circumvallate – V-shaped row in back of tongue
 Sulcus terminalis – groove that separates the tongue into two areas:
 Anterior 2/3 residing in the oral cavity
 Posterior third residing in the oropharynx
In The Mouth

 The tongue mixes food with a

solution called saliva
 Saliva moistens and
lubricates food and
contains amylase which
initiates breakdown of
starch into maltose
 The secretions of the salivary
glands are controlled by the
nervous system
 A continuous secretion of
about 0.5 milliliters per
minute keeps the mouth
 The presence of food in
the mouth triggers an
increased rate of secretion

 Prior to swallowing, the tongue moves food to the back of the mouth
 The soft palate elevates, pushing against back wall of pharynx
 This stimulates neurons to send impulses to the swallowing center in
the brain
 Muscles contract and raise the larynx
 The glottis is pushed against the epiglottis which keeps food out of the
respiratory tract, and into the esophagus
The Esophagus and Stomach

 The esophagus is a muscular tube

that connects the pharynx to the

The swallowing center stimulates

successive waves of contraction
Peristalsis moves food along the
esophagus to the stomach
The stomach and gastric glands
 Movement of food from
esophagus into stomach is
controlled by a ring of
smooth muscle, the
 Humans lack a true
sphincter and thus, can

 The stomach is a saclike

portion of the tract with a
convoluted surface
enabling expansion
 It contains an extra layer  The human stomach produces about 2 liters of
of smooth muscles for HCl and other gastric secretions every day
mixing food with gastric  This gastric juice has a pH of ~ 2
juices  It kills most bacteria ingested with food and
 Two kinds of secretory
also denatures food proteins
 Parietal cells –  The mixture of partially digested food and
Secrete hydrochloric gastric juice is termed chyme
acid  Chyme leaves the stomach to the small
 Chief cells – Secrete
pepsinogen intestine through the pyloric sphincter

 The hormone gastrin regulates the synthesis of HCl

 Overproduction of gastric acid can occasionally eat a hole

through the stomach wall
 These gastric ulcers are rare
 Susceptibility increases when mucosal barriers are
weakened by Helicobacter pylori infection

 Over 90% of gastrointestinal ulcers are duodenal ulcers

 Caused by too much chyme in the small intestine
The Small Intestine

 The small intestine is the body’s

true digestive vat
 It breaks down large
molecules into smaller ones
which are then absorbed into
the bloodstream

 The small intestine is ~ 6 m long

 The first 25 cm (~ 4%)
constitute the duodenum

 The duodenum is the actual site

of digestion  The ileum is the rest of the small intestine (~
 The pancreas secretes 96%)
digestive enzymes into it  It is devoted to absorption
 The liver secretes bile salts  The lining is covered with finger-like
into it, to make fats easier to projections called villi
 Each cell covering a villus has cytoplasmic
digest projections called microvilli which increase
the absorptive surface
Anatomy of the Small Intestine
The Large Intestine

 The large intestine, or colon is only 1 meter long

 But has a larger diameter than the small intestine

 No digestion and little absorption take place in the large intestine

 Its primary function is to act as a refuse dump by collecting and compacting
solid wastes
 Feces pass through the rectum as a result of peristalsis and leave the body
through the anus
Accessory Digestive Organs
 Pancreas
 Functions as both an exocrine & endocrine
 Exocrine: Cell clusters called acini secrete
 Trypsin and chymotrypsin which digest
 Amylase which digests starch
 Lipase which digests fats
 Bicarbonate which neutralizes HCl in
 Endocrine: Cell clusters called Islets of
Langerhans secrete
 Insulin and glucagon which regulate sugar
levels in blood
 Liver
 Largest internal organ of the body
 Its main exocrine secretion is bile
 Aids in the digestion of fats in the  Gall bladder
duodenum  Stores and concentrates bile
 Chemically modifies substances absorbed in  Delivers it to the duodenum
the gastrointestinal tract via the bile duct
 Converts poisons into less toxic forms
 Produces most of the proteins found in plasma
Microscopic Anatomy of the Liver

 Hepatocytes’
functions include:
 Production of bile
 Processing
 Storage of fat-
soluble vitamins
 Detoxification
 Secreted bile flows
between hepatocytes
toward the bile ducts in
the portal triads

 Liver sinusoids – enlarged, leaky

capillaries located between hepatic
 Kupffer cells – hepatic macrophages
found in liver sinusoids

 Homeostasis is the dynamic constancy of the internal

 Conditions fluctuate continuously within narrow limits

 Homeostasis is essential for life

Play Hormones & Gastric Secretion

Regulating Blood Glucose

 Blood glucose levels are monitored by the Islets of Langerhans in the


When levels are high, insulin is When levels are low, glucagon
released is released

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