Natural Learning Theory

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Natural Learning Theory/Model of


READ 650 Group Presentations -

Jenny Bayer and Hope Mounie
Principles of Natural Learning Model
of Reading
Reading is a naturally developed process.
• Humans are born with the ability to
learn to read
• There is a connection between our
developmental patterns and the rate
we learn to read
• Less about recognizing error, more
about gaining an understanding of why
Aligning Natural Learning Models of
Reading With Historical Eras
• Mid 1960’s: Skinnerian Behaviorism
• Shift from the behaviorist view of
learning as conditioning.
• This influenced was caused by the
emerging research in neuroscience and
cognitive science.
• Reading as a Natural Process.
• Linguists vs. psycholinguists
The First Grade Studies
• Researchers from
27 different reading
projects to compare
approaches to
instruction in
beginning reading.

Nature of Reading vs.

Teaching of Reading
Conditions that prompted
Natural Learning Models of Reading
• Researchers were beginning to focus on
what goes on in the mind of readers
• Development is less environmentally
driven; more “hard-wired” for humans
• Reading acquisition is less about
consequence and more about
understanding the process
Leading Researchers of Natural
Learning Research in Reading
• Noam Chomsky: Believed in less environmental
factors and more “hard-wired” view of language.
• Language, as well as other human capacities are to
be developed through meaningful use NOT
practiced to the point of mindless reaction.
• He saw a relation between neurological structures
and grammatical structures.
• “Humans emerge from the womb with a pre existing
template that guides language use.” It is to unfold
naturally according to the developmental trajectory.
How does a Natural Learning model
inform research in reading?
• Research Questions
Is language a learned behavior or is it something we are born with and
accustomed to?
Does language development begin with one being taught reading or is it a
natural process that is already in the human brain?
• Methodologies
The Natural Approach: To teach language through a holistic and natural
experience. The output of language is not the focus, it is the progression
to language based on the input.
• Instructional Recommendations:
* Do not rush! Language comes at different paces for different people.
* Create a low-anxiety classroom. Develop a secure, safe, and stress
free learning environment.
*Promote critical thinking by asking for deeper meanings and understanding
without drilling and error correction.
* Create motivating and meaningful lessons.
Visual of Natural Learning Theory

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