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Collecting, analysing, and feeding back

diagnostic information

School of management Krida Wacana University, Jakarta

Collecting and Analysing Diagnostic

School of management Krida Wacana University, Jakarta

Major methods for collecting data

1. Interviews
2. Observations
3. Unobtrusive methods

School of management Krida Wacana University, Jakarta

 Flexibility – allows discretion re pursuing themes and further
 Primary and rich data
 Can build rapport with subjects, in which case more honest and
frank disclosure is possible
 May be individual or group-oriented
 Focus groups popular: can uncover info. on specific matters and in
great depth. In this form, the process can be quite economical

School of management Krida Wacana University, Jakarta

Substantial time to plan, conduct and analyse,
with potential complications in interpretation of
Comparative silence - ‘sleepers’ in group
interviews (focus groups) means some views may
not be aired. The prevailing views then may not
reflect accurately the group view

School of management Krida Wacana University, Jakarta

Advantages Disadvantages
– Yields data on actual • Meaning behind
behaviour observed behaviours
– Free of bias associated can be difficult to
with self-reporting determine
– Focus on the present • Observer bias possible
whereas other methods
• Can be expensive
tend to be retrospective
– Observer can readily
change point of focus

School of management Krida Wacana University, Jakarta

Unobtrusive measures
Advantages Disadvantages
– Non-reactive, no – Access and retrieval difficulties
response bias (data in a form that’s useful to
the company but not the
– High face validity: can be consultant
used to cross-check – recording procedures are
– Easily quantified and subject to change, which can
reflect ‘legitimacy’ make validity of data
– Coding and interpretation

School of management Krida Wacana University, Jakarta

Feeding Back Diagnostic Information

School of management Krida Wacana University, Jakarta

Characteristics of effective feedback
 Relevant
 Understandable
 Descriptive
 Verifiable
 Timely
 Comparative
 Unfinalised
 Significant
 Limited

School of management Krida Wacana University, Jakarta

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