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Sonali Gore (17310041)

2. Abdul Rahim Sheikh (17310021)

3. Ravi Kanth Sriwastav (17310002)

Exploring Solar Energy

Radiant Energy
Nuclear Fusion

About ¾ of the Sun's mass consists

of hydrogen (~73%); the rest is
mostly helium (~25%)

The surface receives about 47% of the

total solar energy that reaches the Earth.
Only this amount is usable.
Renewable Energy
Renewable energy is the energy derived from resources that are regenerative, and do not deplete over time.
 Renewable Energy are Biomass, Hydropower, Wind energy, Solar energy, geothermal energy.

Fig 1. All India Installed capacity in MW till 31.03.2016 Fig 2. All India Renewable Installed capacity in MW till 31.03.2016

Reference:Draft National Electricity Plan, Volume 1, Government of India ,Ministry of Power,Central Electricity Authority,December 2016.
India 12th five year Plan on Renewable Energy
Renewable . (GW)
12 Five year Plan Target Target completed (GW)
Energy ( 2012-2017) [1] (As on Oct 2017) [2]
Wind 60 32.7
Solar 100 15.6
Biomass 10 8.2
Hydropower 5 4.4
Total 175 60.9

Fig.3. Targeted Renewable Energy by 2022 (175 GW)

3% Wind
34% Biomass

1. "Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Annual Report 2015-2016".

2. "Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Physical Progress (Achievements)“
Major Uses of Solar Energy
• Daylight

• Drying Agricultural Products

• Space Heating

• Water Heating

• Generating Electrical Power

• Concentrating Solar Power (CSP)
• Photovoltaics
Drying Agricultural Products
Space Heating Through Passive Solar

Active Solar Water Heating
• Glass on outside
• Absorbent on inside
• Circulating Fluid
Mechanism: Concentrating Solar Energy to Electricity

Fig. 5. Mechanism for electricity Generation from solar energy

Mechanism: PV Solar Energy to Electricity
Photo voltaic (PV) panels consist of
semiconductors (silicon based)

PV cells have two types of

semiconductors: one +ve charged
and one -ve charged

When light shines on the

semiconductor, the electric field
across the junction between these
two layers causes an electric current

The greater the intensity of light, the

greater the flow of electricity

Fig.6. Mechanism of Solar Energy to electricity by PV cell

Advantages of Solar Energy
• Clean

• Sustainable

• Free

• Provide electricity to remote places

Disadvantages of Solar Energy
• Less efficient and costly equipment

• Part Time

• Reliability Depends On Location

• Environmental Impact of PV Cell Production

• Reduce the burden on the depletion of Non-renewable sources of

• Pollution control and prevention of environmental degradation

through less usage of Non-renewable sources.

• The disadvantages Associated with solar energy such as cost, location,

environmental impact can be worked upon through research and
development looking into its vast advantages.
1. Draft National Electricity Plan, Volume 1, Government of India ,Ministry of Power, Central
Electricity Authority, December 2016.

2. "Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Annual Report 2015-2016".

3. "Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Physical Progress (Achievements)“

4. Exploring Solar energy, “The NEED Project”

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