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In your SAND Books, leave 4 clear lines and then answer these

1. What is the tortoise thinking?
2. What would the tortoise say if it could?
3. What three words describe best how it is feeling?
Points of View
Learning Objective: To understand how to adopt
a consistent viewpoint in written work.
By the end of the lesson...
 All (Level 3): Use a diary format and show the
character’s basic feelings/attitude.
 Most (Level 4): Use detailed descriptions and write

in the role of Link throughout a diary entry.

 Some (Level 5): Use language that Link would use

and show Link’s character in your writing.

Features of a diary
(Prior Knowledge)
 What features would you expect to see in a
diary entry?
 Features:

◦ Put the date at the top of each entry

◦ ‘Dear Diary,’ (as first line)
 Tone:
◦ Informal: Use casual language.
◦ Write in the first person (use I instead of he/she)
◦ Use the past tense.
 Content:
◦ Significant events for the diary writer.
◦ Personal response; how you are feeling.
Mini-Plenary: What features do you
7th June 2010
 Dear Diary,
It has been the longest day! Firstly, I woke
up and went for a shower and the hot water
wasn’t working. Nightmare! So, I had to have
a cold shower. THEN, if that wasn’t bad
enough, the bus was late. This meant I was
20 mins late to meet Bob at the Bullring.
Once we were there though, I bought some
wicked jeans though...
What is ‘viewpoint?’
 When the action of a story is seen through a
character’s eyes, this is called their viewpoint.
 The action in Stone Cold is seen from the

viewpoint of two characters. Who are they?

Creating viewpoint
 The writer creates a viewpoint by letting the
reader know what a character feels and what they
think about what is happening.
 Techniques:
 1. Adjectives: Words that describe how the
character sees the world.
 2. Opinions: When the writer tells the reader what
the character is thinking.
 3. Feelings: When the writer tells the reader what
the character is feeling.
 4. Language: The writer chooses certain words
that match the character. For example, youth
slang for a young character. What other examples
can you think of?
Task: Analyse Diary Entry
 Individually, you will be given an extract from
a famous diary.
 1. Underline all of the features that show that

this is a diary entry.

 2. What is the writer feeling? How do they

show this?
 Consider- How does the writer feel about the

Germans? How is this shown?

 You have 10 minutes.
Stone Cold Diary Entry
 What has happened so far? How was Link
feeling, the last time we read?
 Main Task: Write a diary entry from Link’s

viewpoint for the section that we have read.

 All (Level 3): Use a diary format and show the

character’s basic feelings/attitude.
 Most (Level 4): Add detailed descriptions and

write in the role of Link throughout diary.

 Some (Level 5): Use language that Link would

use and show Link’s character in your writing.

Peer Assessment
Level AF1: Write imaginatively AF2: Write in correct format
5 - Chooses several words that fit - All features of diary are
Links character, that he could present.
- All of the diary seems to be
written by Link.
4 -Adds some details that show -Most features of diary are
Link’s character. present.
-Most of diary seems to be
written by Link.
3 -Shows Links basic feelings and - Some features of diary are
thoughts. present.
-Some of diary seems to be
Plenary Pyramid

I can evaluate use

of viewpoint and
the diary format.

I can apply my understanding of

viewpoint and diary format.

I can identify features of a diary entry.

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