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Characteristic Features

•severe headaches
• shiver
• pain in the eyeball
• back pain
• readness of the skin rash
• An infectious disease caused by a virus dengue
transmitted by mosquito bites aides aigpty
• Tremendous efect on Aides Aigepty
The annual DHF incidence increased from 0.05/100,000
in 1968 to ~ 35-40/100,000 in 2013, with superimposed
epidemics demonstrating a similar increasing trend with the
highest epidemic occurring in 2010 (85.70/100,000; p <
The CFR declined from 41% in 1968 to 0.73% in 2013 (p
< 0.01). Mean age of DHF cases increased during the
observation period. Highest incidence of DHF was observed
among children aged 5 to 14 years up to 1998, but declined
thereafter (p < 0.01). In those aged 15 years or over, DHF
incidence increased (p < 0.01) and surpassed that of 5 to 14
year olds from 1999 onwards.
Singns and symptons
1. Bruising
2. Nosebleeds
3. Bleeding gums
4. Bleeding in the skin
5. Internal organs bleeding
• After dengue virus enters the body,the patient had no complaints
and symptoms because viremia,such as
fever,headache,nausea,muscle pain,stiffness throughout the
body,hiperemidi throat rrashes,and abnormalities that may arise
rekkuloendoterial,such as enlargement of the glands
lymph,livwe,and spleen.Rash on DHF is caused due to congestion of
blood vessels under the skin.

The main pathophysiological phenemwnon which determines

the weight of the disease and distinguish between DF and DHF
heightened permeability of the capillary walls due to the release of
histamine and serotonin anafilaktosin substances and kalikreain
system activation that result in reduced plasma volume
hemokonsentrasi hypotension hypothermia and shock effusion.
• Someone infected with DHF should be
monitored closely. Especially on the fourth day
since the onset of symptoms. When cyanosis
then the should be given oxygen. And than in
case of vasculer failure than the client should
receive infusions and blood transfusions need
to control bleeding.
• Fever that accur suddenly, up 39 – 40 celciuc
sometimes accompanied by chills, lasts for 5-7
days. The fefer often ends abruptly, sweat
quite a lot.
• Dangue fever generally have a good
prognosisif handlied with by, problem
happens when think go wrong . And control
the accourance of shock which can quicly lead
to death.
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Diarrhea
• Muscle pain
• Bone
• Joint
• Stomatch
• Heartburn
• trombositopenia

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