Internet Marketing

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‡ Information purposes
‡ Promote brand images
‡ Positioning
‡ Offering promotions
‡ Products and Services for sale
j     Ô

Ôebsite - place where providers make information
available to the users of the internet.

‡ Requires time and effort

‡ Attract visitors to the site and have them return to it.
‡ Requires a combination of creativity, effective marketing
and continual updating of the site
‡ Must integrated with other media in regard with
objectives, appearance and other factors
ommunications Medium
² reate awareness
² Provide information
² Influence attitude as well as other communication
Direct response medium
² Allowing the user to purchase and sell product through
‡ reate Brand Awareness
Advertising on the web can be useful in creating
awareness of an organization as well as its specific product
and services offerings.
‡ Generate Interest
reate an interest that will bring visitors back to learn
more about the products and to sell stuff
‡ Disseminate Information
Provided site of the company with detailed
information and offerings
‡ reate an Image
Reflect the image that the company wants to portray
‡ reate a Strong Brand
Integrated marketing communications program-
useful tool for branding
‡ reate a Strong Brand
-Branding is a omplicated Process
-Branding and Direct Response May Be
- The cost are too high
- Stimulate Trial
- reate Buzz
- Gain onsideration
‡ Branding is a Complicated Process
² new or less well-known brands may have to assume
different strategies than those used by more established

‡ Branding and Direct Response May Be Counterobjectives

² direct marketing requires very target effort searching for
high probability buyers. Branding is much less targeted
and reaches out to numerous audiences.
‡ The cost are too high
² cutting advertising and brand identity efforts on the
Internet will Immediately reflect cost savings and a return
to business as normal
‡ Stimulate Trial
² marketers found that the Internet was effective medium
for stimulating trial of their product and services.
‡ Create Buzz
² the viral nature of social networking

‡ Gain Consideration
² many marketers believe that the Internet is an effective
medium for achieving communications objective such as
consideration and evaluation.
Ex: Blogs and discussion boards
‡ Direct selling of goods and services
ã a   a   
Advertising on the Internet
‡ Like broadcast or print, the Internet is an advertising
‡ Employs a variety of forms, including banners,
sponsorships, pop-ups and pop-unders, interstitials, push
technologies, links, paid searches, behavior targeting,
contextual ads, and rich media.
c   a  
‡ Banners
- The most common form of advertising on the Web is
Banner ads.
- Banner ads may be used for creating awareness or
recognition, entering viewers into contests and
sweepstakes, or direct-marketing objectives.
- Initially banner ads constituted the vast majority of
advertising on the Net.
c   a    
‡ Sponsorships -another common form of advertising that
has two types:
Regular Sponsorships- occur when a company pays to
sponsor a section of a site
Example: House Beautiful Magazine,
Cosmopolitan magazine sponsorship on
Content Sponsorship- more involved agreement in which
the sponsor not only provides dollars return for name
association but participates in providing the content itself.
c   a    
‡ Pop-Ups/Pop-Unders
Pop-Ups- advertisements that appear when you access
certain sites.
- are usually larger than banner ads but smaller than
a full screen.
-These are the advertisements that you see when you
access the Internet that looks like a window or a creature
of some sort that appears on your screen in an attempt to
get your attention.
Pop-Unders-ads that appear underneath the Web page
and become visible only when the user leaves the site.


c   a    
‡ Interstitials
- Ads that appear on your screen while you are
waiting for a site·s content to download.

c   a    
‡ Push Technologies or webcasting technologies
-Allow companies to ´pushµ a message to consumers rather
than waiting for them to find it.
-Dispatch Web pages and news updates and may have
sound and video geared to specific audiences or
-Users can use personalization-that is, they can personalize
their sites to request the kinds of specific information they
are most interested in viewing.

c   a    
‡ Links
-onsidered by some as not a type of advertising.
-Serve many of the same purposes as are served by the
other types.
c   a    
‡ Paid Search
- one of the most used forms of advertising on the
-also known as search engine advertising which
advertisers pay only when a consumer clicks on their ad or
link from a search engine page.

c   a    
‡ Behavioral Targeting
-another internet advertising concept that has only
recently gained acceptance
-is based on advertisers· targeting consumers
according to their Web Sites surfing behaviours. By
compiling clickstream date and Internet Protocol (IP)
information, segments of potential buyers can be identified
and ads directed specifically to them.

c   a    
‡ ontextual Ads
-used by advertisers who target their ads based on the
content of Web page.

