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Chapter 3
2. And all his works?
1. Do you reject Satan?
3. And all his empty promises?

4. Do you believe in Jesus

I do
6. Do you believe in
Christ, his only son, our
the God the Father,
Lord, who was born of the
almighty, creator of
Virgin Mary, was crucified,
heaven and earth?
died, and was buried, rose
from the dead and is now
5. Do you believe in the Holy seated at the right hand of
Spirit, the Holy Catholic the Father?
Church, the communion of
saints, the forgiveness of sins,
the Resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting? Saying No to Sin
Sacrament of Christian Initiation
One of the three sacraments—Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist—
through which a person enters into full membership in the Church.

Understanding the Sacrament of Baptism

Old Testament Prefigures Baptism
Scripture Event of the Old Testament Prefigures Baptism
Genesis Since the beginning of the world water is a source of We are brought forth to a new life
1:1-2 life. in Baptism.
Genesis God sent a Great Flood to wipe out and destroy sin. Our sin is buried in Baptism.
Exodus God helped Moses and his Chosen People to escape Baptism reminds us of God’s
14:10-31 slavery and cross the Red Sea. promise to always bring us home.
Joshua God led Joshua (Jesus’ name in Hebrew is Joshua) Signifies us leaving our old life and
3:13-17 who in turn led the Israelites to the Promised Land. choosing to follow Jesus.

Ezekiel “I will sprinkle clean water upon you to cleanse you In Baptism we are cleansed of our
36:35-36 from all your impurities….” sins and given new life.
2 Kings The prophet Elisha told the Syrian general to dip Baptism symbolizes our being
5:1-19 himself seven times in the waters of the Jordan River cleansed by baptism and healed
to be healed. and saved.
Understanding the Sacrament of Baptism
Four Stages of Initiation in Early Church
1. Precatechumenate: Inquirers underwent evangelization and initial
conversion learning about the Good News.
2. Catechumenate: Catechumens participated in a two- to three-year
period of study about Jesus and the Christian faith.
3. Purification, Enlightenment, or Illumination: The ”elect” intensified
their preparation for the sacraments of initiation which were received
at the Easter Vigil
4. Mystagogia: A Greek term meaning “leading into the mystery.” This
period lasted at least the entire Easter season The newly baptized,
neophytes, immersed themselves in the Church taking an active part.
Understanding the Sacrament of Baptism
Modern Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
The process by which an
unbaptized adult or an adult
baptized in another ecclesial
community prepares for full
initiation into the Catholic Church.

Understanding the Sacrament of Baptism

Four Stages of RCIA

1. Period of Inquiry: The

interested person learns
about the Catholic faith and
the call to discipleship. This
is a period of
evangelization. The first
step of this stage is
acceptance into the
catechumenate. The second
step is the Rite of Election in
which catechumens publicly
express desire to follow
Christ Understanding the Sacrament of Baptism
2. Period of Catechumenate: A
time of formation and
instruction in the Catholic
faith that includes
catechesis, spiritual
development, participation
in the liturgy, and engaging
in apostolic witness This
period concludes with
enrollment of names occurs
on first Sunday of Lent.
Catechumens sign their
names in the Book of the
Elect. This is the Rite of

Understanding the Sacrament of Baptism

3. Period of Purification: The elect
participate in three scrutinies. They
also participate in two optional
presentations—the Apostles’ or Nicene
Creed and the Lord’s Prayer.
This period ends with the celebration of the
Sacraments of Christian Initiation at the
Easter Vigil. The catechumens receive the
Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and

Understanding the Sacrament of Baptism

4. Period of Mystagoy: This is a
period of postbaptismal
catechesis. Newly initiated
Catholics are called neophytes.
Neophytes continue to
“deepen their grasp of the
Paschal Mystery.” This period
lasts from Easter Vigil until
Pentecost or sometimes
Understanding the Sacrament of Baptism
Baptism of Blood Baptism of
The belief that martyrs who had not Desire
yet been baptized by water may
receive forgiveness for their sins and The belief that
experience God’s saving mercy catechumens who died
before receiving the
Sacrament of Baptism
may receive forgiveness
for their sins and
experience God’s saving

Celebrating the Sacrament of Baptism

Steps of Rite of Significance of each part of the Rite
Sign of the cross Reminder that catechumen belongs to Christ
The Word of God Scripture reminds us that we belong to God
Exorcisms and Priest asks that each candidate be protected against Satan and sin. Each candidate is
Profession of Faith anointed with oil of catechumens
Blessing of the water Celebrant calls for the Holy Spirit to become present in the water
Essential Rite of Celebrant immerses each candidate in the water three times or pours water over the
Baptism head saying “I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy
Anointing with Anointing of each newly baptized on the crown of the head with the oil. Symbolizes the
sacred chrism coming of the Holy Spirit
Receiving or clothing Signifies their new dignity
in white garment
Receiving a lit candle Candle symbolizes the light of Christ and the neophyte’s responsibility to bring the light
of Christ to the world
Celebrating the Sacrament of Baptism
Oil of
Catechumens Sacred Chrism
Olive oil that is blessed Perfumed oil consecrated
by a bishop at the Chrism by the bishop and used
Mass on or around Holy for anointing in the
Thursday and used to Sacraments of Baptism,
anoint those preparing Confirmation, and Holy
for Baptism Orders

Celebrating the Sacrament of Baptism

Original Sin, and
personal sin

• Concupiscence (inclination toward sin) remains

• Death and suffering remain

The Graces of the Sacrament of Baptism

Precepts of the Church
1. You shall attend Mass on Sundays and on holy
days of obligation and rest from servile labor.
2. You shall confess your sins at least once a year.
3. You shall receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist at
least during the Easter season.
4. You shall observe the days of fasting and
abstinence established by the Church.
5. You shall help to provide for the needs of the

The Graces of the Sacrament of Baptism

Brotherly bond of Baptism Eastern Baptism grants
a “sacramental
bond of unity”
Methodist (CCC, 1271)
among all
those who are
Baptism reborn
through it.


The Graces of the Sacrament of Baptism

How Do You Recall Your Baptism?
• When you enter the Church you bless yourself
with holy water.
• When you listen to the reading of the creation
account at the Easter Vigil.
• When you are blessed with baptismal water at
the Easter Vigil or Easter Sunday
• When you renew you baptismal promises at
Easter Vigil or Easter Sunday.
• When you contemplate your Baptism
through your prayer life.

The Graces of the Sacrament of Baptism



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