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By: Brandon Fuchs; Samantha Martinez; Emily Walthers

▶ How old are you?

▶ What is your gender?
▶ In which college are you enrolled?
▶ Where do you live?
▶ What is your GPA?
▶ How many hours do you study on an average day?
▶ Is living in your current place affected your GPA?

▶ 133 people responded

We took the responses to find out the audience

What’s Your Gender?

that we are reaching: options are male, females,
other, and prefer not to answer

What’s Your Gender?

To figure out the demographic: we asked how old

How Old are You?

are you? We took the average, mode, median,
maximum, minimum.

How Old are You?

What’s your living situation: a question that we let

What’s Your Living Situation?

people fill in the blank, the responses ranged from
at home, apartment, and dorm depending on the

What’s Your Living Situation?

Again to find the demographic: we

What Type of College are You In? asked what college in Arizona State
University are you in. Teacher’s college
being the most answered.

What Type of College are You In?

Taking the data we analyzed it to make a chart

Amount of People Vs. GPA

analyzing the amount of people and their GPA.
Creating a bar graph we should that most people had
a 3.5-4.0+
Next we created female vs. male for GPA. Notice how
there are more females thus making the data seem like

Overall Popularity By: GPA

females how more range. It is interesting to see that
females made up 1.5- for GPA.

Overall Popularity By: GPA

We asked the question if their GPA has changed,
we arranged by the current GPA

Popularity By: Change In GPA

Popularity By: Change In GPA
Next we analyzed their GPA vs.the hours that
they studied.

Popularity By: Hours Studied

Lastly we took were they live vs. their current GPA.

Popularity By: Where You Live

109 females took the quiz, 21 males took the quiz, 2 people preferred not to
answer, and 1 person chose other.
The average age was 19.61, mode age was 19, median age was 19, maximum age
was 33 and minimum age was.
In a dorm with roommates was the most popular living situation.
Most people chose Teachers College Mary Lou Fulton.
Most people were in between 3.5-4.0 in their GPA.
The most popular GPA was 3.5-4.0.
Most people chose that their GPA stayed the same.
Most people studied 0-3 hours per day.
Most people with a 3.5-4.0 GPA stayed in a dorm with roommates.
From this project we learned:
● How to transfer research to an excel sheet, then
powerpoint, and a word analysis
● Utilizing the skills we learned throughout the year such
as formulas in excel, formatting in word, and how to
create a powerpoint
● We learned how to collect data and how to find a
reasonable amount of questions to ask and answer

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