c   a    
‡ Rich Media
-a broad range of interactive digital media that
exhibit dynamic motion taking advantage of enhanced
sensory features such as video, audio and animation.
Online Commercials- are the equivalent of traditional
television commercials that are appearing on the Net.
Video On Demand- are the video clips of various
entertainment activities (which include ads or are
c   a    
Ôebisodes- Short featured films (such as those created by
Skyy Vodka and BMÔ) in which companies create their
own content to advertise their products.
Other Forms of Rich Media Advertising- interactive
banner ads, expandable ads, and rich media ads places in
video games, instant messaging, podcasts, and video ads
within blogs are additional ways that rich media are
currently employed.
c a   
‡ Podcasting- a medium that uses the internet to distribute
radio like files for downloading into iPods and other MP3
‡ RSS (Really Simple Syndication)- a specification that uses
XML to organize and format Web-based content in a
standard way
‡ Blogs- or Weblog, is a Web-based publication consisting
primarily of periodic articles, normally presented in
reverse chronological order.
!   a  
ompanies have found the internet to be very effective
medium for disseminating sale promotions.
‡ Nielsen Media Research who offered a chance to win
$50,000 in cash, a new car, or a trip around the world for
participating in a panel to provide them with insight about
the future of the internet.
‡ Yahoo! Ha started its own Apprentice-like online reality
show, and Yahoo! And MTV have teamed up to start an
online reality show about long-distance dating in which
three couples compete for a two-week European vacation.
 !   a  
‡ Web has become a primary source of information
for millions of customers in the consumer and
business-to-business markets
‡ In a well-designed IM program, the Internet and
personal selling are designed to be complimentary
tools, working together to increase sales.

‡ Many sites devote a portion of their content to
public relations activities, including the provision
of information about the company, its
philanthropic activities, annual reports and more.
‡ At the same time, many philanthropic and non-
profit organizations have found the Internet to be a
useful way to generate funds.
j    a  
‡ Direct Mail
² Direct mail on the Internet (e-mail) is essentially an
electronic version of a regular mail.
‡ Infomercial
² information +
² TV programs with
commercial content
‡ E-commerce
² direct sales on the internet
‡ Home Shopping hannels
 4   a  
Audience Measure and Measures of Effectiveness
‡ Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) ² largest and most
influential trade group which formed a task force in
November 2004 to examine and create a standardized
measures to advertising impact and to eliminate
The adoption of these guidelines, along with objective
auditing would make internet a more attractive medium
for many of those who advertise in traditional media.
Measures of Effectiveness
‡ Internet-specific measures ² includes ad recall, brand
awareness and purchase intention. urrently, companies
use various types of measures of effectiveness:

Clicks Advertising exposure time

Post-click conversions Ad interaction rate
Cost per conversion View-through rate
Unique reach of delivered ads Web page eye tracking
Cross-media econometric model Offline Sales lift
Frequency to conversion ratios Average frequency
Share of Voice
‡ Cross-Media Optimization Schedule (XMOS) ² measure
online and offline advertising in the same campaign to
determine the optimal weight and mix of each medium

Provide insight to:

-The relative contributions of each medium in the mix
-The combined contribution of multiple media
-Optimal media budget allocation
-Actional media mix strategies
‡ Traditional Measures

² Recall and Retention ² used to pretest online commercials and

Internet ads
² Surveys ² conducted both online and through traditional
methods employed to determine everything from site usage to
attitudes towards a site
² Sales ² a prime indicator of effectiveness for e-commerce
marketers; adding information regarding demographics, user
behaviors, and so on, can increase effectiveness of this measure
² Tracking ² Some companies offer more traditional tracking
measures; they provide information such as brand awareness, ad
recall, message association and purchase intent
VVVAdvertising Digital Identification (Ad-Id)

² system used by the Association of Advertising Agencies

and Association of National Advertisers that assigns
advertising across all media a specific media code to
facilitate cross-media buys. In 2008, Ad-Id became the
official media coding standard.
!  j
‡ Arbitron
‡ Ad Analyzer
‡ Audit Bureau of irculations
‡ Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB)
‡ eMarketer
‡ Nielsen Net Ratings
‡ Jupiter Research, Inc
c   j   






c a  
‡ Interactive TV (iTV) ² allows the viewers of a TV program
to interact with the program and the ads.
‡ Ô reless ² rap dly grow ng nteract e med um through
adert sements, coupons, and d rect-response offers
through cell phones and personal d g tal ass stance (PDAs)
Start ng to exper ence growth part ularly n ASIA
Through th s med um, there s a huge opportun ty to reah
Ex:Google- adapt ng web searh, mapp ng, and
adert s ng tools for w reless
c a    
BS- testing location-based cell phone

VeMarketer predicts that mobile

advertising will increase more than
tenfold by 2011.
VDue to limited reach and high PMs,
mobile has not yet taken off as much in
the US, but it will.

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