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Group 4:

Girish Matada
Himanshu Kunawar
Samir Vats
Abhishek Kr Aditya
Vikash Gupta
Company Profile
 Starbucks Corporation is an American coffee company
and coffeehouse chain. Starbucks was founded in Seattle, Washington
in 1971.
 It is considered the main representative of “second wave coffee”.
 Starbucks’s logo is inspired by the sea featuring at twin-tailed siren
from Greek mythology.
 Believes in serving the best coffee possible - goal is to grow our coffee
under the highest standards of quality.
Problem Definition
(Big Question)
The overarching question that we should answer is
how Starbucks can stay profitable in the future.
Current Scenario
 In the last few years, Starbucks has entered into a battle of
 Dunkin' Donuts and McDonald’s are posing new challenges.
 Widening its current customer base.
 Drawing consumers from the competitors.
1. Strategies to Renew the “Starbucks Brand Name”.
What if, the brand image hits a new low.

2. Strategies to Build and Retain Customer Loyalty.

If its vast customer base switches loyalty to its competitors

3. Strategies towards Pricing and focus on quality.

If it losses its competitive edge over quality.
1. Strategies to Renew the “Starbucks Brand Name”
 Advertising and Promotion.
 Need to convince people that Starbucks coffee is superior to
other coffees.
 Provide more consumer satisfaction and customer delight
 More aggressive in their advertising campaigns.
 Educate and notify the public the specialty and uniqueness
of Starbucks coffee.
 Product Differentiation:-
 Maintain its competitive advantage.
 Focus on product innovation.
 Invest in extensive research and development efforts to
develop new flavours, blends or even roast fusions.
 To provide free samples for a limited period of time for its
revolutionary products
 2. Strategies to Build and Retain Customer Loyalty
 Privilege Card and Rewards Program
 Starbucks need to think how they can pass on more benefits and
 cardholders can also register online to qualify for rewards each
time they use their Starbucks card
 include complimentary beverages after a certain number of
purchases, free refills, and free syrup and milk options
 gain the loyalty of customers.
 3. Strategies towards Pricing and focus on Quality.
 Starbucks should consider strategies to reduce cost.
 Strategies to promote growth and profit.
 Revamp its supply chain strategy.
 Strict quality controls in its coffee sourcing as and its
customer service.
 Price hikes for lower margin products that can entice its
customers to upgrade to more expensive options.

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